10. Audiology and Hearing Disorders Flashcards
Outer Ear
Auricle or pinna: funnels sound to the ear canal and helps localize sound; mostly cartilage
External auditory canal/meatus: goes from pinna to the TM or eardrum; resonates sound; cells within canal excrete cerumen
Middle Ear
- Air-filled cavity; separated from outer ear by the TM
- 3 small bones in the ME form the ossicular chain
- Eustachian tube connects ME to nasopharynx
ME: Tympanic Membrane (aka eardrum)
- Elastic, thin, cone-shaped
- Flexible and tough and vibrates in response to sound pressure
- Entire TM responds to low-freq sounds, but only certain portions respond to high-freq sounds
ME: Ossicular Chain
- Suspended in the ME by ligaments
- Composed of 3 tiny bones: malleus, incus, stapes
- Malleus (“hammer”): one end embedded in TM; b/c of this, vibations of TM are transmitted to the malleus
- Incus (“anvil”): attached to malleus; malleus + incus are attached to a tight joint that permits very little movemnt
- Stapes (“stirrup”): attached to incus; footplate, or other end of stapes, is inserted into oval window, a small opening that leads to the inner ear
- Ossicular chain transmits sound efficiently and w/ no distortion; also amplifies incoming sound by approx. 30 dB before transmitting it into the fluids of the inner ear
ME: Muscles and Reflexes
- Two small muscles in ME dampen vibrations of the TM and ossicular chain: tensor tympani and stapedius muscles
- Tensor tympani is innervated by CN V; stapedius by VII
- Stapedius stiffens ossicular chain so its vibrations are reduced; tensor tympani tenses the TM so its vibrations are reduced
- When someone hears a very loud sound that could cause damage, the ME muscles contract in a reflexive action called the “acoustic reflex.” The acoustic reflex stiffens the ME system, especially the TM
ME: Eustachian (or auditory) Tube
- Connects ME with nasopharynx
- ET helps maintain equal air pressure w/in and outside ME; yawning and swallowing opens nasopharyngeal end
- Opening of ET is assisted by the contraction of the tensor veli palatini and the levator veli palatini
- ET can also allow germs and infections to spread into the ME, causing hearing probs, esp. in infants whose ETs are more horizontal than those of adults
- Infants w/ cleft palate freq have ET dysfunction, making them vulnerable to conductive HL
Inner Ear
- Begins w/ oval window (opening in temporal bone that houses IE); Through stapes footplate movement in oval window, IE receives mechanical vibrations of sound
- IE is a sys of interconnecting tunnels aka “labyrinths” w/in temporal bone; tunnels filled w/ perilymph
- 2 major structures: VESTIBULAR SYSTEM (contains 3 semicircular canals, which are responsible for equilibrium SO vestibular sys is related to movement, balance and posture) amp COCHLEA (filled w/ endolymph)
- Floor of cochlear duct is the “basilar membrane,” which contains organ of corti (endolymph, contains cilia which respond to sound vibrations)
- Vibrations created by footplate of stapes into oval window create wavelike movements in the perilymph and through Reissner’s membrane, those movements are transmitted to the endolymph, where the endolymph then transmits movements to the basilar membrane
- Re: basilar- low freq sounds stimulate the tip, high-freq sounds stimulate the base; stimulating sound signals set off waves of fluid, creating movements of the membrane
- The hair cells in the organ of Corti respond to the vibrations of the basilar membrane; vibrations create a shearing force on those cells; at this point, mechanical forces of vibration are transformed into electrical energy, which can stimulate nerve endings
- This energy transformation w/in organ of Corti is critical, b/c nerve fibers that carry sound to brain don’t respond to mech. vibration, only electrical impulses
Auditory Nervous System
*CN VIII picks up neural impulses created by movement of hair cells in cochlea
*2 branches of CN VIII: vestibular (body equilibrium/balance) and auditory/acoustic branch (supplies many hair cells of cochlea and conducts electrical sound impulses from cochlea to brain)
*CN VIII exits the IE through the internal auditory meatus
and enters BS; at BS level, most CN VIII fibers from one ear decussate (cross over) to oppo. side, forming contralateral pathways; some continue on same side, forming ipsilateral pathways; this crossover of signals allows brain to compare sounds received from each ear and helps brain localize and interpret sounds
