17.02.15 Flashcards
[T] to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information:
A Google search for “happiness” yields 75 million results.
محصول یا نتیجه و غیره) دادن)
great enthusiasm or eagerness:
While the depth and zeal of our current obsession with being happy may be unprecedented, happiness is an ancient, time-honored pursuit.
اشتیاق شدید، تعصب
C2 never having happened or existed in the past:
While the depth and zeal of our current obsession with being happy may be unprecedented, happiness is an ancient, time-honored pursuit.
بی سابقه
A time-honoured tradition, practice, or method is respected because it has been done or used in the same way for many years:
While the depth and zeal of our current obsession with being happy may be unprecedented, happiness is an ancient, time-honored pursuit.
pursuit noun
(ATTEMPT) C2 [U] the act of trying to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over a long period of time:
the pursuit of happiness
While the depth and zeal of our current obsession with being happy may be unprecedented, happiness is an ancient, time-honored pursuit.
B2 [C or U] someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something:
Aristotle – one of Rubin’s Happiness Project inspirations – may have been the original (if accidental) self-help guru, interrogating the causes and definitions of happiness at length in his Nicomachean Ethics.
الهام، الهام بخشی
› a religious leader or teacher in the Hindu or Sikh religion
› informal a person skilled in something who gives advice:
Aristotle – one of Rubin’s Happiness Project inspirations – may have been the original (if accidental) self-help guru, interrogating the causes and definitions of happiness at length in his Nicomachean Ethics.
در مذهب هندو مرجع تقلید و ارشاد، مرشد
a short part taken from a speech, book, film, etc.:
Excerpts of that text have been co-opted by thousands of present-day self-help books, lectures, seminars, blog posts and articles touting the secrets and steps to unlimited happiness.
[T] to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something:
Excerpts of that text have been co-opted by thousands of present-day self-help books, lectures, seminars, blog posts and articles touting the secrets and steps to unlimited happiness.
از کسی یا چیزی بسیار تعریف کردن، ستودن، بازارگرمی کردن، (مشتری یا رای دهنده و غیره) جلب کردن، بابوق و کرنا اعلام یا ادعا کردن، لفت و لعاب دادن
To co-opt is also to claim something as your own when it was really created by others:
Excerpts of that text have been co-opted by thousands of present-day self-help books, lectures, seminars, blog posts and articles touting the secrets and steps to unlimited happiness.
something that is produced as a result of making something else, or something unexpected that happens as a result of something:
Whereas Aristotle believed that happiness was the by-product of a life of virtue, we’ve come to associate happiness with a more vague metric of “feeling good.”
محصول جانبی
C2 [C or U] a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good:
Whereas Aristotle believed that happiness was the by-product of a life of virtue, we’ve come to associate
happiness with a more vague metric of “feeling good.”
خوبی، فضیلت
to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need:
personal gratification or sensory pleasures
کامروا کردن، خوشنود کردن
connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight
personal gratification or sensory pleasures
B2 to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what that person or thing is
Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence – which identifies the pursuit of happiness as an unalienable right, along with life and liberty –
مشخص کردن
inalienable (formal) = unalienable
unable to be removed:
an inalienable right
سلب نشدنی
verb [I or T] UK formal ( UK usually conceptualise)
to form an idea or principle in your mind:
The rising popularity of utilitarianism also led to a new way of conceptualizing happiness in terms of a pleasure vs. pain.
مفهوم آفریدن، ذهنی کردن
(of articles and photographs) sold to several different newspapers and magazines for publishing
Rubin – now a happiness guru, the author of two books on the subject, a sought-after public speaker and nationally syndicated columnist –
[T] to decide that something or someone is not worth considering or giving attention:
Critics have also pointed out that the obsession with happiness may lead some to discount both the presence and the value of the challenging and painful events that are inevitable in our lives
C1 not good enough or too low in quality:
– not to mention making us feel inadequate when we fall short of an ideal happiness.
بیصلاحیت، بیلیاقت، ناشایسته
B2 to give the main facts about something:
Aristotle defined happiness as a life lived in accordance with virtue, and outlined a philosophy of becoming happy through acting virtuously.
رئوس مطالب
founding father
someone who establishes an important organization or idea
The 18th century British economist and founding father of utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham …
to suggest something as a basic fact or principle from which a further idea is formed or developed:
Rousseau’s Social Contract posited that the rules of society must be created with humanity’s happiness in mind.
greater, better, more important, or going past or above all others:
According to McMahon, happiness, rather than service to God or spiritual transcendence, has come to be seen as the ultimate aim of life in many cultures.
