13.1 part 2 Flashcards
What is true about family socialization?
Family is the first and most important setting for child rearing; parents help children develop into well integrated, contributing members of society.
Families help maintain ______
Social organization
Polygyny, patrilocality, patrilineal descent are all dominant because of the ______
What is an example of egalitarian families evolving?
Children taking both parent’s last names instead of just father’s.
Why does society have a preference for monogamy?
- Supporting multiple spouses is very expensive
- the number of men and women in most societies is roughly equal
The number of same sex couples has been _____
How do families help maintain social organization?
They pass on their own social identity - race, ethnicity, religion, social class
What is one theory as to why people living in families tend to be happier, healthier, and wealthier than those living alone?
Many people find family offers physical protection, emotional support, and financial assistance. (Goldstein & Kenney, 2001; Fustos, 2010; Sinha, 2014)
What four important functions does the family provide for the operation of society?
This is what some of the previous flahscards covered
- Socialization
- Regulation of sexual activity (E.g incest bad)
- Social placement
- Material and emotional security
What is the Structural Functional Theory?
The family performs many vital tasks, which is why it is the “backbone of society”.
What is a flaw in the Structural Functional theory?
It glosses over the diversity of (Canadian) family life and doesn’t consider how other social institutions could fulfill some of the same human needs. It also overlooks the negative aspects of family life (patriarchy, family violence).
What is the social-conflict theory/approch?
Considers the ways family is central to our way of life but focuses on how it perpetuates social inquality.
What are three ways in which family supports social inequality?
- property and inheritance
- patriarchy
- race and ethnicity
How do families perpetuate inequality - property and inheritance
The origin of the family can be traced to men’s need to identify heirs and pass down property (patrilineal descent). (Friendrich Engels) Families concentrate wealth and reproduce the class structure.
How do families perpetuate inequality - patriarchy
Families transform women into the sexual and economic property of men. Even in a more egalitarian society, the responsibility of child rearing and housework is put on women.
What are some micro-level theories
Symbolic-interaction theory and social-exchange theory
What is social exchange theory?
Looks at marriage and courtship as negotiations. Suggests that dating is people “shopping around” to make the best deal.
What is social-interaction theory?
Family offers opportunities for intimacy; when family members share activities and establish trust, they build emotional bonds.