*From BS, CN VIII fibers project sound to temporal lobe of brain; temporal lobe contains primary auditory area, which is responsible for receiving and interpreting sound stimuli
SUMMARY thus far
- Outer ear, composed of auricle and pinna, funnels sound to middle ear. The TM, which separates the outer ear from the middle ear, vibrates in response to sound
- Sound is then responded to by the ossicles, which conduct the sound to the inner ear. The vestibular system and the cochlea are the major structures of the inner ear. Here, energy is converted to electrical impulses, which stimulate the acoustic nerve
- The auditory branch of CN VIII carries electrical sound impulses from the cochlea to the brain, where the sound is interpreted in the primary auditory area of of the temporal lobe
Source of Sound
- Source: mechanical vibrations of an elastic object; waves travel through mediums that must be elastic to carry sound; disturbance of molecules must be audible
- Sources: VFs, strings of an instrument, tuning fork, etc
- Vibrations occur in cycles; frequency refers to number of times a cycle of vibration repeats itself within a sec; a Pure tone: tone of single freq; Simple harmonic motion or sinusoidal motion: tone of single freq that repeats itself; Complex tone: 2+ sounds of differing freq
- Complex tone vibrations may be periodic or aperiodic (i.e., repeat itself at regular or irregular intervals)
Sound Waves
- When an object such as guitar strings moves back and forth, it displaces air molecules, causing them to move,
- This causes movement in molecules lying farther and farther away from vibrating object, called sound waves
- Molecules near vibrating object swing back and forth while remaining where they are
- These swings disturb adjacent molecules, which then swing back and forth, thus disturbing the molecules next to them, and process continues
- Back-and-forth movements of molecules change air pressure b/c the movements consist of an instance in which the molecules are compressed together (compression) and an instance in which they are farther apart (rarefaction or expansion)
- A single cycle consists of one instance of compression and one instance of rarefaction within a second; Hz refers to cycles per second
Frequency and Intensity
- Human ear responds to freqs in 20-20,000 Hz range
- Variations in freq of vibratory cycle cause sensation of different pitches; pitch is perceptual, freq is physical
- Loudness is perceptual, intensity is physical
- Intensity is related to amplitude, which is the extent of displacement of molecules in their to-and-fro motion
- Logarithmic scale used to measure audible range of intensity; one number is multiplied by itself a specific number of times; on logarithmic scale, ear is sensitive to 130 units called dB (1/10 of a bel, basic measure of sound pressure measurement)
Sound Pressure Level and Hearing Level
both are ways to measure human responses to sound
- dB: measure of sound pressure; also measures intensity of one sound against another
- Intensity of sound is expressed in terms of dBs at a certain sound pressure level, or SPL
- Normal speech varies bet. 50 and 70 dB SPL; People feel pain when sound level reaches 140 dB SPL
- Hearing level: lowest intensity of a sound necessary to stimulate the auditory system; hearing level is the dB level used on audiometers; it is the dB level of sound referenced to audiometric zero
- Human ear is most sensitive to sounds ranging bet. 1,000 and 4,000 Hz (and easier to hear even if less loud); this can create complications in measuring hearing
- To deal with this prob, scientists first determine the SPLs necessary to stimulate auditory system at different frequencies, then those SPLs were considered the 0 db hearing level
Normal Hearing: Air Conduction
Sound travels through medium of air
- Sound waves strike TM
- The movements of TM causes ossicles to move, creating movement of IE fluids
- These movements cause vibrations in the basilar membrane of cochlea
- Hair cells supplied by CN VIII respond to these vibrations, and sound is carried to brain by CN VIII
Normal Hearing: Bone Conduction
bones conduct the sound to the inner ear
- Fluids of IE are housed in the skill
- The larger bones of the skill conduct sound, as does the ossicular chain in the middle ear
- The skull bones vibrate in response to airbourne sound waves, causing movements in the IE fluids (also displacing hair cells)
Hearing Impairments: Hard of Hearing vs Deaf
- Child: loss between 16 and 75 dB
