1790 - 1799 Flashcards
Clarkson visits 317 ships and interviews 3000 sailours
Edmund Burke publishes ‘Reflections on the Revolution in france’ - Blamed violence on political change, favoured British system.
William fox publishes anti-sugar Pamphlet (70,000 copies)- After aboliton bill failure, public needed to force change, sugar was a import Haitian revolution begins - Successful anti slavery insurrection in Saint Dominique, led by Louverture, resulted in large deaths - founded state led by non whites Wilberforce's first abolition bill Sheffield Society for Constitutional information set up - Working class who wanted to raise awareness of reform
519 petitions signed against slave trade -390,000 signatures
400,000 involved in sugar boycott - 1/3 sugar sales
Colonial assembly abandon use of metal collars
Paine’s ‘Rights of men’ - Goes against Burke, condemned inequalities of Britain’s current system, called for reform
London Corresponding Society set up - Raise awareness
Sheffield society collect 10,000 signatures for manhood suffrage
War with France begins - Protests die down, price of living increases
Friendly Societies act is passed - Had to register with JP, and set of rules, increased numbers
3000 troops in Jamaica protecting planters
London printers - Early trade society who achieved higher wages
French abolish Slave trade
Clarkson traveled 35,000 miles around Britain - Used imagery to get point across, eg Brookes
Treason Trials - Extension of sedition trials in 1793, targeted parliamentary refomers
Grenada and St vincent slave uprisings - Inspired by Haitian
London corresponding society organise demonstration at Copenhagen Fields - Attended by 100,000
Speenhamland system - determined value of poor relief on price of bread
Seditious meeting act passed - Control meetings to under 50
Treason act - Treason against king punishable by death
Abolition act almost passed, when sugar was booming by 74 votes to 70
Equinano dies
Banks allowed to grant bank notes - Allowed banks to work on a personal level and made paying employees easier
Unlawful Oaths Act passed - Used to charge tolpuddle martyrs
Wigan Weavers established - Organised themselves into association of weaver, with 14 branches in Lancashire.
Robert Owen takes over at New Lanark - Improvements
Slave trade regulation act - Restricted trade to 3 main ports, Liverpool bristol and London
Combination Act passed