1b. Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: The Nervous System Flashcards
Neurons: Motor, Sensory, and Interneurons
- Sensory “afferent” neurons: carry sensory impulses from the peripheral sense organs TOWARD BRAIN
- Motor “efferent” neurons: transmit impulses AWAY FROM BRAIN/CNS to muscles that make those muscles move (cause muscle contractions)
- Interneurons: link neurons with other neurons; play an imp. role in controlling movement
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
- PNS is a collection of nerves outside skull and spinal column
- Nerves carry sensory impulses originating in peripheral sense organs to brain AND motor impulses originating in brain to glands/muscles of the body
- Contains 3 types of nerves: CNs, spinal(control autonomic functions, e.g., breathing), and autonomic(which make up ANS)
- 12 CNS, 31 pairs of spinal nerves
Cranial Nerves: General Info
Emerge from BS, attached to base of brain; Part of LOWER MOTOR sys; Receive much of their innervation from corticobulbar tract of pyramidal sys; CNs exit through foramina in base of skull and exit at different levels of BS and top portion of spinal cord; CNs connect to various sense organs and muscles of head/neck
CNs (12): Function and Classification (Motor, Sensory, *Mixed)
I. Olfactory: smell (sensory)
II. Optic: vision (sensory)
III. Oculumotor: eye movement (motor)
IV. Trochlear: eye movement (motor)
V. *Trigeminal: face (sensory); jaw (motor)
VI. Abducens: eye movement (motor)
VII. *Facial: tongue (sensory); face (motor)
VIII. Acoustic/Vestibulocochlear: hearing and balance (sensory)
IX. *Glossopharyngeal: tongue and pharynx (sensory); pharynx only (motor)
X. *Vagus: larynx, respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal systems (sensory and motor)
XI. Spinal Accessory: shoulder, arm, throat movements (motor)
XII. Hypoglossal: mostly tongue movements (motor)
Which CNs Are Not Concerned with Speech, Language or Hearing?
i.e., V, VII-XII are related to speech, language, and hearing
Trigeminal (V)
SENSORY–3 branches: 1) opthalamic (sensory branch to nose, eyes, forehead), 2) maxillary (…to upper lip, maxilla, upper cheek area, upper teeth, maxillary sinus, palate) and 3) mandibular (…to mandible, lower teeth, lower lip, tongue, part of cheek, part of external ear)
MOTOR: Innervate various jaw muscles (incl. temporalis, lateral and medial pterygoids, masseter, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani, mylohyoid, and anterior belly of digastric)
Damage to CN V
May result in an inability to close mouth, difficulty chewing, and trigeminal neuralgia (sharp pain in facial area)
Facial (VII)
SENSORY: Responsible for taste sensations on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
MOTOR: Innervate muscles important to facial expression and speech (incl. buccinator, zygomatic, orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi, platysma, stapedius, stylohyoid, frontalis, procerus, nasalis, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, auricular muscles, various labial muscles, posterior belly of digastric)
Damage to CN VII
A person with damage to the facial nerve often has a mask-like appearance with minimal or no facial expression
Acoustic/Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
SENSORY–2 branches:
1) Vestibular and 2) Acoustic
Vestibular: maintenance of equilibrium/balance
Acoustic: transmits sensory info from cochlea of inner ear to the primary auditory cortex of brain, where it is interpretted
Damage to CN VIII
Results in hearing loss, problems with balance, or both
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
SENSORY: Processing taste sensations from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue; Also provides general sensation for the tympanic cavity, ear canal, eustachian tube, faucial pillars, tonsils, soft palate, and pharynx
MOTOR: Innervate the stylopharyngeus, a muscle that raises and dilates the pharynx
Damage to CN IX
Lesions of the glossopharyngeal nerve may create difficulty in swallowing, unilateral loss of the gag reflex, and loss of taste and sensation from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue
Vagus (X)
SENSORY: Convey info from the digestive system, heart, trachea, pharynx, and larynx
MOTOR: Supply the digestive system, heart, and lungs
RLN (Recurrent laryngeal nerve) Branch: regulates intrinsic laryngeal muscles, excluding the cricothyroid, which is supplies by the SLN
Pharyngeal Branch: Supplies the pharyngeal constrictors; it also supplies all muscles of the velum except the tensor tympani, which is innervated by CN V
Damage to CN X
Damage to the vagus nerve includes a variety of sequelae such as difficulty swallowing, paralysis of the velum, and voice problems if the RLN is damaged
RLN may be damaged during thyroid surgery, resulting in total or partial paralysis of the VFs
Spinal Accessory (XI)
The spinal root supplies the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, which assist in head and shoulder movements
In concert with the vagus nerve, the cranial fibers of the accessory nerve innervate the uvula and levator veli palatini muscles of the soft palate
Damage to CN XI
Lesions of the spinal accessory nerve may result in neck weakness, paralysis of the sternocleidomastoid, and consequent inability to turn the head, as well as an inability to shrug the shoulders or raise the arm above shoulder level