In response to behaviourism
Changed focus from things happening outside the S > things happening IN S’s brain
Knowledge is an INTERNAL PROCESS governed by RULES
Info is 1) acquired, 2) processed, and 3) applied
Learner is ACTIVE
Prioritize thinking, problem-solving, language, concept formation, info processing
How learner processes info (INTERNAL)
Relationship between child’s behavior and adult’s punishment/reward
Learner is reactive to different STIMULI
Primary concern is stimulating right response (show flashcard (stimulus), say right word (response))
Learner is PASSIVE
T strategies are repetitive and verbal
What learner DOES (EXTERNAL)
Learners “construct” the meaning from their own experiences
T = assistant in S’s learning
Learner is ACTIVE
How learner processes and applies info (INTERNAL/EXTERNAL)
Emphasis on what makes us human + its relevance to learning
Objective: autonomy/self-actualization
No timetables - learners in charge of education
Montessori / Maslows
Transformative education
See world thru lens of ETHICS
Challenge injustice
Power, privilege, social structure
Dialogue Ts + Ss
Individual + collective transformation
Bell Hooks / Paulo Freire
Interdisciplinary field
Combo of 2+ academic fields for a certain purpose
(Psychology + Linguistics = Psycholinguistics
Sociology + Linguistics = Sociolinguistics
Neurology + Linguistics = Neurolinguistics)
How are we able to understand, process, and use language?
Language comprehension, production, + 1st and SLA
Which areas of our brain are related to the
production of language?
Aphasias (difficulties in producing speech), rxn of the brain to input + its production of output
How does SOCIETY influence our language?
Why do we speak differently depending on the social context?
Context, how language is used, cultural
Variables: age, sex, dialect, social class
REGISTER [formal, informal… depends on
where we are and to whom we are talking]
The ways in which context and previous knowledge affect meaning
Communicative Language Teaching
Emphasis on comm. thru INTERACTION
ENG to communicate (not to repeat structures/vocab)
Fluency > Accuracy
authentic texts + incorporating Ss’ personal interests/experiences (i.e. fav historical characters)
Communicative Competence
Communicative Language Teaching
An ability to choose right verbal and non-verbal medium as well as to take into consideration the specific speaking situation
A variety of language used for a specific purpose with a group of language characteristics whose boundaries are usually defined by the context
Why have we adopted English as the lingua franca?
- Political, economic and historical reasons [after World War II/ past events related to the British Empire].
- Developed countries and their influence on science, technology and economics
- Simple grammar
Countries of the world in which the English language and cultural values predominate
Teacher-centered approach
- Knowledge T -> S
- Ss are PASSIVE
- Outside real context
- T = info-giver + primary evaluator
- Teaching + assessing are separate
- Only right answers matter!
- Assessment = scored tests
Student-centered approach
- Ss gather info/knowledge thru inquiry, communication, critical thinking + problem solving
- Ss are ACTIVE
- Real-life contexts
- T = facilitator/guide
- teaching + assessing go hand-in-hand
- Intxn + learning from errors are important
- Assessment = papers, portfolios, projects…
Structural Methods
Grammar Translation
Interactive Methods
Direct Method, Silent Way, Community Language Learning, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response
Modern Methods
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Content + Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Grammar Translation Method
Aim: develop Ss’ mental ability + discipline,
ability to translate/read literary texts
Use L1 to teach
Grammar drills, translation (L1 > ENG then ENG > L1)
Prioritize form over content (ignore pronunciation/communication)
Direct Method
“NATURAL Method”
Aim: Communication! Pronunciation/oral
Use ENG at all times to create “natural” env.
No translation!
