13.1 Scalp and Face Flashcards
Identify the following layers of the scalp:
- Skin
- Connective tissue
- Aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica)
- Loose connective tissue
- Periosteum of the skull
Identify the frontalis belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle, its function, and innervation.
- Fxn: raise eyebrows and wrinkle forehead (facial expression)
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the orbicularis oculi muscle as well as its innervation and function.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
- Acts as orbital sphincter to close eyelids.
Identify the nasalis muscle as well as its innervation and function.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
- Fxn: flares nostrils.
Identify the Levator labii superioris aleque nasi muscle as well as its innervation and function.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
- Fxn: elevates upper lip, opens nostril.
Identify the depressor labii inferioris muscle as well as its innervation and function.
- Innervation CN VII (Facial)
- Fxn: pulls lower lili inferiorly and laterally.
Identify the zygomaticus major, its attachments, function, and innervation.
- Attachments: zygomatic bone and corner of the mouth.
- Fxn: pulls corner of mouth superrly and laterally.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the zygomaticus minor muscle, its attachments, function, and innervation.
- Attachments: Zygomatic bone and upper lip just medial to corner of mouth.
- Fxn: pulls upper lip superiorly.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial).
Identify the levator labii superioris muscle, its attachments, function, and innervation.
- Attachments: Maxilla and infraorbital region to skin of upper lip, alar cartilages of nose
- Fxn: Elevates upper lip, dilates nostril, raises anlge of mouth.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the orbicularis oris muscle, its function, and innervation.
- Function: Acts as oral sphincter.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial).
Identify the levator anguli oris muscle, its attachments, function, and innervation.
- Attachments: Maxilla to corner of mouth.
- Fxn: Raises angle of mouth, helps form nasolabial furrow.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the depressor anguli oris muscle, its attachments, function, and innervation.
- Attachments: Mandible to corner of mouth.
- Fxn: pulls angle of mouth inferiorly and laterally.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the mentalis muscle, its attachments, function, and innervation.
- Attachments: Incisive fossa of mandible to skin of chin.
- Fxn: Elevates and protrudes lower lip.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the buccinator muscle, its function, and innervation.
- Function: Presses check against molar teeth, works with tongue to keep food in, expels air when blowing. Unilaterally draws mouth to one side.
- Innervation: CN VII (Facial)
Identify the masseter muscle, its attachments, function, and innervation.
Recognize the other 2 muscles of mastication innervated by this same nerve
- Attachments: zygomatic arch to mandibular anlge
- Fxn: Aducts and produces mandble, chewing.
- Innervation: Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
- Temporalis and Lateral/Medial Pterygoid muscles also involved in mastication.
Identify the parotid gland and duct. What nerve innervates this gland?
-CN IX (Glossopharyngeal) innervates the parotid gland via the tyrannic nerve branch.
Identify the facial artery and vein. From where does this branch? Locate its 4 branches:
- Facial artery Branches from External carotid artery.
1. Inferior labial artery
2. Superior labial artery
3. Transverse facial artery
4. Angular artery
Identify the facial nerve (CN VII).
Where does this exit the skull?
What are its 5 branches and their general course?
- Facial nerve exits the skull via the stylomastoid foramen.
1. Temporal branch
2. Zygomatic branch
3. Buccal branch
4. Mandibular branch
5. Cervical branch
Identify the superficial temporal artery and vein. Describe its course.
Located anterior to the ear, one of the terminal branches of the external carotid artery. The artery divides into a frontal and a parietal branch.
Identify the auriculotemporal nerve. Describe its course.
a branch of the mandibular nerve (V3), paralleling the superficial temporal artery in the substance of the parotid gland.
Identify the retromandibular vein. Describe its course.
Located in the substance of the parotid gland.
Identify the supraorbital nerve. Where does this emerge from the skull? From what CN does this branch?
- Supraorbital foramen.
- Branch of CN V1
Identify the Infraorbital nerve.
Where does this emerge from the skull?
From what CN does this branch?
- Infraorbital foramen
- Branch of CN V2
Identify the Supratrochlear nerve.
From what CN does this branch?
-Branch of CN V1
Identify the mental nerve.
Where does this emerge?
From what CN does this branch?
- Emerges via mental foramen
- Branch of CN V3