19. Government and Developing Political Organisation Flashcards
When was the repeal of the Corn Laws?
What split of the Conservative Party was caused by the repeal of the Corn Laws?
Protectionists such as Lord Derby, Disraeli and Bentinck, Peelites such as Peel, Aberdeen and WGladstone
Name the five groups in Parliament by 1846
Protectionist Conservatives, Peelite Conservatives, Whigs, Radicals, Irish MPs
Who did the Irish MPs often support in Parliament?
Anyone who promised to help the Irish cause
Who did the Radicals often side with?
The Whigs
How was Free Trade furthered under John Russell’s government?
By the abolition of the Navigation Acts in 1849
What reform did Lord Derby pass in 1858 that was a Chartist demand during the 1830s?
The abolition of the property qualification to be an MP
Why did Disraeli resign after only 278 days in office?
He lost the 1868 election
Who became Prime Minister in 1868?
William Gladstone
When did Queen Victoria come to the throne?
1837, at the age of 18
Describe the “Bed Chamber Crisis”
In 1839, when Melbourne was defeated in the general election, Peel asked that he appoint some wives of Conservatives as Ladies of the Bed Chamber- Victoria refused and confined with Melbourne over the issue
Under which monarch did the power of the Crown decline?
What year was the Liberal Party formed?
What groups made up the Liberal Party?
Whigs, Peelites, Radicals and Liberals
Who was the first Liberal Prime Minister, and who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer?
Lord Aberdeen as PM and Gladstone as CoE
When was the Second Reform Act?