#17-Biogeography Flashcards
What happens to the number of species and you increase in latitude?
Number decreases
What are spatial scales?
Scales are interconnected Ina hierarchical way
What is a global scale?
The whole world
- species separated by continent and oceans
What is a regional scale?
Areas with uniform climate
- species bound to dispersal in that region
What is a regional species pool?
All species contained within a region
What is the landscape scale?
Topographic and environmental features of s region
-land layout
What is a local scale?
Equivalent to a community
-physiology and interactions with other species
What is beta diversity?
Change in species number and compositions or turnover of species from one community type to another
- connects local and regional scales
What do the 6 biogeographic regions correspond to?
The tectonic plate s
What is vicariance?
Evolutionary separation of species by barriers such as those formed by continental drift
What is a hotspot?
Areas of high species richness that occur at particular longitudes
What is species diversification?
The net increase or decrease of species over time
- extinction - speciation
Areas that are more climatically stable have more____?
Species there have more time to evolve
What does a loss of tropic species mean for species in other areas?
It will cut off the supply of new species to higher latitudes
- all species originate in the tropics and move north
What does high productivity promote?
Large population size because the carrying capacity is larger