1D: Formation of Canon and Inspiration Flashcards
‘hidden books’ - collection of books found in between OT and NT. Protestants do not see these as canonical but may be accepted as useful
belongs to the ‘second canon’. Catholic and Orthodox churches accept these as equally inspired
Jewish canon which contains 3 sections: Law (Torah), Prophets (Nevi’im), and Writings (Kethuvim)
Greek translation of the Jewish scripture, complied in 4th century BCE. includes Hebrew works of the Tanakh and later Greek words
Latin translation of OT and NT created by St Jerome in 4th century
Muratorian Canon
oldest known list of 22 books out of the 27 in the NT
‘god breathed’
Greek term used in 2 Tim 3:16
Divine Dictation Model
objective model
- implies god speaks directly through the writer: literally “god breathed”
- writer simply writes down what god says
- recognises different types of literature in the Bible
- eg god dictated some poetry which is meant to be understood as poetry, not taken as literal
Plenary Verbal Inspiration
a more modern version of divine dictation model
- emerged in 19th century in response to challenges against the Bible presented by scientific discoveries
- minority view
- many who take it will believe the whole text is meant to be read literally
another name for new orthodoxy
- the Bible induces an inspiration in the reader, they are moved by their experience of Jesus (the word of god)
Salvation History
subjective view
- a human record of history that sees god acting in it to save humanity
- inspiration is not directly through words but through experience
- god acts in the world and people recorded their experiences
Doctrine of Accommodation
Calvin’s theory that god adapted to human understanding by simplifying some ideas in the Bible
Christians who believe that the Bible should be understood literally (linked with most OBJECTIVE understanding of inspiration)
Christians who believe that an enlightenment worldview makes it unlikely that many supernatural elements of the Bible are historically true (linked with SUBJECTIVE understanding of inspiration)
Christians who believe that the Bible is inspired through divine guidance.
- this school of thought tends to defend belief in key beliefs such as the virgin birth and bodily resurrection of Jesus
What do all Christians believe in regards to who wrote the Bible?
human authors who were inspired by god to write what they did.
- the bible has Gods authority and reveals what god is like and how people can live the good life which they believe god intends for then
How many Biblical authors are there?
- includes a fisherman, tax collector, doctor and a king
- all wrote in different times with different styles, languages and purposes
- but all are believed to be inspired by their experience of God
When was the Old Testament written?
Between 1500BCE-800BCE
What is the Old Testament?
Hebrew canon
- Jewish scriptures
- what Jesus saw as canon
- divided into 3: Law, Prophets, Writings
What is the Septuagint and what did it contain?
- Greek translation of Hebrew scriptures
- made for Jews and others living outside of Palestine
- contained all books of the Hebrew Bible and 7 extra books (Apocrypha)
Why was the OT canon accepted by the early church?
Because it was used by Jesus
Which part of the NT was written first?
Letters of the Apostle Paul
Why did Paul’s letters not stay with only the people he wrote to?
other believers wanted copies of his teachings
When was the canon for the NT decided?
When was there a first ‘Bible’ book?
331CE decided by Emperor Constantine
What is the Vulgate and why does it exist?
official text of Western Christianity created by Jerome who lived and studied in Palestine
Who were Wycliffe and Tyndale?
- Wycliffe was an English political figure who translated scriptures into common language. his body was dug up and burned
- Tyndale was an English scholar who believed people had the write to read the Bible in their own native language. he translated the NT from Greek to English, which was the first English NT. he was betrayed and executed before he could translate the OT
Why were there disputes about whether or not the Bible should be available in the languages of the ‘common people’?
it challenged the churches authority and it became a crime to possess or circulate non Latin copies of the Bible
What are the books of the OT?
- Law
- Jewish history
- wisdom/poetry
- major and minor prophets
What are the contents of the Law?
- Torah
- creation stories
- laws of Judaism and explanations of them
Who is the authorship of the Law?
What are the contents of the Jewish history?
history of Jewish people
Who is the authorship of the Jewish history?
Jewish people, various prophets and leaders
What are the contents of wisdom/poetry?
praise and prayer
Who is the authorship of wisdom/poetry?
traditionally David (Psalms), Solomon, prophets and leaders
What are the contents of prophets?
predictions of future events and messages from god
Who is the authorship of prophets?
prophets (spokespeople of god)
Time period of OT
before Jesus’ time. from around 8th century BCE to late 1st century CE