1.6 Republican rule, 1649-60 failure - the rump 1649 - 1653 + Nominated Assembly fail 1653 Flashcards
Summary point if the wtf this flashcards gonna be bout. - Rump and Failure of nominated assembly?
- Growth in extreme ideas: Ranters, Fifth monarchists, fears of extremism. Blasphemy Act. Levellers
- Continuation of Royalism : Cromwell’s actions in ireland (Killing spree) Defeat of Scots and Charles II
- Actions of the Rump : Election of a council of State, abolition of the monarchy and the lords. Declaration of a commonwealth. Attempts to reform law. Taxation. Dissolved by Cromwell, 1653
- membership, reforms made, reasons for failure.
When was the Rump Parliament? What was the rump?
-Name given to those left in P after prides Purge of long P on 1648
What actions does the rump take in 1649
JAN - Declares itself to be the sole leg authority.
Elects a council of state to govern in its name (like the privy council dammn they levellin up)
March - Abolishes the monarchy and the House of lords ( Go little rockstar lolll)
May - Declares Eng Commonwealth, gov by a single chamber parliament ( GirlBoss Move)
Problems due to the nature of the Rump
1) Lack of planning - The execution of the king had been rushed, given no time for planning what sytem of gov would replace the monarch
2) Different opinions - Diff groups had very diff ideas about what a ‘commonwealth’ should be.
e.g Army wanted religious toleration,
Conservative MPs wanted to restore the monarchy,
Radicals wanted further change to society,
Cromwell and others - against radicalism but wanted a ‘godly reformation’
Why does cromwell dissolve the Rump, 1653
- Cromwell dissolves rump by force
- Rump wated new elections so MPs who had been excluded or had chosen to stay away could be replaced
- Cromwell did not like this because it would mean more conservative MPs and the less chance of reform.
- The army was unhappy because they discovered the Rump planned to rush through a Bill for election before considering reforms the army wanted. The newly elected MPs would also have limited the army’s influence.
Who were the Fifth Monarchists?
They believed that Christ would eventually return to earth to rule in person, but the events of the civil war convinced them that his return was imminent and that it was the duty of true believers (the Saints) to seize control of government and prepare the way.
Who were the Ranters?
They took their idea of predestination and argued that if they were predestined to be saved, then they were incapable of sin - sinful actions simply demonstrated the purity of their minds. (GREAT MINIORTY NOT AS MUCH)
Who were the Quakers?
The most important radical group to emerge after the civil war. They believed in complete spiritual equality and the right of all people to follow the spirit of God within them
Explain Why the Growth in extreme ideas meant it was difficult to provide effective and stable gov 1649-52?
Ranters and Fifth Moarchists were taking the piss with their conflicting ideas.
How far was the Growth in extreme ideas issue solved
1) Blasphemy act passed aug 1650 = to restrain extremist Puritan Sects (some army dont like it)
2) Leveller leaders arrested, march 1649 = Mutiny at Burford - several leaders shot.
= Attempts to limit extremism but fear of radicalism from more moderate ppl was still there.
Republic = disorder. However, the leveller’s support had mainly been in london so once they had lost their leaders, this marked the end of any strong radical threat within the army.
Why did the greater gentry refuse to cooperate with the Rump?
They had formed an important part of Charles court, they respected the authority of the King, the King had provided them with land and titles. They thought parliament may turn against them.
Explain Why the Continuation of Royalism meant it was difficult to provide effective and stable gov 1649-52?
Ireland - A royalist stronghold. Immediately proclaimed C II as king .
Scotland - Also proclaimed C II as king = Crowned there in 1651
How far was the continuation of Royalism issue solved e.g scots, Ireland, charles?
Charles II easily defeated at Worcester in 1651. =Little support. Army used against the Royalist threat in
–>Ireland = Cromwell massacres at Drogheda and town of Wexford as they refused to surrender to English rule
–> Scots - posed a threat to republican rule. Had a pwrful army, provoking third civil war. However, Mfkr Cromwell defeats the scots at Dunbar 1650 and destroys CII army at Worcester 1651
–> But charles still alive meant Royalism will always be there. Monarchy=stability (for some e.g gentry)
Explain the reason for miniorty rule
Was the issue of minoirty rule soled?
Explain the feeling of instability in the country?
Was it solved?
Minority rule == The rump reflected some. Prides purge led to the exclusion of 186 MPs and another 45 arrested
was it solved = Rump and Cromwell are unable to attract full co-operation, there was also a lack of agreement e.g The Hale commission failed to reform the legal system due to complexities. + Far less acts passed in 1652 = business of gov slowed down.
Feeling of instability in the country = Very unsettled by the execution = impossible to hold new elections. Needed co-operation of the political nation (gentry) to rule effiecntly
was it solved = greater gentry was like fuck nah.
Feat of the army + expense meant a lack of reliable support from the political nation –> lack of stability –> Need for large standing army = cycle
Rump attempts to reform law to provide stability was shit. Hale commission (reform legal sys) set up 651 but recommendation never adapted === no impact
What did Cromwell replace Rump with?
Replaced it with the Nominated Assembly.
Who made up the nominated assembly?
Members nominated by the gov. They were religious radicals determined to establish godly rule in the country.
What reforms did the Nominated Assembly make
- Civil marriage was legalised
- registers for births marriages and deaths created
- Continuation of the anglo-dutch war for trade purposes (Get trade routes).
- Legal measures to help debtors
- Regulation for the treatment of ‘lunatics’
Why did the membership of the Nominated Assembly lead to problems?
Tension between radicals and more moderate members. e.g Fifth Monarchists wanted the intro of Biblical laws and some JPs had been replaced by men of lesser statues.
Assembly lost support of the politicals classes with its more radical proposals,e.g abolish tithe
How did the nominated assembly come to an end?
In December, 1653 the more moderate members met and voted to dissolve the Assembly. Major-General John Lambert produced the instrument of government three days later, offering an entirely new constitution fomalised in a protectorate with government by a single person (cromwell) and a parliament designed by Lambert.