الهیات) متعال، برین)
C2 something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time:
The legacy of those Enlightenment principles still informs our conception of happiness, even as happiness itself has taken on functions more often associated with religion.
مجازی) بازمانده، یادبود)
behaving strangely or in an anxious (= worried and nervous) way, often because you have a mental illness:
To care about happiness in a really sustained, neurotic way … is on one level a sign of our prosperity.
وابسته به روان رنجوری یا تباهی
material that consists of two pieces of cloth that stick together, used to fasten clothes
In Hanson’s analogy, the brain is like Teflon for positive experiences and Velcro for negative ones.
to tell someone something that will prepare them for a particular situation:
“If we train ourselves increasingly to look for the positive, we have trained our brain in terms of what it’s primed to see and what it’s scanning for,” said Hanson.
آماده کردن، مهیا کردن
B2 used to introduce a new word or phrase that is not yet known by many people:
In the pursuit of pleasure and joy, people tend to fall into the trap of running on the so-called hedonic treadmill
به اصطلاح، آنطور که میگویند، معروف به
ratcheting up/down
to increase/reduce something over a period of time:
The debate should ratchet up awareness of the problem among members of the general public.
The government was accused of ratcheting up pressure on the health services.
Costs have been ratcheted down by as much as 50 percent since 1999.
We keep ratcheting up what is luxury and what is pleasure, and yet we also fall back to a kind of baseline,” said McMahon.
به تدریج بالا بردن (یا پایین آوردن)، کم کم افزودن ( یا کاستن)
C1 an offer or suggestion, usually in business:
He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.
I’ve put my proposition to the company director for his consideration.
In some ways this will always be a losing proposition.
(BASIC) a main product or part of something:
Shortages mean that even staples (= basic foods) like bread are difficult to find.
Romantic fiction and reference books are a staple of many public libraries.
Meanwhile, positive psychology has become a staple of the corporate world, promising to make employees happier, and therefore more productive and more creative.
[T] to join or add something new:
The management tried unsuccessfully to graft new working methods onto the existing ways of doing things.
There’s a certain tendency in our culture to want to graft some kind of happiness onto an existing structure,” Hanson said.
B2 [C] a type or degree of a colour:
This hair colouring comes in several shades.
The room has been decorated in pastel shades (= soft and light colours) throughout.
If you just fill in the blank – get this car, find the right shade of lipstick, go on vacation in Mexico, lose those five pounds – suddenly you’ll be happier and have the fulfillment you want in life
میزان تیرگی رنگ، گونا، فام
a stopping of an activity for an agreed amount of time:
a five-year worldwide moratorium on nuclear weapons testing
I’d like just for a year to have a moratorium on the word “happiness” and to replace it with the word “wholeness.”
to make meat easy to cut or chew (= crush with the teeth) by beating it or preparing it in a particular way
Sorrow tenderises the heart
C2 calm, serious, and controlled behaviour that makes people respect you:
He is a man of dignity and calm determination.
She has a quiet dignity about her.
I think everyone should be able to die with dignity.
Attending to the suffering of one’s self and others has dignity to it
احترام، شان
والایی، بزرگی، بزرگمنشی، جاهمندی، شایستگی، وقار، متانت، فرهمندی، اورنگ
[U] honesty, courage, and kindness: nobility of spirit/purpose "Attending to the suffering of one's self and others has dignity to it -- a nobility even -- and it's important to do, particularly in our culture that always wants to 'fix it fast.'" شرف، شرافت اصالت
B2 a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty:
an effective herbal remedy for headaches
The best remedy for grief is hard work.
mindfulness may be the remedy to a tendency to look for easy solutions.
درمان، علاج، مداوا
an understanding of yourself and your abilities
self-knowledge is the bedrock of joy and fulfillment.
خودشناسی (آگاهی به ویژگیهای خود)
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them:
I was hoping she might show a little compassion.
Mindfulness, which has been shown to boost compassion and may even improve relationship quality, may also bring us back to a more Aristotelian notion of happiness as a life in which we are good to others.
همدردی، شفقت، دلسوزی، ترحم، رحم
serious and quiet thought for a period of time:
She was staring out over the lake, lost in contemplation.
The nuns have an hour for silent contemplation every morning.
Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD, is a contemplative psychotherapist, stress researcher and meditation instructor who integrates Tibetan contemplative science with current breakthroughs in neuroscience and optimal health.
تفکر و عبادت (مذهبی و عرفانی)، مکاشفه
a simple weapon used mainly in the past in which a strap held at the ends was used for throwing stones
We need to learn to connect with others with mindful openness and positivity, and to deal with the daily slings and arrows, and work through those and maintain a sense of connection that’s positive.
فلاخن، قلابسنگ