13. Pregnancy Visits Flashcards
You’re working in a dual pane navigator on the left pane you don’t see the results console section what do you click to view the results console without opening that section?
In the table of contents for the left pane click the arrow next to results console
A pregnancy episode should be created at the beginning of each prenatal encounter
Define the term working EDD. I is it significant?
EDD is the estimated due date. Only one method of picking an estimated to date can be used
Which best describes the pregnancy checklist
C-tool to keep track of topics discussed during each prenatal visit
In the results console what does it mean if you see a result value that is highlighted blue
The result was injured manually by someone in the navigator. Not from epic lab system or interfaced
Episode reports are available in chart review
You’re doing a site support in OB. I nurse says that her sticky is gone. What is a possible explanation
There’s no audit trail. So there’s no way to know if another user deleted it
Do not manually enter numbers in the gravida that and Para fields for OB navigator
To quickly create a new pregnancy episode, any episodes section click new pregnancy episode
You select a working EDD in the dating section. Last menstrual period will pull him from previous history
To document a past pregnancy click add previous pregnancy
Do not enter numbers on the gravida and para fields
Document clinicians who are caring for the pregnancy in the obstetric care providers section
The problem last section, adit supervision of normal pregnancy
In the details form link this problem to the pregnancy Episode
Black font indicates normal results
Grey font equals results that are outside the ideal timeframe for that group you may need to reorder the test to get more up-to-date result
Light blue background is use for historical external results
A test tube icon button with a plus sign is to enter external results and date
I will be sticky notes is:
Not for clinical documentation
Does not leaving an audit trail
Can be open by clicking icon on the patient header and close by clicking the X
Can be drug anywhere on the screen
Has an icon the changes from a + to a pink paper sign if there’s a note in it