15: access to meetings and info Flashcards
What did the Local Govenrment Act 2000 do in terms of access to meetings?
Each local authority must publish a Council Constitution available for inspection by public
Who is the council system overseen by?
Monitoring officers and often a Standards Committee
How can people complain about council?
Commission for Local Administration in England
What is he Old Style committee and full council system>
Under the Local Government act 1985, public and journalists have a right to attend all meetings of full council, committees and sub committees.
Exemptions is when meeting discuss exempt or confidential info.
What is exempt and confidential info?
Exempt: personal or commerically sensitive information
Confidential: info supplied by government departments or matters of disclosure prohibited by court.
under what act can public and journalists attend council meetings
local government act 1985
How are council meeting agendas devided?
Part one: business open to public and press
part two: confidential and exempt items
what is the new style access to meetings
leader and cabinet system, local government act 2000. accusation of less democratic system. never discussed in meetings open to public
2011 Localism Act gave public and journalists right to attend all:
cabinet meetings
full council meetings
committee meetings
sub committee meetings
scrutiny and overview meetings
What is the local audit and accountability aact 2014
allows members of press and public to:
-audio record
councils can ask filiming does not interfre with good conduct.
what is the advance notice for council meetings?
five days, must provide agendas and background papers, press and public can be excluded if exempt and confidential
what us the accounts and audit regulations 2011
cover checking councils detailed financial accounts for 20 working days.
can see spending over £500, sinior salaries
What is qualified privilege
you are protected from libel provided report is fair, accurate, published without malice and in the public interest.