1900-1909 Flashcards
Robert Charles Riots
28 died in this 1900 New Orleans race riot sparked after an African-American shot a white cop.
1900 Galveston hurricane
With 6000-12000 killed, this hurricane launched future president Hoover to notoriety.
United States presidential election, 1900
A rematch between McKinley and Bryant, since McKinley’s former Vice President had died in office, the nominating convention selected Roosevelt. The Republicans came out strong for an imperialistic foreign policy, which the Democrats decried.
Louis’ Lunch
First restaurant to serve hamburgers in 1900.
Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt’s foreign policy, rooted in imperialism, and a strong Navy.
Platt Amendment
1901, Stipulated the withdrawal of American troops from Cuba under the condition that the U.S. keep Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.
O. Henry
American playwright and short story writer, known for having surprise endings.
Leon Czolgosz
Anarchist who assassinated McKinley.
literacy test
These racially biased tests were given to black voters in the South to discourage their political participation.
Yellow fever
This disease killed many Americans who were fighting the Spanish-American War, and those who were building the Panama Canal.
Venezuela Crisis of 1902-1903
Venezuelan President refused to pay damages to European nations, leading to a blockade of the nation and the Roosevelt Corollary.
Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt’s 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force, first put into effect in Dominican Republic
Philippine Organic Act (1902)
This law, which coincided with the end of the Philippine-American War, provided for the creation of a Filipino assembly, a bill of rights for Filipinos, and the disestablishment of the Roman Catholic church while still holding onto the island chain as a colony.
Newlands Reclamation Act
(1902) U.S. federal law that funded irrigation projects for arid lands in the American West.
United States presidential election, 1904
Roosevelt easily defeats Democrat Alton B. Parker, who only wins the South.
Solid South
The electoral support of states in the deep south for the Democratic party from Reconstruction into the 1960s.
1890 Manifesto
A statement which officially decried polygamy in the LDS Church.
Cy Young
An American MLB pitcher. Great at the game.
PS General Slocum
A ship which caught fire in the New York harbor and sank in 1904, killing over 1000.
Oxnard Strike of 1903
Japanese and Mexican laborers teamed up to strike against wealthy landowners.
Teddy bear
A soft toy named after President Roosevelt, introduced in 1902.
Martha Washington Hotel
This New York City hotel was the first built solely for women in 1903.
Hay-Herrán Treaty
This 1903 Panama Canal treaty passed the U.S. Congress, but failed in Columbia.
Wreck of the Old 97
A 1903 Southern Railroad crash which inspired a ballad which is the basis of all country music.
Milwaukee Mile
Oldest operating motor speedway in the world, opened in 1903.
Thousand Days’ War
This war between Panamanian separatists and the Colombian government (1899-1903) lead to the independence of Panama. The U.S. supported Panamanian rebels because Columbia refused to cede land to America for use of the Panama canal.
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
This 1903 treaty, signed by the U.S. and the newly-created Panama, allowed for the construction of the Panama Canal.
Kitty Hawk
The North Carolina town where the Wright brothers flew their first airplane.
Iroquois Theatre fire
This 1903 disaster killed over 600 people.
Frances Willard
A suffragette and temperance leader, she was president of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and adopted the motto “Do Everything.” Her influence was instrumental in passing the 18th and 19th Amendments, and in shaping state laws concerning the age of consent, the eight-hour work day, prison reform, scientific temperance, Christian socialism, and women’s rights globally.
Cassie Chadwick
The infamous name used by a Canadian woman who swindled U.S. banks out of millions of dollars by pretending to be Andrew Carnegie’s heiress. Her 1905 trial was a media circus.
Grover Shoe Factory disaster
This 1905 boiler explosion left 32 dead and lead to stringent safety laws and a national code governing steam boilers.
Lochner v. New York
(1905) Supreme Court case that decided against setting up an 8 hour work day for bakers, birthed the Lochner Era.
Industrial Workers of the World
Founded in 1905, this radical union, also known as the Wobblies aimed to unite the American working class into one union to promote labor’s interests. It worked to organize unskilled and foreign-born laborers, advocated social revolution, and led several major strikes. Stressed solidarity. Fell apart as a result of the First Red Scare.
