19 - Minerals and Mining Flashcards
renewed naturally in a relatively short time, < human lifetime (solar/wind)
renewable/flow resource
energy stored millions of years ago, e.g., gas, oil, coal
non-renewable/stock resource
extraction of Earth’s minerals, especially geologically significant resources
fossil fuel mineral resource
(generic term) potassium salts, foundation of modern plant fertilizers
grew rapidly in Canada (since 1998) environmental assessment prior
- environmental agreements
- socio-economic agreements
environmental impacts
- mine tailings, converted to permafrost - migratory caribou numbers falling,
drop not related to mining
- water flow direction changes
- DFO reports “no net loss”
economic and social impacts
- wages, indigenous having first option
- scholarship programs, on-the-spot training
Diamond Mining
value of goods and services produced
in an economy, typically in one year, an index
Gross National Product (GNP)
of population in balance with planet systems
planetary carrying capacity