- Adult: loss between 25 and 75 dB
- Children and adults: loss exceeds 75 dB and often greater than 90 dB
- Deaf with a capital D refers to deafness as cultural ID
Hearing Loss: Severity Categories
NORMAL: Up to 15 dB (Normal hearing in children. In adults the upper limit may extend to 25 dB)
MILD: 16 to 40 dB (Mild hearing loss in children. In adults the range is 25 to 40 dB)
MODERATE: 41 to 55 dB
MODERATELY SEVERE: 56-70 dB (or 56-65)
SEVERE: 71 to 90 dB (or 66-89)
PROFOUND: 91 + dB (or 90+)
- Efficiency with which sound is conducted to the ME or IE is diminished
- In pure conductive HL, the IE, CN VIII, and the auditory centers of brain are all working normally
- Person’s bone conduction (skull bones, not ossicular chain) are also fairly normal
- Even when ossicular chain is not conducting sound, bones of skull do. Thus, conductive hearing loss is never profound
- People w/ conductive loss tend to hear own speech well, thus tend to speak too softly, esp. when b/g noise
Conductive Hearing Loss: Causes
- Abnormalities of EAM, TM, or ossicular chain
- Birth defects, diseases; foreign bodies can block EAM
- Some kids born w/ cleft palate or other craniofacial abnormalities may have aural atresia (closed EAM), which is often associated with microtia (small and deformed pinna)
- Stenosis (birth defect; narrow EAM; sound waves usu. don’t strike TM)
- External otitis (infection/swelling of skin on EAM)
- Foreign objects, growths, and tumors can block canal
- Otosclerosis (growth on stapes footplate)
- Carhart’s notch (pattern of bone-conduction thresholds characterized by reduced B-C sensitivity predominantly at 2,000 Hz; often found in pts with otosclerosis)
- Otospongiosis (stapes becomes too soft to vibrate)
- Collapsed ear canals, impacted cerumen, ossicular fixation, and disarticulation of ossicular chain aka ossicular discontinuity
- Otitis media aka middle ear effusion
Conductive Hearing Loss Causes: Otitis Media aka Middle Ear Effusion
*ME infection often associated with upper-respiratory and ET dysfunction
*Frequent in infants, rare in adults
*Usu creates a conductive hearing loss of 20-35 dB HL
(Often undetected by reg. pure tone screenings, which are carried out at 25 dB HL)
*3 types: Serous, Acute, Chronic
Otitis Media Types: Serous
- ME inflamed and filled with watery or thick fluid
- ET is blocked, preventing fresh air to ventilate the ME
- ME gets airtight; then air inside thins/pressure reduces
- Increased air pressure outside ear pushes TM inward, reducing its mobility
- The retracted membrane vibrates inefficiently, resulting in conductive hearing loss
- Tx: antibiotics and PE tubes
Otitis Media Types: Acute
- Sudden onset due to infection
- Quick buildup of fluid and pus causes mod-severe pain
- Pressure buildup in ME may rupture TM, giving instant relief as pus is discharged from ruptured membrane
- Tx: medical and surgical procedures, e.g., myringotomy
Otitis Media Types: Chronic
- Permanent damage to ME structures
- Frequently due to erosion of ossicles, cholosteotoma, or atrophy or perforation of the TM
- When TM involved, it’s permanently ruptured w/ or w/o associated ME diseases
- Many pts have painless, foul-smelling ear discharge
- Tx: myringoplasty (surgery), antibiotics if infection
- ME may conduct sound efficiently to IE, but damage to hair cells of cochlea or to CN VIII prevents brain from receiving neural impulses of sound
- Permanent; irreparable hair cells and CN VIII
- Bone + air conduction is impaired; thus, difficulty hearing self as well as others so they speak louder
- Higher (vs lower) freqs more profoundly affected
- Recruitment is a potential symptom (recruitment: disproportionate increases in growth of perception of loudness when it is presented with linear increases in intensity; hypersensitivity to intense sounds)
Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Causes
- Prenatal causes
- Ototoxic drugs (reach IE via bloodstream and damage cochlear hair cells or CN VIII fibers; some antibiotics)
- Noise (prolonged exposure; esp. 3,000 to 6,000 Hz)
- Birth defects
- Acoustic neuroma (tumor on CN VIII)
- Presbycusis (sloping, high freq loss)
- Meniere’s disease (excessive endolymph pressure causes Reissner’s membrane to distend)
- Viral and bacterial diseases; STORCH major causes of hearing loss in fetuses and newborns (see next card)
STORCH Complex
- Syphilis: some kids contract from mother at time of birth, can cause IE damage