Taft-Katsura Agreement
A 1905 discussion between then-secretary-of-state Taft and Japanese senior leaders regarding the role of the two nations in East Asian affairs. Significant, because two formerly isolationist nations discussing how their spheres of influence would develop in Korea, the Philippines, etc.
Treaty of Portsmouth
1905 treaty which ended the Russo-Japanese War, and earned Pres. Roosevelt a Nobel Peace Prize.
Reed Smoot hearings
Congressional hearings lasting from 1903-1907 which decided the Senate should seat Utah polygamist-supporter Reed Smoot. Smoot only had one wife, but politicians were suspicious that Utah was more of a theocracy.
The Jungle
1906 Muckraking book by Upton Sinclair that detailed the gross innards of the meatpacking industry, while also exposing the troubling life of an immigrant family. It was meant to be a Socialist call-to-arms. Led to the USDA and the Meat Inspection Act.
Antiquities Act
1906, Passed during Roosevelt’s presidency, this bill gave the president the right to restrict the use of particular public land.
Charles Fox Parham
One of the fathers of Pentecostalism, associated glossolalia with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Spread his religion’s influence until his 1907 arrest for homosexual acts that were dropped, but still ruined his reputation.
Stanford White
Architect shot in 1906 by millionaire Harry Thaw in a lovers quarrel over actress Evelyn Nesbit. All a bunch of hubbub, but dubbed “Trial of the Century” by contemporaries.
Federal Meat Inspection Act
1906, Passed after the outcry over “The Jungle.”
Pure Food and Drug Act
A significant consumer protection act passed after “The Jungle,” requiring that active ingredients be labelled.
Grace Brown
An American skirt factory worker whose 1906 murder became a national sensation.
Atlanta Race Riot
1906, 25-40 black deaths marked the KKK’s resurgence in Atlanta.
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. Investigated for war crimes during the Civil War, became a proponent of racism against blacks in the years following.
Alpha Phi Alpha
First black collegiate fraternity, founded in 1906.
Black Patch Tobacco Wars
A violent Kentucky civil uprising from 1904-1909, farmers rising up against tobacco monopolies.
Daniel J. Tobin
American teamster labor president, from 1907-1952.
Charles Curtis
First and only Native American Vice President under Pres. Herbert Hoover.
Panic of 1907
This bank run was stopped after J.P. Morgan and other Wall Street financiers pooled $25 million together to save the sinking economy.
Federal Reserve System
The central banking system of the U.S., created in 1913 as a result of the severe 1907 financial panic.
Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company
Roosevelt allowed J.P. Morgan’s steel company to absorb this smaller company as a thank you for Morgan preventing the Panic of 1907.
Great White Fleet
The popular nickname for the United States Navy battle fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe from 1907-1909 by order of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt.
Alpha Kappa Alpha
First college sorority for black women, founded in 1908.
Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907
An informal agreement saying The United States would not pass legislation barring Japanese immigration if Japan didn’t allow anymore immigrants.
Collinwood school fire
This deadly 1908 fire, which followed the Iroquois Theater fire, lead to the creation of fire exits in numerous buildings.
Springfield Race Riot of 1908
This riot lead to the creation of the NAACP.
William C. Durant
Co-founder of General Motors and also Chevrolet.
Ford Model T
Henry Ford’s first mass produced car, opened travel to middle-class Americans, first built in 1908.
Church of the Nazarene
This evangelical Christian religion emerged as a result of the Holiness Movement, missionary oriented, formed in 1908.
United States presidential election, 1908
Roosevelt’s hand-picked Republican nominee William H. Taft soundly defeated the Democrat William Jennings Bryant, despite his popularity with liberals and populists, on the strength of Roosevelt’s popularity.
The Hoover Company
First company to mass market the upright vacuum cleaner, since 1908.
Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition
A 1909-1910 expedition to explore Africa lead by Roosevelt in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institute.
Wright Model A
A 1909 aircraft produced by the Wright brothers and purchased by the American military.
Pinchot–Ballinger controversy
1909- Muckraker accuses U.S. Sec of Interior Richard Ballinger of corrupt dealings in Alaska coalfields, leading to Republican losses in midterms, and foreshadowing the split in the Republican party.