143 Intro to Sensory Flashcards
the generator potential is a ______ _____ excitatory current
local, graded
the sensory systems transmits
intensity, modality, location, timing of stimulus
the four mechanisms of receptor potential are
mechanical deformation of membrane, chemically-gated channel, temperature-based alteration of membrane permeability, electromagnetic radiation
how does menthol cause cold sensation
activates TRPM8 leading to inward rush of Na and Ca
what type of receptors are slow or non-adaptive
tonic receptors
what type of receptors are fast adapting, example:tactile
phasic receptor
most pacinian and ruffini sensory nerves are
most free nerve endings are
extensive convergence makes ______ difficult
free nerve fibers feel
touch and light touch
meissner feel
touch and low frequency vibration
pacinans feel
tissue vibration
ruffini”s feel
heavy prolonged touch and pressure
what is the somatosensory pathwat
dorsal column medial lemniscus
lateral inhibition occurs at every _____ _____ in dorsal column
synaptic level