- Taxoplasmosis: disease transmitted through the placenta, often contracted when pregnant moms handle cat feces or contaminated raw eggs and meat
- Other
- Rubella: German measles, can be transferred to fetus through the placenta
- Cytomegalovirus: most common cause of viral hearing loss, is a herpes-type virus transmitted by close contact w/ infected children and also through sexual contact
- Herpes simplex: transmitted from mother to fetus
- When neither the ME nor the IE is functioning properly
* Affects both air and bone conduction; but A-C is affected more than B-C
Mixed Hearing Loss: Causes
- May be caused by any of the conditions that cause conductive or SN hearing loss
- May be caused by presence of two separate disorders in same ear (e.g., SN HL and otitis media, which created a temporary condictive loss in same ear) or caused by a single pathology, such as advanced otosclerosis or a head injury, that affected both SN and conductive systems
Central Auditory Disorders
*Central auditory system includes BS, where CN VIII terminates, the fibers that project sound to auditory centers of brain, and those brain centers themselves
- Central auditory processing: effectiveness and efficiency w/ which the CNS utilizes auditory info
- Peripheral hearing probs result from probs in OE, ME, or IE (excluding CN VIII)
- Central auditory disorders: hearing losses due to disrupted sound transmission bet. BS and cerebrum b/c damage/malformation
- CAPD is a disorder in person’s ability to take in the spoken message, interpret it, and make it meaningful
- Ppl w/ CADs may have no sig. peripheral hearing loss; speech recog. tests in quiet environments and typical PTT tests are not sensitive to CADs; difficulty understanding distorted speech is a major symptom
Central Auditory Disorders: Characteristics
- Poor auditory… discrimination, integration, sequencing skills, closure, attention, memory, localization
- Difficulty… listening when b/g noise exists, understanding rapid speech, following melodic and rhythmic elements of music, learning to read aloud
- Overall academic probs
Central Auditory Disorders: Treatment
Behavioral intervention programs have 3 components:
a) direct intervention or remediation techniques aimed at improving auditory skill
b) helping child use compensatory strategies
c) modification of environment to improve learning
* Sometimes FM systems are successful
Auditory Nervous System Impairments:
Retrocochlear Disorders
- Damage to nerve fibers along ascending auditory pathways from internal auditory meatus to cortex; thus, these disorders usu. consist of pathology involving the cerebellopontine angle or CN VIII
- Usu. caused by unilateral tumors or acoustic neuromas, incl. von Recklinghausen disease
- Often a unilateral high-freq hearing loss, possibly w/ tinnitus and dizziness, and feeling of disequilibrium
- When affected ear is stimulated, acoustic reflexes are usu. absent or present at elevated levels
- Diff. to make diagnosis b/c acoustic neuromas grow slowly and pt has gradual loss of hearing until neuroma is large and there is a serious hearing loss
Retrocochlear Disorders: Symptoms
- Symptoms often subtle b/c pts have normal ability to detect PTs and normal speech recog. in quiet (audiologists use degregraded speech signals)
- May experience alterations in facial sensation and movement b/c CN VII and CN V are compromised
- May have pain and headache in ear and mastoid region
- Feeling of “fullness” in affected ear
- B/c compression of BS and cerebellum, may have balance probs
ASSESSMENT of Hearing Impairment
- Initial hearing screening rules out need for more tests
- For those who need such testing, pure-tone and speech audiometry and acoustic immitance (which involves ME function) are standard measures
- Electrophysiological audiometry and auditory eval auditory mechanism functioning
- Kids/infants may undergo diff. testing for age group
- After test results are interpretted, tx recommendations
Audiometry: Basic Principles
- Audiometer: electrical instrument that generates and amplifies PTs, noise, and other stimuli for testing hearing; advanced audiometers are computerized
- Audiometer generates tones at freqs: 125, 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 8,000 Hz
- Audiologists can select freq and vary intensity via a dial
Pure Tone Audiometry
*Determines threshold of hearing for selected freqs
*Threshold: intensity level at which tone is faintly heard at least 50% of the time (of the several times presented)
*Audiologists test hearing at selected freqs.
