1629 - 1653 Flashcards
When was the Book of orders?
1631 - a set of administrative guidelines designed to improve the efficiency of local government in England.
When was Wentworth appointed deputy of Ireland?
When was Laud made Archbishop of Cantbury
When was St Gregorys case?
When was Charles first visit to Scotland
1633 - crowned - announces prayer book.
When did Charles reintroduce forest courts?1
When did Charles reintroduce the Book of Sports?
When was Charles extension of Ship Money at a national rate?
When was the new Laudian prayer book introduced to Scotland?
1637 - Charles imposed this without any consultation with the Scottish Kirk or Parliament
When does Charles impose new church laws on Scotland
1636 - a further escalation of James’ 5 articles of Perth
When did the Scots Covanents form?
1638 - manifesto abolished Laudiansim
When was the outbreak of the first Scottish riots as first book is read out
When was the Trial of Prynne, Burton and Bastwick +++ Bishop John Lilburne imprisoned for his book
1637 - built oppositon to Laudinism - The three men were found guilty of criticising Laud’s measures. They were each fined £5000 and imprisoned for life.
Lilburne imprisoned for his book - whipped in public
When was the Hampden Case?
1637 - 1638 — Charles took Hampden to court for his refusal to pay ship money, hoping Hampden’s case would make the point to all that Charles’ authority should be obeyed. He won 7 -5 but it was a political loss and built opposition up against him.
Second Bishops war?
1640 - Scots take newcastle - Charles signed treaty of Ripon- paid Scots £850 per day — forced him to recall parliament.
First bishops war?
1639- ends with Truce of Berwick after Charles didnt want to recall parliament for funds.
When was the trial and execution of Wentworth after Bill of Attainder passed?
Root and Branch petition
signed by 15,000 londoners in opposition of Charles.
When was the Irish rebellion?
1641 - 3000 killed in Ulster after Wentworth leaves to help Charles
When was the Grand Remonstrance?
1641 -
The Grand Remonstrance was a list of over 200 criticisms of Charles’ government since 1625, which showed why he could not be trusted with the control of the army that was needed to crush the Irish rebellion.
When was the trinneal act?
1641 - abolished kings use of ship money
When was the Milita bill?
1642 - The militia bill forced MPs to take sides on who should command the army. It essentially proposed that Parliament would be in control of the army raised to crush the Irish rebellion. after it was passed the army was raised from ship money.
What was the 5 members coup?
1642 - failed attempt of charles to arrest 5 of his top critics including Pym - it outraged parliament and the London public. Pym used the coup as further proof of the danger Charles posed and that king could not be negotiated with.
When was the first civil war?
1642 - 1646
The Solemn League and Covanent vs Royalists
Big loss was Battle of Marston Moor (1644) and Naseby (1645)
When was Politicalization of the New Model Army.
1646 - the army became increasingly radical after the First Civil War, fearing that Parliament (dominated by Presbyterians) would disband it without addressing soldiers’ grievances over pay (owed £3 million by parliament).
At this point, the NMA had control over Charles and Cromwell showed his desire for an essentially moderate settlement with him (heads of proposal). This brought division in the army itself. However, Charles escaped Hampton Court in 1647 and started negotiations with the Scots, the NMA reunited at this event.
When was Self Denying Ordinance passed?
1645 - meant bar Cromwell - MPs couldn’t hold roles in the army. - NMA formed.
Newcastle Propositions
1646 - after Charles surrended to Scots they proposed terms of defeat - including Presbterian church in England. Charles refused and was handed back to Parliament. Charles could return as monarch…
When was the engagement?
1647 - after Charles escaped Hampton Court he secretly negotiated with the Scots - essentially agreed to the newcastle propositions and the Scots invaded england on behalf of Charles in 1648.
When were the Putney debates?
1647 - The debates ended with no consensus, and the Levellers’ radical proposals were rejected by the NMA leaders.
When was the Start and End of the Second Civil War?
When was the Windsor Prayer meeting?
1648 - The Windsor Prayer Meeting of October 1648 was a pivotal moment in the New Model Army’s radicalization, where army leaders and soldiers gathered to discuss the army’s political and religious direction, as well as its stance on King Charles I and Parliament.
The 5 monarchist leader Thomas harrison declared Charles as the “man of blood”
When was Cromwells invasion of Ireland
1649 - returned in 1650 to invade scotland after Charles II.
When was Prides purge?
1648 forming the rump - In February 1649, the Rump voted to abolish monarchy and the apparatus of monarchial government creating a republi