No printed materials (less natural)
S participation is key - need to speak to learn
Audio-Lingual Method
Aim: provide Ss w/ basic units of communication
ENG at all times
Repeat single sentence/dialogue multiple times
*Speaking + Listening skills
Use native speakers or recordings
The Silent Way
Aim: create safe environment so S is comfortable while learning,
improve learning potential of Ss
T silent as much as possible, uses charts (Fidel) and rods (Cuisenaire)
T points to chart + S pronounces sound that color represents
No praise for correct answers, NO ERROR CORRECTION
Community Language Learning
Class = community, Ss must interact to help each other
NO syll/textbook - Ss decide what to learn
T = counselor, S = client
T must be aware of Ss’ feelings, thoughts, + motivation
Suggestion + Pedagogy
AIM: Make Ss feel comfortable + confident in learning environment
T prepares classroom (classical music, art, etc.)
3 h a day for 24 days
Groups of 12, = # boys and girls
Total Physical Response (TPR)
AIM: Mix language learning + movement
Listening before speaking; L1 only at beginning
Start w/ inx that T gives and Ss must follow
Content and Language Integrated Learning
Learning other subjects in L2 in a “normalized” environment
- use REALIA
- T speaks slowly at first, use repetitions, visual aids, demonstrations, etc.
- Later T relies on cooperative/ind. learning
- Less direct language teaching, more content
Foreign Language Learning
When the L2 is NOT an official language
i.e. learning Eng in Spain
Second Language Acquisition
When the L2 IS an official language
Learning Catalán in Cataluña
Language data we are exposed to
Input that has been processed by the student (what they actually learn)
The production we are able to make
Final step, measured in terms of fluency/accuracy
Output produced by the learner in reaction to the T’s feedback
When the S produces incorrect output w/ something that have NOT studied yet
When the S produces incorrect output w/ something they HAVE ALREADY studied
English for Specific Purposes
- meets specific needs of learners
- uses methodologies/activities from discipline it serves
- focus on grammar, lexis, register, study skills, discourse + genre related to discipline
Action plan w/ all elements that make up the educational system
a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context.
Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.
Threshold Level
Jan A. Van Eyk
Intermediate level of knowledge of a language which makes possible our interaction in daily life in a foreign country
All 4 skills in every unit
Intercultural competence
Sociocultural and cross-cultural knowledge, aiming at the development of cultural mediation competence.
- Interpreting + Relating: (savoir
COMPRENDRE) knowing how to interpret documents/events from other cultures - Discovery + Interaction: (savoir
APPRENDRE/FAIRE) ability to acquire new knowledge of a culture/cultural practices - Intercultural Attitudes: (savoir ÊTRE) curiosity + openness to other cultures.
- Critical Cultural Awareness: (savoir S’ENGAGER) Ability to critically evaluate our own culture + others’.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Provides a common basis of evaluation, objectives, content + methods in 2nd/foreign language education
Critical Literary Model
Literariness of the plot (why is it considered “literary”?)
Students have to analyse plot, characters, motivation, psychology…
Usually for upper-intermediate levels
Stylistic Model
Description + analysis of text (no interpretation)
Language-based Model
Similar to stylistic approach (no interpretation)
Focuses on vocab, grammar + syntax
Culture Model
Introduces cultural aspects of the L2 such as history, geography, politics, etc.
Personal Growth Model
Emphasis on the use of the Ss’ personal experience as a way to engage with literary works
Theories and beliefs that explain the learning process
EX: the communicative approach
A link btwn THEORY and PRACTICE
A FIXED teaching system
Set of techniques explained by/based on an approach/theory
EX: Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, TPR, Silent Way…
Each of the means thru which we support the learning process
EX: group discussions, immediate feedback, etc.
The learner’s current version of the language they are learning
- Grammatical
- Discourse (coherence/cohesion)
- Sociocultural (taking turns, appropriateness)
- Strategic (resourcefulness)
- Digital
Types of Register
- Frozen (Bible)
- Formal (political speech)
- Consultative (T/S)
- Casual (friends)
- Intimate (close friends / fam)
Elements of a Curriculum
- Objectives
- Competences
- Contents
- Methodology
- Learning standards
- Evaluation criteria
Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se Modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación
Self-selected + Sustained Silent Reading
Krashen + Mason
Ss choose what literature to read
Reading is most effective way to learn language
10-15 mins a day in class
4 Language Activities CEFRL
- reception
- production
- interaction
- mediation