18. Respiratory Control Flashcards
What controls the frequency of breathing and the pattern?
The brain
If there is a greater inspiration, pattern will be much steeper and vice versa
What is the general set up for respiratory control?
Controller (medullary centers) –> Effector (muscles/diaphragm) –>controlled variable –> Sensor –> back to controller
What are the medullary respiratory centers in the central respiratory center?
DRG: dorsal respiratory group VRG: ventral respiratory group PRG: Pontine (pons) respiratory group Botzinger Complex Pre-Botzinger complex: V IMPORTANT (area between VRG and Botzinger
What does the respiratory control center determine?
timing (f) frequency/length inspiration
determines depth (Vt)
sends to motorneurons AP to phrenic N
What is believed to be the site which generates the timing (frequency) of the respiratory rhythm?
Pre-Botzinger complex, not the only though
What is it called when the pontine respiratory group is damaged, leading to no switching from inspiration to expiration?
Apneusis:failure to turn inspiration off
So therefore the PRG is also considered part of the network that controls length of inspiration
What are the two main groups that determine the depth/pattern of breathing? (Vt)
Dorsal respiratory group and ventral respiratory groups
DRG sends 95% of premotor to phrenic N (in spinal cord to tell what to do), receives lots of sensory info which generates a pattern appropriate to the circumstances. What do the rostral and caudal parts of the VRG do?
Rostal: premotor to phrenic and other inspiratory muscle
Caudal: premotor to upper airway, other expiration muscles
Pre-botzinger does?
generates core rythym, in medullary
PRG do?
modifies inspiratory timing, turns off inspiration, in Pons
DRG does?
depth of breathing Vt, in medullary
VRG does?
inspiration and expiration/depth in medullary
What is the difference between apneusis and apnea?
Apneusis: appears as maintained inspiratory discharge d/t damage to PRG, slight delay then inc CO2, dec O2, death
Apnea: No inspiration d/t medullary/spinal damage, Inc CO2, dec O2, death
What is a chemoreceptor?
a neuron that is sensitive to specific chemicals such as CO2, O2, and hydrogen ion
What will an increase in CO2, decrease in O2, and increase in H+ do to the firing rate of a chemoreceptor?
It will increase the firing rate of neurons which increases breathing rate, with hope of getting more O2 to body
What occurs when there is hypoxia or hypercapnia?
chemoreceptors increase their firing rate of activity, activating respiratory centers and increasing respiration
What are the two sets of chemoreceptors and where are they located?
Central chemoreceptors, in brain
peripheral chemoreceptors, in carotid and aorta (to tell brain what arterial blood is)
The central chemorecptors are located on the ventral surface of the medulla and are (indirectly) sensitive to CO2 in blood. What does this mean?
CO2 is able to cross the BBB and it then reacts with water and carbonic anhydrase, which forms HCO3 and H+. ***H+ THEN STIMULATES THE CENTRAL and drives you to breath
However H+ in blood does not affect central because cannot cross the BBB only CO2
In the peripheral chemoreceptors, the main ones are the carotid body, and the aortic arch is the back up system, they are just swellings. What are they mainly activated by?
Peripheral also communicate back to central pre-botzinger and DRG. Response to CO2 and Hydrogen ion is stronger, than O2. What do they stimulate?
signal afferents from carotid body/aortic arch to pre-bot and DRG, to influence the rate of the breathing, (increase f and Vt)
Slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors are located in the airways and are sensitive to stretch of airways- increase in stretch receptors (directly proportional to lung volume) fibers travel to brain via vagus nerve and causes what effect?
Inhibition of inspiration (inspiratory termination) and prolongation of expiration
What are the slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors important for in adults and children?
Adults: controlling respiration during exercise, not during rest
Children: controlling respiration all the time
What are the two sets of receptors that are involved in protecting the gas exchange surfaces, rather than controlling respiration on a breath to breath basis?
Rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors and J (juxtacapillary) receptors
Rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors are located in the airways and are sensitive to irritation, foreign bodies in the airway and stretch. What effect occurs?
Fibers travel to brain via Vagus nerve and cause a cough, also elicited by receptors at the larynx
The J receptors are located next to blood vessels of alveolis and are sensistive to pulmonary edema and cause what?
Effect is couch/tachypnea (fast breathing) cause by fibers via vagus nerve
The RARs and J receptors mediate protective refelxes that…?
OVERRIDE normal respiratory control systems, important for survival
Cortical influences do control breathing as well, such as talking and holding your breath. What occurs in these cases?
Cortex appears to be bypassing the medullary centers completely and sending input directly to the muscles of respiration as a fail safe if something goes wrong!