1688 and the 1690s Flashcards
What did Macaulay say the spirit of the revolution was?
“The opposite of revolutionary”
Who argued that revolution secured the hegemony of Anglican aristocracy and gentry vs. Catholic monarchical bureaucracy? How did this leave england?
Clark; as an ancien regime well into the 18th century.
Who argues that the revolution was revolutionary from the perspective of conservatives?
Rose: “The world had not been turned upside down, but it was listing dangerously”
Who argued that there were two revolutions? What two?
Goldie. Anglican and Williamite.
What has Holmes stressed?
That it was first and foremost an invasion and only very secondary a rebellion
Give an example of a traditional historian who saw the GR as a “tidying up operation”?
Why does Harris see the revolution as an internal event?
Regime disintegrating before invasion; fell not because of superior military might of a foreign invading power, but because James II failed to understand the realities of power within the Restoration polity.
What does Jones argue the purpose of 1688-9 revolution was?
Restorative and conservationist
Who has pointed to the debasement of the term ‘revolution’?
What three parts were there to the invitation to William?
Dynastic, ecclesiastical, political
Why did James’ flight convert the conflict from a civil war to a foreign one?
Civil wars are fought among those who know what civil sovereignty is, but are in conflict over where it is located and how it is to be exercised; James abandoned/never exercised the weapon of civil war, since by not waging war within the kingdom he lost the power to oblige his subjects to choose between two claimants to sovereignty, each with his own definition of what it was.
How many men were in the invading army?
48 000
What banners were carried by the invading armies?
‘For the defence of the Protestant Religion and the Liberty and Property of the subjects of England’.
Who argued that there were twice as many catholics in William’s army as James?
Robert Ferguson
When had William launched his propaganda campaign?
January 88
Why did some fear that England could not have a Dutch king?
“They follow the same mistress, trade”
Who was one of the first figures to join William?
Sir Edward Seymour, Tory and greatest elector magnate in West
Where were there bloody skirmishes?
Wincanton and Reading
What prompted the 1689 first Mutiny Act?
Mutiny of the army at Ipswich
Who condemned the rebellion as “vile” and “hatched in Hell”?
Dean of Durham, Granville
Where were there risings in unison with William’s arrival?
York, Nottingham, Cheshire
What two dominant objectives did the Revolution settlement have? Who argues this?
To restore Anglican hegemony and the dominance of the landed class’ monopoly of office through the Test Acts (as vital to Tories as Whigs). Childs
What political ideas does Clark stress the continuity of?
Patriarchalism, deference, divine right ideology
Who has seen the revolution as one of compromise and collusion, rather than a trumpeting of high ideals?
Why did Locke argue there had been no dissolution of government?
Constitution retained its ancient form and force, so that all which had been done was authorised by the necessity of preserving it.
Who argues that revolution became a spectator sport for middle class intellectuals?
Did Burke agree with the idea of cashiering/dethroning a king?
No - ‘Cashiering’/dethroning of a king is not a legal or constitutional process – it is invariably and necessarily an act of war, of armed rebellion and civil war.
What two revolutions has Pocock identified?
One a violent peripeteia or reversal of worldly fortunes, occurring in November and December 1688, and culminated in the second flight of James and his refuge in France. Second was the attempt to discover and establish the principles on which James had ceased to be king and might be replaced as sovereign.
How has Pocock labelled the campaign of 1688?
“War of the English Succession”
Who has seen 1688 as a war of religion?
What did Scott stress was the purpose of Dutch military intervention?
To bring Stuart kingdoms into European alliance against France
What did England become, according to Israel?
A crowned republic
Who has stressed William’s conservative motives and fear that England may become a republic?
Who has challenged the legality of William selling £4400 of excise money?
Who did riots in late 88 target?
Mass houses, local Catholics and men associated with implementation of James’ unpopular policies.
According to Kenyon, what fraction of aristocrats did not stir to join either W or J?
What did Mary think about female involvement in government?
‘My opinion has ever been that women should not meddle in government’.
What became a problem related to the joint monarchy (as phrased by Sir Thomas Lee)?
Problem of how to ‘find out a way to invest the queen with the Regency as not to dispossess the king’.
How many were in the regency council and what fraction were T/W?
5 Tories, 4 Whigs
What was passed in 1694?
Regulation by statute of the succession and surrender (1694) of the Crown’s sole prerogative to summon, prorogue and dissolve parliaments.
When had the last new coronation oath been?
What was whittled down to the Declaration?
28 ‘heads of grievances’
Who has argued that he settlement was conservative enough to allow for ideological manoeuvre?
Goldie and Harris
Who argues that the real changes occurred as a result of the 9 Years War?
When was the national debt created?
When was the Bank of England created?
When was the first high yield direct tax created?
When had someone tried to create a bank, for it to be criticised as a republican enterprise?
What does Webb argue England feared especially?
Paramilitary politics
What poem reflects the sense of danger and instability that marked James’ last year?
Dryden’s Hind and the Panther of 1687
Who argues that the achievements of the Revolution found no clear expression or exaltation in culture? “Literary silence surrounded the revolution”
What was the one great literary text from the revolutionary period?
Don Sebastian
How was William often portrayed, according to Baxter?
As Hercules (Henry IV France)
What gave greater guarantees of a fair judicial process?
English Treason Trials Act of 1696
Who has shown that many Scots were happy to share the Whig view of 1707? Who is an example of an Irish whig?