13: Executive Function Management Flashcards
What is the goal of executive function management?
reinforce the use of conscious and deliberate strategies to reestablish external structure and/or improve a patients ability to exercise control over his/her behaviors
What are the required steps of executive function management?
1) identify demands associated with the task
2) plan appropriate sequence of responses
3) predict outcomes
4) implement plan
5) self monior performance with strategies
6) compare actions with predicted effects and consequences
7) evaluate performance
How do you do executive func management with severe deficits?
1) task specific approach
2) external strategies with cueing and assistance
How do you do exec func managmenet with mild deficits?
1) internal and external strategies
What are treatement ideas?
1) increases/decreaseing structure of common tasks
2) applying external support
3) follow therapy scheudle
4) map reading
5) completing homeowkr
6) goal setting, task prediction, self eval
7) avoid contributing to learned helplessness
8) computer based planning tasks
What are the 4 parts of task analysis?
1) take a task where client has trouble
2) breakdown into smallest sequential parts
3) determine where the breakdown is
4) determine what part of exec func system is breaking down
What are compensatory treatment strategies?
1) goal setting/planning: write them out
2) initiation: create a checklist
3) planning: pick optimal times and give reminders (alarms, sticky notes)
4) time management: watch, timer, etc + give extra time for harder tasks
5) self-monitoring: recheck work
6) awareness: review limits, goals, skills, changes
What are some homework treatment ideas?
1) household chores
2) developing monthly budget
3) using the internet
What are 4 EBPs that can be used for exec func management?
1) metacognitive skill training
2) social skills training
3) self-regulation scripts
4) communication partner training
What is metacognition?
ability to think about thinking
What does metacognition allow us to do?
know when a straegy will help us and how to use it effectivey and if we do
What is the goal of metacognitive skill training?
teach individuals how to regulate and control their thoughts and behaviors and their learning
What are 4 metacogntive skills traning strategies?
1) setting goals
2) comparing performance with goals
3) making decisions to changes ones behaviors and how to
4) implementing behavior change`
What is self talk procedures?
overt verbalizations that fade to whipser and htne inner talk
What are the steps of self talk procedures?
1) performa task while talking aloud about each step
2) step down = clinician helps them break it down and make a list
3) list is removed
4) task performed with verbal script
5) task performed with whispering
6) task performed with inner talk
What is the basic framework for making a problems solving plan? (5)
1) what is the problem
2) set goal
3) plan solution
4) execute solution
5) monitor feedback and make changes
What are problem solving frameworks?
1) Ylsivaker and Feeny (1998)
2) Kennedy (2008)
What is SWAPS?
S: stop! is there a problem? W: what is the problem? A: alternatives to solve problem P: pick and plan chosen option S: satisfied with outcome?
What is goal-plan-do-review?
Goal: waht do i want to accomplish
Plan: how will it be accomplished? list steps
Do: execute plan
Review: how did I do? What worked? What didn’t?
What are pts encouraged to do in Goal Management Training?
stop and think about their goals before, during, and after tasks
Who is the primary population for Goal Managment Training?
mild to mod TBI
CVA, MCI, and s/p tumor resection
What is the procedure for Goal Managmenet Trraining? (5)
Stage 1: STOP, what am I doing? Stage 2: DEFINE the main task Stage 3: LIST the steps Stage 4: LEARN the steps Do the task Stage 5: CHECK - am I doing what I planned?
What are 6 strengths of Goal Management Training?
1) highly research supported
2) personally relevant
3) general problem sovling formula
4) repeition
5) low cost/few materials
6) can be taught to fam/caregivers
What are 5 weaknesses of Goal Managment Training?
1) only for exec func deficits
2) abstract concepts
3) difficult to monitor/data
4) relatively samll sample sizes in research
5) research inconsistent regarding gneralaizaiton
What are regulation scripts/self talk?
scripts for clients everyday life that typically apply to multiple situations and can be used repeatedly and become automatic
regulate behavior and emotion
What pt types should regulation scripts/self talk be used with?
1) pt with exec func deficits
2) behavioral issues
3) social comm issues
4) TBI and rt CVA
What is the treatment procedure for regulation scripts/self talk? (4)
1) introduce scripts to client
2) implement scripts in therapy
3) practice scriptsi n therapy
4) use scripts independently in therapy and natrual enviornments
What are 5 strengths of regulation scripts/self talk?
1) personalized
2) clincian and pt work together to set goals/palns
3) easily applied to multiple settings
4) for all ages
5) easy for family
What are weaknesses of regulation scripts/self talk?
1) small sample sizes
2) no standardized approach to follow
3) use of caregiver can put pt at risk for learned helplessness
What is the focus of time pressure management training?
The reason?
Focus: monitoring the passage of time
Reason: increased processing time needed with brain injury
What is the procedure for time pressure training? (3 stages)
Stage 1: increase awareness of mental slowness and its consequences are a problem
Stage 2: Inform that speed of processing may not return to previous levels but strategies can be used for management (give themselves enough time)
Stage 3: strategy application and generalization
How is time pressure training management implemented?
provide client a time limit for multiple takss, and an auditory reminder (beep), when pt hears beep should consider what they should be doing
Time pressure management training auditory reminders have been found to do what?
have positive outcomes with increasing time management performance levels
What is communication partner training used for?
increase social communication skills through cooperative training of comm. partners
How is communication partner training done?
behavioral technique like role playing, video feedback, cues for slef monitoring, training appropraite bheaviors, and possitive collaborate strategies to give feedback adn scaffolding
Communication partner training uses the benefits of _____ _________, trains the _____________ ________ rather then the person with __, and maximizes opportunities for what?
peer pressure
practice and functional application
What is the CPT procedure?
- weeks?
- sessions weekly?
- how long
- with who?
- 10 weeks
- 1 session weekly
- 2.5 hours
- with 3-4 other pairs
What types of pts is CPT used with?
Rt CVA (not explored much in research)
What are 4 strenghts of CPT?
1) family involvement/team approach
2) support group for individuals with TBI and caregivers
3) increased potential for generalization/carryover
4) can be customized to target problem behaviors
What are 3 weaknesses for CPT?
1) emerging evidence
2) requires reliability and commitment from caregiver for success
3) difficult to standardize protocol