1930s America Flashcards
What was the Wall Street crash?
American economy crashed
When was the Wall Street crash?
October 1929
By 1933, how many people were unemployed because of the crash?
14 million
How much did the average wage fall by?
Production dropped by 40% between what years?
Through 1931, how many died of malnutrition?
How many Americans had lost everything one year later?
4 million
How much did farmers income fall by? Between what years?
7 billion between 1929 and 1932
Why did farmers migrate from southern states to west coast?
Over farming and drought turned adds into dust bowl
How many farmers migrated?
What was Hoovers response?
Didn’t admit problem until 1932
He didn’t help at first as he was republican and believed in laissez faire policy
What act did Hoover set up and what did it do?
Emergency relief act, provided $300 million to states to help unemployed
What did Hoover increase?
Public works spending
How much did Hoover offer to major building projects in construction industries to provide new jobs?
$4,000 million
When did the Hoover dam construction begin? How many workers did it hire?
Why did Hoover cutting taxes not make much of an impact?
Majority were unemployed and had no money so cutting taxes didn’t help much as they didn’t have money to spend anyway
What did he encourage business owners not to do?
Cut wages
What was the Halwey-Smoot tariff?
Hoover put 40% tax on imports in attempt to protect American goods but other countries retaliated which led to low exports which led to over production
How much did USA international trade decrease between 1929-1932 and why?
$10 million to $3 million, because Hoover increased international tariffs on oversea goods
What did Hoover do that led to overproduction?
Bought food at above market prices which led to farmers overproducing
What was the famous phrase used by USA public about Hoover?
In Hoover we trusted now we are busted
What happened at the bonus army event?
20,000 veterans peacefully camped in Washington asking for war time bonus from WW1 early
Hoover refused to meet, got general MacArthur to deal with them
He used tear gas, police and burned their camps even though Hoover said no violence
MacArthur claimed they were communists with no evidence
Hoover refused to admit he failed to control MacArthur
Public disliked Hoover even more
What did Hoover promise in 1932 election?
Stop immigration Reduce tax Increase hospital facilities Pay bonus army Provide relief for families
What did Roosevelt promise in 1932 election?
Spread employment Legalise alcohol A 'new deal' Stabilise banking system Restore agriculture
How many votes did Roosevelt win by?
7 million
What were ‘The Hundred days’
First three month period where Roosevelt did: Fireside chats, Emergency banking act and sent 15 proposals to congress
What were fireside chats?
FDR broadcasted radio chats explaining to citizens what government was doing > This helped restore confidence in government for Americans
What was the Emergency banking act?
FDR closed all banks until they’d be checked to tackle banking crisis.
5,000 re-opened
What were the alphabet agencies that were made to tackle unemployment?
What was the ‘CCC’ alphabet agency?
Aimed to help young unemployed men
2.5 million were helped
Most work done on environmental parks
They were taught skills to help with future employment
What was the ‘PWA’ alphabet agency?
Used gov money to build schools, roads, dams which created millions of jobs
What was the ‘NRA’ alphabet agency?
Controlled industry and improved working conditions, boosted wages
Over 2 million joined scheme
What were the alphabet agencies made to tackle poverty?
What was the FERA alphabet agency?
Helped meet urgent needs of poor
$500 million spent on soup kitchens, nursery care etc
What was the problem with FERA alphabet agency?
Many state governments refused to spend more money on the poor
What was the ‘HOLC’ alphabet agency?
Took over mortgages of struggling Americans so they didn’t lose their home to the bank
Between 1933 and 1936 what did HOLC do?
Saved 20% of American homes
What were the alphabet agencies created to help agriculture and environment?
What was the ‘AAA’ alphabet agency?
Helped modernise farmers
Helped preserve soil to help long term
Set quotas for farm reduction to steady food prices
How much did farming income increase between 1932-1935 with the ‘AAA’?
$4bil to $6bil
What was the ‘TVA’ alphabet agency?
Built dams in Temesse valley as it was turning to desert
Created jobs
Made land more fertile for farmers
What was the social security act?
Set up unemployment insurance
Meant if you became unemployed you could receive benefit until employed again
How did new deal help economy?
Created millions of jobs
Stabilised banking
Cut number of business failures
Why was Eleanor Roosevelt important?
As women didn’t get important positions in politics and she campaigned for social issues
When was FDR re-elected?
What were successes of the new deal?
200,000 African Americans benefitted Helped trade unions Created jobs Improved banking system Living standards rose for many Restore confidence in American gov
Who limited/opposed the new deal?
Supreme Court, Radical politicians, Republicans
Who was a radical politician and why did he oppose FDR?
Senator Huey Lomb believed FDR wasn’t doing enough and wanted to limit personal wealth to $3million in scheme called ‘share our wealth’
What did FDR fail to do? Why?
Pass laws against lynchings in fear southern senators started would turn against him
How many women were helped in CCC?
Only 8,000
Why was the Supreme Court a limitation??
It was mostly made of republicans who opposed FDR
In 1930s how much did people invest?
Only 75% of what they invested in 1920s
How many were still unemployed by 1941?
6 million
How many judges in the Supreme Court were republican?
What did the Supreme Court call the new deal?
Unconstitutional as they said new deal took power from stats govs