*1,000 Hz tone first b/c most easily detected
*Next, tones of 2,000, 4,000, and 8,000 Hz
*Finally, tones of 500 and 250 Hz are tested
[These freqs most imp for speech (range 100-8,000 Hz)]
*Both ears tested one at a time
Pure Tone Audiometry: Air and Bone Conduction Testing
Bone-conduction testing: assesses sensitivity of sensorineural portion of auditory mechanism
- Bone vibrator placed on forehead or behind test ear
- When sound strikes skull bones, bones vibrate and thus stimulate fluid in both inner ears
- Thus, hard to tell which ear heard sound vs not; to overcome this prob, audiologists use “masking,” in which sound is sent via headphone at level that is strong enough to mask tone heard in opposite ear
Air conduction testing:
- Pt wears earphones held in place by steel headband
- Earphones deliver sound stimulus directly to ear
- Pt responds by holding up hand or by pressing a switch (triggers light)
- Masking used when hearing’s better for one ear; better ear is masked when poorer ear is tested so pt doesn’t respond b/c sound heard in better nontested ear
Speech Audiometry
- Measures how well pt understands speech and discriminates between speech sounds
- Audiologist first determines speech reception threshold (lowest level of hearing in which person understands 50% of words presented)
- To make this determination, pt listens to a list of spondee words (2 syllables, equal stress; e.g., baseball)
- Another assessment: word discrimination/recognition test, where pt repeats monosyllabic words, e.g., cap
- B/c goal is to determine comprehension vs threshold, words presented at comfortable loudness level
- Speech discrimination score: % of presented words that person correctly repeats; score helps ID ppl who can hear but not understand speech; SN HL is most common
Acoustic Immitance
- Refers to a transfer of acoustic energy; An energy transformation takes place when a sound stimulus reaches EAM and strikes TM
- TM and ME structures offer impedance, or resistance, to the flow of sound energy
- Admittance, a counterpart of impedance, is a measure of the amount of energy that flows through the system
- Both very high and low impedence suggest pathology w/in auditory system. E.g., a child w/ ME fluid may demonstrate high impedance and an adult w/ broken ossicular chain may show low impedance
Acoustic Immitance Measures (2)
- TYMPANOMETRY: procedure in which acoustic immitance is measured with an electroacoustic instrument called an impedance bridge/meter
- Impedance bridge/meter allows audiologist to place a sound stimulus in EAM w/ airtight closure and measure changes in the acoustic energy as the sound stimulates the auditory system; this instrument also helps create either neg or pos changes w/in the ear canal; acoustic immitance is altered by such air pressure changes
- Impedance meter can also measure ACOUSTIC REFLEX (reflex response of muscles attached to stapes)
- Acoustic reflex is elicited in both ears by a relatively loud sound presented to either ear
- The reflex response involves a stiffening of the ossicular chain (to protect ear from potential damage)
- Acoustic reflex testing is valuable in detecting ME diseases, incl. those that aren’t associated with HL
Electrophysiological Audiometry
- Objective measure of auditory mechanism functioning
- In response to sound, the cochlea, CN VIII, and auditory centers of brain generate measurable electrical impulses; these impulses are recorded as changes in the b/g electrical activity of the brain
- Such electrical changes produced by sound stimuli are called “auditory-evoked potentials;” usu. abnormal patterns of electrical activity indicate hearing loss
- Electrocochleagraphy…
- Auditory brainstem response (ABR): technique used to record electrical activity in CN VIII, BS, and cortical areas of brain; useful for detecting BS diseases; also useful for testing hearing of newborns
Medical Imaging (2)
- Computerized axial tomography: detects small tumors and brain lesions (e.g., infections, strokes) that cause HL
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): imaging internal auditory canals, base of skull, and pituitary gland regions to eval possible presence of pathology affecting auditory sys; MRI esp. helpful in detecting acoustic neuromas or tumors
Hearing Screening
- Pure tones presented at 20-25 dB
- Only freqs of 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 Hz are tested
- Some pts do acoustic immitance testing as part of screening; in schools, usu. only PT audiometric screen
Interpretation of Hearing Results
- Audiograms: graphs that display results of air- and bone-conduction tests; audiogram shows hearing level in dB for B- and A-conducted tones for tested freqs
- Air-bone gap: difference bet. a BC hearing threshold and an AC hearing threshold for given freq in same ear; When difference averages 10+ dB, then conductive HL
MANAGEMENT of Hearing Impairment:
Sound Amplification Methods (4)
- Hearing aids
- Cochlear implants
- Tactile aids
- Assistive devices
Hearing Aids: Analog
- Analog HAs create patterns of electric voltage that correspond to sound input; have microphone, amplifier, receiver, power source (batteries), and vol. control
- HA transducers: have microphone (picks up sound) and receiver (delivers sound to ear); convert one form of energy into another
- Microphone converts sound energy into electrical energy; receiver coverts electrical energy back into sound waves; amplifier, to which electrical signals are fed, amplifies the signals and delivers them to receiver
Hearing Aids: Digital
- Digital HAs contains microcomputer tech
- Microphone rapidly samples input signal and converts each sample into a binary system of zeros and ones and #s get processed by computer housed in unit on body
- BC HAs chosen over AC HAs when pt has certain pathologies (e.g., atresia of ear canal)
- More flexible than analog and better able to adapt to pt’s hearing loss pattern and comm. needs
- Digital processing helps amp. certain freqs
- Better at reducing irritating loud noises
- Better S-N ratio (sep. speech from b/g noise)
HA Selection: Steps (4)
- Ear exam by otologist to ID physical conditions of ear that may contraindicate use of amplication
- Diagnostic tests by audiologist to help determine extent and type of hearing loss
- HA evaluation by audiologist in which various models are tested to determine best fit for individual needs
- Eval. of whether pt needs monaural or binaural amp.
