16 Flashcards
3 big elements of memory
encoding, storage, retrieval
matching encoding with retrieval can have
big benefits
Short-term or working memory models take _____ from a _____
limited information
larger ‘sensory memory’.
Computational complexity is reduced by
using attention to primarily focus, enhance, and bind the most relevant stimuli.
Within STM (short term memory/WM, we
maintain and control/manipulate real-time information.
long-term establishing
the things you know
anything before “right now”
short term memory is gone
What about long-term memory?
• These are memories that are maintained for days, months, and years. They are your ‘top down’ information.
–> This is typically what you think of as what you have learned.
• There are many distinctions/types of LTM. [After midterm]
• How do we encode, store, and retrieve in this different space?
Encoding can be influenced by five main factors:
rehearsal time,
levels of processing,
memory for meaning,
One important technique for studying the effects of these factors is the
free recall paradigm.
• Participants as presented with a list of words.
• They are asked to reproduce (recall) as many of them as
possible. (you produce them)
• You can experimentally manipulate word length, delay to recall, interfering tasks, etc. to asses what affects encoding.
Encoding: rehearsal
We’ve already discussing how maintenance rehearsal can use subvocal verbal encoding to keep items active in STM/WM. How can free recall tell use which items will pass to LTM?
• Murdoch (1962)
used free recall with participants who read a list of 20 words and then immediately wrote down everything they could remember. (what in STM is immediately transfered?)
things that are most recent push out the earlier stuff
Murdoch found strong effects for serial position of the words
recency effect?
primacy effect?
A later study by Runduss (1971) demonstrated
- Recency effect: The last words on the list were remembered best.
- Primacy effect: The first few items were also remembered better. (due to internal rehesal
- that this pattern was due to rehearsal. He asked people to repeat the words as new words were presented.
Encoding: levels of processing
Craik & Lockhart (1972)
proposed that information could be processed and stored at different levels of processing (depth of processing). ‘Deeper’ encoding would result in better recall.
what you really remember is the important stuff because you’re encoding that deep knowledge into LTM
Ask a question at different levels of processing for a set of words.
Later ask them to recognize the words from a larger list.
• Shallow: Is it in capital letters?
e.g. CHAIR - Yes
• Medium: Does it rhyme with dove?
e.g. Glove - Yes
• Deep: Would it fit in the sentence? She met a ________ at the movies.
e.g. Mountain No
Runduss (1971)
demonstrated that Murdoch finding was due to rehearsal. He asked people to repeat the words as new words were presented.
limited memory (ST or WM)
we see the primacy effect and lose the recency effect
new stuff can’t find room
Encoding: levels of processing
Craik & Lockhart (1972)
The level of processing resulted in differing degrees of recognition.
- Shallow: 17%
- Medium: 37%
- Deep: 65%
problem with Craik and Lockhart
An objection to this asks what is
considered “deep” processing?
• It’s a bit circular as it hasn’t been defined independently of memory
– what do you encode? the deeper things? What are deeper things? the things you encode.
not learning anything more, just using words in slightly different ways
Encoding: memory for meaning
When trying to remember something, we are usually trying to extract the…
…gist of the meaning, rather than the exact words used.
Encoding: memory for meaning
We often encode…
…inferences as if they were present.
• Read: “Three turtles rested on a floating log and a fish swam
beneath it.”.
• Later asked: “Did you read that the fish swam under the turtles?”
- meaning: yes (inferred)
- literal: no (fish swam under the log)
memory could have errors based on what you’ve read or experienced - the context that you’re adding when you encode the memory
Encoding: memory for meaning
Bransford, Barclay, & Franks (1972)
found that participants had
trouble distinguishing between literal information and natural
• However, participants easily notice meaning changes: “Did you read that the turtles were beside a floating log?”
