192b histo and path of the breast Flashcards
breast anatomy
lobes –> lactiferous duct –> lactiferous sinuses (dilations below the nipple)
nipple-areola complex
smooth muscle between ducts - erection and milk ejection
areola has montgomery’s glands, smooth muscle
duct histo
dual cell layer
breast histo
in flux
epithelial (duct) cells + myoepithelial cells
cancers from TDLU (terminal ductal lobular unit)
3 big parts
white - fat
pink - stroma (esoin stains protein pink)
putple - epithlelaim (nucles stains dark)
lobular unit
2 layers of cell
inner ductal/epithelial - makes milk
outer myoepithelial - contractile
inactive mammary gland
all duct (no secrety end pieces/lobules)
still has 2 layers
dense ct common
proliferative phase
TDLU formation from Estrogen (ducts) and Progesterone (TDLU)
small changes during menstrual cycle - late increased vaculation of myoepi cells
milk accumulats in acini
ct replaced - no stroma
nuceli protrude
milk secretion
myoepi in response to oxytocin
inner cells
make milk - protein, lipid, lactose
post menopuase breast
mostly stroma and fat
loss of TDLU
begign breast path - inflammatory
acute mastitis - enlarged, red, painful breast during lactation from Staph Aureus entering via nipple cracks; PMNs on histo
duct ectasia - poorly defined mass; dilation of ducts; old women; secretions and foamy chronic macrophages –> squamous metaplasia
benign breast - fibrocystic; non-proliferation
-cysts - low cubodial epi lining void of cells
- apocrine metaplasia - hyperplasia from low cubodial to eosinophilic with apical snouts; can form micropapilla
- fibroadedoma - mass lesion in women < 30 y/o; ruvvery and mobile; mobile; stroma and epithelial component –> compresses duct system
benign proliferation without atypia
usual ductal hyperplasia - more layers than typical 2 layers - cells fill space; increase number of cells, but normal cell types; jumbled look of cells
atypical ductal hyperplasia - surigcal excision; epi cells only – monotony of cells; very round cells with organized look
atypical lobular hyperplasia - uniform, small cells that fall apart from each other - spaces between each other
sclerosing adenosis - microscopic finding; calcifications; lobule proliferation that are distrorted;
radial scar - looks like cancer; stellate appearance; central nidus with fibrosis (pink) w/out glands; dilation at periphery
intraductual papilloma - thicl fibrovascular core near nipple- can cause discharge; finger like projections; solitary
calcium oxolate
benign processes