1.5, 1.6 Adrenergic Pharmacology Flashcards
SNS stimulation mediated by release of __________ which activates adrenoceptors
sympathomimetic drugs mimic the actions of?
epinephrine or norepinephrine
- promote release of endogenous catecholamines
- displace stored catecholamines (amphetamine and tyramine)
- inhibit reuptake of catecholamines (cocaine)
indirect acting agents
- in peripheral vasculature: contract smooth muscle, increase blood pressure
- PLC activation, IP3 - calcium mobilization, DAG -PKC activation
alpha 1 adrenoceptors
presynaptic autoregulation of neurotransmitter release, inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity
-decrease intracellular cAMP levels
alpha 2 adrenoceptors
- approximately equal affinity for epi and NE
- found in vasculature, lung, eye, and most other end organs
- increase cAMP levels
beta 1 adrenoceptors
- high affinity for epi than NE
- found in vasculature, lung, eye, and most other end organs
- increase cAMP levels
beta 2 adrenoceptors
- important in the brain
- found in splanchnic and renal vasculature
- D1 stimulates, D2 inhibits adenylyl cyclase
dopamine receptors
-_______ may limit therapeutic response to sympathomimetics
Sympathomimetic drugs: in blood vessels alpha receptors __________ arterial resistance, and beta2 receptors __________ vascular smooth muscle
skin and splanchnic vessels have primarily _____ receptors
skeletal muscle vessels have predominantly _______ receptors
beta 2
- in the heart _______ receptor activity predominates
- activation results in increased calcium influx in cardiac cells, AV conduction velocity increased, refractory period decreased
______ agonists in the eye contract the radial pupillary dilator muscle –> mydriasis (dilation), can slighlty increased drainage of aqueous humor
_______ agonists in the eye increase aqeuous humor secretion by the ciliary epithelium, antagonists are important in the treatment of glaucoma
beta agonists
in the respiratory tract, ________ relax bronchial smooth muscle
beta 2 receptors
in the respiratory tract, ______ receptors in blood vessels of upper respiratory mucosa produce decongestion upon contraction
alpha 1
in the GI tract, _______ receptors on smooth muscle cells mediate relaxation
-alpha 2 activation ________ PNS drive on enteric nervous system
in the GI tract, alpha-1 receptors _______ the bladder base, promoting urinary retention
in the GU tract, beta 2 receptors of bladder wall _____ smooth muscle, promoting urinary retention
increase lipolysis
enhance glycogenolysis
increase glucose release
increase insulin secretion
beta receptor activation
______ receptor activation decreases insulin resistance
- very potent vasoconstrictor (alpha-1) and cardiac stimulant (beta-1)
- positive inotropic and chronotropic actions on heart (beta-1)
- also activates beta-2 receptors
- mixed effects on TPR, increases venous capacitance
- effects similar to epi on alpha-2 receptors in the heart
- similar potency at beta-1 receptors
- relatively little effect on beta-2 receptors
- increases peripheral resistance
- increases both diastolic and systolic blood pressure
- compensatory vagal reflexes overcome positive direct chronotropy, at high doses may directly increase HR
potent nonselective beta receptor agonist –> positive chronotropic and inotropic actions –> increases cardiac output
-decreases both diastolic and mean arterial pressures
activates D1 receptors in renal vasculature, increases renal blood flow
relatively beta-1 selective synthetic catecholamine
-also activates alpha-1 receptors
- prototypic alpha-1 agonist
- not inactivated by COMT –> longer duration of action than other catecholamines
- mydriatic and decongestant, can raise BP
alpha 1 selective sympathomimetic
first orally active sympathomimetic drug
widely available OTC decongestant, indirect effects on releasing endogenous NE
direct alpha-1 agonist, used as topical decongestants
oxymetazoline, xylometazoline
- clonidine, methyldopa, guanfacine, guanabenz
- antihypertensives
- diminish SNS outflow
alpha-2 selective agonists
- dobutamine
- prenalterol
- increase CO with less reflex tachycardia, lack of beta-2 stimulated venous dilation
beta-1 selective agonists
- albuterol, salmeterol, terbutaline, ritodrine
- asthma, uterine relaxation in premature labor
beta-2 agonists
- indirect sympathomimetic
- marked stimulant effects on mood and alertness
- depressant effect on appetite
- common drug of abuse
-similar to amphetamine but has higher ratio of central to peripheral actions
amphetamine variant used in ADHD
- local anesthetic
- sympathomimetic due to blockade of uptake 1
- release stored catecholamines, found in high concetrations in fermented foods
- MAO inhibitor potentiate effects
- can produce hypertensive crisis
- related to extension of pharmacologic effects in the CV and central nervous systems
- hypertension, tachycardia, restlessness, tremor, insomnia, anxiety, paranoia
toxicity of sympathomimetic drugs
_______ receptor antagonists lower peripheral vascular resistance and reduce blood pressure
- can reverse pressor effects of epinephrine
- may cause postural hypotension and reflex tachycardia
alpha receptor antagonists
- prototypic alpha antagonist
- nonselective between alpha1 and alpha2
- competitive blockade of receptors
- reduces TPR, MAP
- produces reflex tachycardia (SNS reflex)
- tolazoline is similar
- irreversible - binds covalently to alpha receptors
- somewhat selective for alpha1 receptors
- treatment of pheochromocytoma (Adrenal tumor)
- postural hypotension and tachycardia can limit use
- selective for alpha1 receptors
- 1,000 fold less potent at alpha2
prazosin, terazosin
- alpha1 antagonist with longer half life
- used in treatment of hypertension and BPH
- competitive alpha1 antagonists, structurally different
tamsulosin, alfuzosin
apha2 selective antagonist, no clinical role, has been used in ED
- irreversibly blocks VMAT, unprotected neurotransmitters are metabolized by MAO
- effects long lasting, neurotransmitters never excite post synaptic cell
- tumor of adrenal medullar - release mix of epi and norepi
- symptoms and signs of catecholamine excess - HTN, headaches, palpitations, sweating
rapid hydrolysis beta antagonist, half life of 10 minutes
- lower BP in patients with HTN
- negative inotropic and chronotropic effects, slowed AV conduction, increased PR interval
beta blockers
beta blocking agents _______ intraocular pressure in the eye, and decrease aqueous humor production
- partial agonist activity of beta blockers
- prevents precipitation of asthma, bradycardia, alteration of plasma lipid profile
intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
prototypical beta blocking drug, nonselective
beta 1 selective drugs
metoprolol, atenolol
very long duration of action beta blockers
nadolol and timolol
significant intrinsic sympathomimetic effect
pindolol, acebutolol, carteolol
reversible alpha1 antagonist, also nonselective beta adrenoceptor antagonist, hypotension with less tachycardia than alpha blockers
ultra short acting beta1 selective antagonist, structure contains an ester linkage
- used in ischemic heart disease
- reduce frequency of anginal episodes
- improve exercise tolerance, decrease cardiac work, reduce myocardial oxygen demand
- long term use prolongs survival after MI
beta blockers
- effective in supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias
- post MI survival may be due to suppression of arrhythmias
- increase AV node refractory period
- slows ventricular response rate in a. fib
beta blockers
- topical administration reduces intraocular pressure
- reduced production of aqueous humor by the ciliary epithelium
beta blocker treatment of glaucoma
- worsening of preexisting asthma and other airway obstruction
- depression of myocardial contractility and excitability
- supersensitivity with abrupt discontinuation after chronic use, gradual tapering can prevent hypertensive crisis
- can exacerabte hypoglycemic episodes in diabetics
toxicity of beta receptor antagonists