—> Be careful with inferences when studying! (easy to encode incorrectly)
Encoding: organization
When information can be
organized in some way (e.g.
meaning ((chunking: organizing into small meaningful chunks)), visual ((diagram)), temporal ((time-line)) ),
memory performance
Encoding: organization
Bower et al. (1969)
• Bower et al. (1969) presented
items either grouped by category
or as a random list.
–> chunking
• Items were presented four times,
with a recall test each time.
• Performance steadily improved
with more practice/rehearsal, but
performance with the organized
information was much better.
—-> Organize your notes! Use outlines!
Diagrams or pictures also help organize information that would otherwise be difficult.
• Bransford & Johnson (1972)
presented participants with readings that were confusing.
- Group 1 saw a picture before reading that helped organize the info;
- Group 2 saw a picture after reading; the control group didn’t get a picture.
• “If the balloons popped, the sound wouldn’t be able to carry, since everything would be
too far away from the correct floor…”
• Group 1 had much better recall of the information than group 2 and the control (no picture).
–> Read before lectures; use/draw diagrams!
Encoding: elaboration
Stein & Bransford (1979)
presented sentences of four types to different groups:
• Simple: The old man bought the paint.
• Irrelevant: The old man bought the paint that was on the top shelf. (old is the target) * Precise: The old man bough the paint to color his cane. * Self-generated: The old man bough the paint…
Participants were then given sentences and asked to fill in the blank:
• The \_\_\_\_\_ man bought the paint.
When trying to encode information, it can help to ___ by
adding semantically relevant information
why elaboration is important
it often helps for info to be self generated
added meaning gives you more retrieval cues later on, elaboration points back to that: that’s important, encode it more
The information becomes
more meaningful and contains more cues for later retrieval.
Encoding: elaboration
Stein & Bransford found…
…that people given precise elaboration of the key word were more likely to recall it later.
• Out of ten items, the precise
elaboration was recalled best.
• If the elaboration was irrelevant, it acted as a distraction and made
recall worse.
• Precise elaboration is more effective as you get older - you have more top down info to tie it to (Cherry et al, 1993).
– cue to retrieve the target
• Self-generation is very useful, but may serve to fulfill pre-existing biases.
People may use a ____ to organize the manner in
which they recall information.
• retrieval plan
might be to step through a chart or diagram that you had
For example, you use temporal
order, categories, physical cues (“It’s an ‘m-word’”…), etc.
what is the best for encoding?
precise, self-generation
–> re-writing notes in your own words (but direct to meaning)
In general, you want the retrieval context to match the
encoding context for maximal efficiency
(i.e. the cue should match the elaboration.)
retrieval plan matches encoding plan
Types of retrieval
• In recall tasks, you generate the name of the encoded item
(e.g. fill-in the blank).
- In recognition tasks, you identify the item from among options. (e.g. multiple-choice).
- In most cases, recognition is easier than recall.
Retrieval: encoding specificity
A great deal of work has shown that of initial encoding can greatly effect how it is later retrieved.
One prime example is the encoding specificity effect.
encoding specificity effect.
Thomson & Tulving (1970)
examined how encoding specificity could overcome pre-existing associations. [Different from example in book.]
• Phase I presented word pairs that were either weakly or strongly associated. The first word is a cue, the second is the target.
- Weak: ground-COLD, grasp-BABY - Strong: sky-BLUE, long-SHORT
• Phase II (test phase) presented a pair of words and asked if the UPPER CASE word was previously shown (recognition task). However, they varied the cues to be either weak or strong.
- Weak cue: ground-COLD, pretty-BLUE - Strong cue: long-SHORT, infant-BABY
Which would be better during recognition: strength of pre-existing association or specificity of encoding context?
Retrieval: encoding specificity
Results Thomson & Tulving (1970)
The amazing find was that a weak retrieval cue was more effective than a strong retrieval cue if it matched the exact cue used when studying.
- You encode the target word with that specific cue.
- Stronger cues aren’t as effective if not present at encoding.
• The lure was never present
in phase I. You should always say “no” during recognition.
Context overcomes preexisting associations.
specificity of the original encoding most important!