13.2: Development Of Elite Performers In Sport Flashcards
talent identification definition:
- screening of athletes in order to identify those for world class success
elite definition:
- the best, the highest level of sports performers at excellent level
personal qualities definition:
- attributes and personality characters of an individual person
mentor definition:
- an individual who helps and guides a person’s development
socio-economic status definition:
- an individual’s position in the social structure, which depends on their job, level of income and area they live in.
Personal qualities necessary to develop as an elite performer - psychological:
- commitment and self-discipline
- determination
- high level of self confidence
- highly motivated
- big pain tolerance
Personal qualities necessary to develop as an elite performer - physical:
- high level of physical fitness
- highly skilled
- high level of ability
Social and cultural factors:
- high socio-economic status
- equal opportunities
- high quality supportive educational provision
- structured levels of competition to progress through
- high levels of media coverage and role models to aspire to
- sexism
- equity targets set
What is UK Sport?
- funded by the National lottery
1) provide funding for NGBs
2) provide funding via athlete performance award
3) provides funding for national institutes of sport, such as EIS
What are the aims of EIS?
1) sport science:
- helps analyse performce and optimises training programmes
2) medicine:
- strength and conditioning
- physiotherapy
3) performance lifestyle support:
- media
- minimises potential concerns and conflict
- budget money
- time management
- sponsorship
4) technology
What are the roles and purposes of National Institutes of Sport?
- S: sport science and sport medicine support
- P: performance lifestyle programmes are provided
- O: organisations work in partnership
- R: research and innovation
- T: top quality facilities and coaches are provided.
What are different ways NGBs try to provide equality of opportunity?
- P: positive role models
- A: accessible facilities
- M: meet government policies on sport and recreation
- P: policies in play to target certain age groups
- E: employment for specific sports development officers
- R: resources invested in inner city areas
British cycling:
- NGB for cycling in the UK
- home to a successful GB cycling
- number of stages of identification, confirmation and development of talent in their sport.
- 18-23 year olds fine tune their skills, enabling them to make the jump to the senior Olympic podium programme
What is a whole sport plan?
- a business plan submitted to Sport England outlining NGBs strategies to increase participation and enhance in their sport.
- 4 year plan
- British rowing
- lottery funded
Talent development - disadvantages of the system:
- funded
- miss late developers
- large numbers required
- no guarantees of success
- different sports = same talent pool, high profile sports attract more performers
Effectiveness of TIP ( talent identification programmes)
- ring facilities are of standard
- A: analysis of performers - clean databases
- L: links between organisations involved in talent ID ensure a co-ordinated approach
- E: equal opportunities for all to apply
- N: national development squads exist to develop through
- T: talent spotted via high quality coaches
What is PPT( performance pathway team)?
- a combination of EIS and UK Sport expertise used to identify and develop world class talent
- five main areas of support
What are the five areas of support for the development of talent (PPT)?
1) pathway frontline technical solutions
2) pathway education
3) pathway analytics
4) performance pathway health check (PHC)
5) pathway strategy