Cochlear Implants
- Electronic devices surgically placed in cochlea and other parts of ear, and deliver sound directly to acoustic nerve endings in cochlea
- While HAs deliver amp. sound to ear canal, CIs deliver electrical impulses, converted from sound, directly to CN VIII; CIs basically replace nonfunctioning inner hair cell transducer system
- Can be thought of as “prosthetic cochleas”
- 4 elements: microphone, processor, external transmitter, and implanted receiver
- Central Electroauditory Prosthesis (CEP): current development in implant technology…
Tactile Aids
- Type of sensory substitution method used for individuals who are deaf (or deaf + blind); tactile substituted for hearing
- Devices/methods that promote comprehension of speech by means of touch
- They convert sound into vibration for tactual stimulation
- Tactile aids have vibrators that generate patterns of stimuli that represent different speech sounds
- “Tadoma Method:” manual sys for deaf + blind; placing hands on speaker’s face to feel vibrations of speech
Assistive Devices
- Safety alerting devices: gain info via flashing lights or vibrators on common devices (e.g., when doorbell rings or burglar alarm goes off)
- Closed captioning
- Telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDDs): portable terminal that both sends and receives typed messages via telephone
“Personal Adjustment Counseling”
Counseling should focus on dealing constructively with: *Impact of hearing loss
- Adjusting to hearing aid use
- Modifications of environment for optimal hearing
Auditory Training
*Designed to teach person with hearing impairment to listen to amplified sounds, recognize meanings, and discriminate sounds from each other
- Desktop auditory trainers: pick up and amplify only the signal of interest (speech of speaker); speech amplified through a microphone and sent to earphones then ear
- FM auditory trainer: wireless sys; teacher and child wear receiving and transmitting units to talk/hear eachother
*Auditory trainers help w/ negative S/N ratio [Ambient noise in class is approx 60 dB, making teacher hard to hear (signal); hence negative S/N ratio]
Speech Reading (prev. known as lip reading)
- Deciphering speech by looking at face of speaker and using visual cues to understand what speaker is saying
- In English, only 30% of sounds are visible on face
Cued Speech
- Speech produced with manual cues that represent the sounds of speech; may supplement speech reading
- Differs from ASL b/c it has 8 hand signs for consonants and 4 signs for vowels
- Gestures help person with hearing impairment to distinguish among homophenous sounds
- Challenge: speakers must be able to speak and cue simulatneously
Approaches to Training (3)
- Aural/Oral Method: aka oral approach, auditory-global approach, and the multisensory approach; use amplification methods to tap into child’s residual hearing; children undergo intensive auditory training and speech reading instruction
- Manual Approach: nonverbal; e.g., signing, fingerspelling; way of integrating into Deaf culture
- Total Communication: verbal and nonverbal comm; speech and sign taught simultaneously; no attempt to tap into residual hearing via amplification
Nonverbal Communication: Sign Language (5)
- American Sign Language
- Seeing Essential English (SEE 1)
- Signing Exact English (SEE 2)
- Fingerspelling
- Rochester Method (oral English + fingerspelling)