14. Head & Neck III Flashcards
Where is the angle of Louis?
- T4/T5
What separates the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck?
- SCM muscle
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?
- Lower border of the mandible
- Anterior portion of the SCM
- Midline of the neck
What are the 3 other triangles within the anterior triangle?
- Digastric/Submandibular
- Muscular
- Carotid
What divides the carotid and the muscular triangle?
- omohyoid
What separates the carotid and the digastric/submandibular triangle?
- posterior belly of digastric muscle
What are the borders of the posterior triangle?
- Posterior border of SCM
- Trapezius
- Part of the clavicle
Label this image
Label this image
What is contained in the muscular triangle?
- strap muscles
What is contained in the carotid triangle?
- carotid sheath
What is contained in the submandibular triangle?
- digastric
What are the 4 structures in the anterior triangle?
- common carotid artery
- vagus (X)
- ansa cervicalis
- internal jugular vein
What are the 2 structures in the muscular triangle?
- strap muscles
- external jugular vein
What does the facial nerve supply?
- posterior belly and mylohyoid
What is the neck bounded by?
- clavicles and manubrium of the sternum, inferiorly,
- the mandible, mastoid processes and superior nuchal lines, superiorly.
Why is the posterior surface of the neck longer than the anterior surface?
- because the upper 3 cervical vertebrae are overlapped by the facial skeleton.
What are the 4 layers of the neck?
- Skin
- Superficial Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia: Investing Layer (around the muscles)
- Deep Cervical Fascia: surrounds all the muscles in the neck and the posterior of the spinous process
Label these layers of the neck
What are the 10 lymph nodes of the head and the neck?
- submental
- submandibular
- parotid, superficial and deep
- posterior auricular
- occipital
- jugulodigastric
- jugulo omohyoid
- supraclavicular
- deep cervical lymph chain
- superficial cervical lymph chain
What are the 4 supra-hyoid muscles?
- digastric
- geniohyoid
- mylohyoid
- stylohyoid
What are the 4 infra-hyoid muscles?
- sternohyoid
- omohyoid
- sternothyroid
- thyrohyoid
Label this image
What are the actions of the suprahyoid and infrahyoid?
- suprahyoid - elevate
- infrahyoid - depress
What does the ansa cervicalis do?
- innervates the omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid
What is the thyrohyoid innervated by?
- thyrohyoid which is a branch of the hypoglossal
What is the origin of the omohyoid?
- inferior belly : superior border of scapula
- superior belly : intermediate tendon
What is the insertion of the omohyoid?
- inferior belly : intermediate tendon
- superior belly : body of hyoid bone, lower border
What is the action of the omohyoid?
- depresses hyoid bone and larynx
What is the innervation of the omohyoid?
- ansa cervicalis C1, C2 C3
What is the origin of the sternohyoid?
- manubrium of sternum, posterior aspect
What is the insertion of the sternohyoid?
- body of hyoid bone lower border
What is the function of the sternohyoid?
- depresses hyoid bone and larynx
What is the innervation of the sternohyoid?
- ansa cervicalis C1, C2, C3
What is the origin of the sternothyroid?
- posterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum
What is the insertion of the sternothyroid?
- oblique line of thyroid cartilage
What is the action of the sternothyroid?
- depresses larynx
What is the innervation of the sternothyroid?
- ansa cervicalis C1, C2, C3
Where is the origin of the digastric (posterior belly)?
- digastric notch of temporal bone at the base of the skull
Where is the insertion of the digastric (posterior belly)?
- intermediate tendon which passes through sling of fascia on greater horn of hyoid bone