1b - did Flashcards
Raymond Cattell –> traits
Factor analysis:
45 surface traits
16 personality trait (source traits which explain variability in surface trait)
Persoanlity factors - cattell: how they were presented
they were scales not categories - dimensions people can vary on
listed in order of importance/variance explained -
Maps personality onto intelligence: reasoning relevant aspect of personality
catell persoanlity traits Criticisms:
Subjectivity and arbitrariness in analysis.
Many failures to replicate 16 factor structure.
Sixteen – too many factors to work with as more comparisons = greater chance of making false positive
Correlations between factors – not independent.
Better accounted for by fewer, independent factors ?
Analyses of same data: 5 independent ‘second-order’ factors of: Extraversion, Anxiety, Self-Control, Independence/Accommodation, & Openness
positives-cattell 16f
Methodical, data-driven approach to theory development.
Promoted use of Factor analysis in personality research. (PhD student of Charles Spearman)
Revised 16PF questionnaires still used.
Formed the basis of subsequent ‘big 5’ models.
Costa and McCrae’s BIG Five - how it formed
came from reanalysis of work which led to 5 super factors
Five factors are ‘necessary and reasonably sufficient’ for describing major features of personality at a global level
costa and McCrae big 5
persoanlity traits - breakdown
Agreeableness and Conscientiousness - Added from Goldberg
openess to expereince
Neuroticism and Extraversion - from Cattel
The new item added
openess to experience
NEOAC (Ocean): Neopersonality inventory
measures 6 facets (primary traits) of each super trait
openness to experience
Tendency to engage in intellectual activities and experience new sensations and ideas.
Related to curiosity, imagination, unconventional attitudes, aesthetic sensitivity.
Cf Creativity - Intellect
primary trait of openess
fantasy, actions, ideas, values, aesthetics, feelings
Primary traits of agreeableness
Trust, altruism, straightforwardness, compliance, modesty, tender-minedness
Predisposition to pro-social behaviour.
Proactivity, responsibility, and self-discipline.
Efficiency, organisation, determination and productivity.
Big Five Vs. Eysenck’s ‘Gigantic Three’
Eysenck – Three factors (PEN)
Openness is intelligence, not personality
Agreeableness is just Low psychoticicms, Low Neurticims, and High Extraversion.
correlations between Big Five Vs. Eysenck’s ‘Gigantic Three’
Good correlation between neuroticism and extraversion
Poorer correlation between other 3 factors (o, a, c) and Eysenck’s traits = poor overlap and no strong correlation shows models are different
Block - critique of OCEAN
Factors derived from factor analysis depend on which variables are entered…and on number of factors extracted (different solutions).
Overreliance on lay persons (especially undergraduates), results in important omissions (e.g. ‘capricious’, ‘censorious’ etc).
Simple correlations do not capture full complexity of relationships between terms: e.g. wittiness intelligence
Arbitrary choice of 6 facets per factor.
Some important factors not represented e.g. narcissism.
Block criticism: single word
Single words insufficient to describe all aspects of personality: sentences and paragraphs needed
Block criticism: syymetrical correlation
Nature of correlation: symmetrical relationship between words isn’t always the case i.e., intelligence and witty correlate but that’s not symmetrical wittiness implies intelligence, but if your intelligent not always witty not captured in a factor analysis
OCEAN discussion
cross-cultural stability of factors = Thalmayer & Saucier (2014): measurement invariance across 26 nations.
evidence for biological basis = Čukić & Bates (2014): openness associated with increased ANS activation at rest.
The most widely-used model of personality.
ALternative big 5: Zuckerman
Zuckerman’s model made using factor analysis but analysis was applied to variables in Eysenck’s theory so different to those derived from lexical hypothesis
1) impulsive unsocialized sensation seeking
2) aggression-hostility
3) activity
4) socialbility
5) Neuroticism-anxiety
HEXACO: Lee and Ashton
5 factors that map to Costa and McCraig 6th factor = honestly and humility addresses missing characteristics
Agreeableness (versus Anger)
Openness to Experience