11: Screening Tools and Formal Assessment Flashcards
What is the TICS?
Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status
1) The TICS is a brief, standardized test of cognitive functioning that can be used in situations where what is not possible?
2) How is it designed to be administered?
3) It is good for individuals with what impairments? (3)
4) It’s results correlate highly with what?
5) What are 3 psychometrics?
6) How long is administration time?
1) in person screening not possible
2) over the phone/virtually
3) visual, can’t read, can’t write
4) mini-mental state examination
5) high test-retest reliability, sensitivity, specificity
6) 10 min
What are 3 areas of cognitive assessment that all need to be considered?
1) informant methods (interviews and questionnaires)
2) direct observation (standardized/objective testing)
3) contextual analysis (function/familiar settings)
What is the BRIEF-A?
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
A self-report measure
1) The BRIEF-A is a ___ item self rating scale
2) what are it’s psychometrics? (3)
3) it captures exec function and self-reg in what enviornments?
4) what versions are available?
1) 75
2) evidence of reliability, validity, clinical utility (ecologically sensitive)
3) everyday
4) english and spanish
What is the Neuro-QOL?
The Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders
The Neuro-QOL is a _____ item ______________ that asks about what?
current difficulties with cog func over past 7 days
What are 3 areas of self-reported health the Neuro-QOL gathers information on?
1) physical health
2) mental health
3) social health
What is the PROMIS?
Patient Reported Outcomes and Measurement Information System
1) how many questions does the PROMIS have?
2) when does it ask the patient about?
3) what does it not have?
1) 32
2) cog func over past 7 days
3) does NOT give contextual examples of deficits, explicitly asks about specific domains
What is the AM-PAC
Activity Measure for Post Acute Care
1) what domains does the AM-PAC cover? (3)
2) The AM-PAC is a short form to do what?
3) how many questions does the short form have?
4) What doesn’t the short form have?
1) ADLs, Cognition, and Functional Mobility
2) used in acute care to assist in post discharge needs
3) 6 for mobility, 6 for ADLS
4) applied cognitive domains (understanding familiar people, remembering medications, recalling where items are placed, etc.)
What are screening tools for cognitive impairments? (3)
What are self-reports for cognitive impairment? (2/4)
2) Neuro-QOL
4) AM-PAC*
*patient and therapist report
What is the RICE?
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Evaluation of Communicative Problems in Right-Hemisphere Dysfunction
What are the parts of the RICE? (9)
1) pt interview
2) observation of pt with family, staff
3) ratings of attention (eye contact, awareness, orientation)
4) ratings of conversation (facials, intonation, topic maintenance)
5) visual scanning/tracking
6) written expression
7) pragmatic comm skills
8) story retell
9) metaphoric language
What is the RHLB?
Right Hemisphere Language Battery
standardized formal assessment with 7 subtests
What are the 7 subtests of the RHLB?
1) metaphor picture
2) written metaphor
3) comprehension of inferred meaning
4) appreciation of humor
5) lexical semantic
6) emphatic stress production
7) discourse analysis
What is a limitation of the RHLB?
limited functional data
What is the MIRBI?
Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury
How many test items in how many categories does the MIRBI have?
27 in 10 categories
What are the 10 categories of the MIRBI? (8)
1) visual scanning
2) integrity of agnosia
3) integrity of body image
4) reading and writing
5) clock drawing
6) affective language
7) appreciation of humor, absurdities, and figurative language
8) affect and general behavior
How long does admin of the MIRBI-2 take and what is it good to be used as?
30 min
screening test
What is the RIPA-2?
How long
Used with?
Ross Information Processing Assessment-2
comprehensive, norm referenced cog-ling battery
takes 45 min to complete
used with TBI or Rt hemisphere CVA
What are the subtests of the RIPA-2?
1) immediate memory
2) recent memory
3) temporal orientation - recent
4) temporal orientation - remote
5) spatial orientation
6) orientation to environment
7) recall of general information
8) problem solving and abstract reasoning
9) organization
10) auditory processing and retention
What is the SCATBI?
The Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury
What is different about the SCATBI then most TBI tests?
How long does it take?
What population is it best for?
1) greater range of item difficulty
2) 2 sessions
3) mod level TBI pts (not low or high level)
What are the SCATBI subtests? (8)
1) perception/discrimination
2) orientation
3) organization
4) categorization
5) association
6) sequencing
7) recall
8) reasoning
TBI can result in patterns of ____________ impairment such as: (4)
These are typically secondary to what?
1) anomia
2) reading deficits
3) aud comp deficits
4) paraphasias
Primary cog tasks (attention, reasoning, etc.)
Standaridized language diagnostic tests often overestimate what wih TBI?
overall communicative compeence in TBI
What are standardized assessments for cognitive impairment? (7)
4) RIPA-2
6) ABCD 2**
7) RBANS**
- for TBI
- *for dementia (RBANS can be used for other)
What is the ABCD 2?
Arizona Battery of Communication Disorders of Dementia
What is the ABCD used for?
identify and quantify communicative deficits of people with dementiaWhat
What areas does the ABCD assess?
1) speech discrimination
2) visual perception
3) literacy
4) visual fields
5) visual agnosia
6) mental status
7) linguistic impression
8) verbal memory
9) comprehension
10) visuospatial construction
What is the RBANS?
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
What does the RBANS measure? (4)
1) attention
2) language
3) visuospatial/constructional abilities
4) immediate and delayed memory
1) admin time
2) ages
3) used for?
1) 20-30 min
2) 20-89 years
3) detection/characterization of elderly dementia, but can be for other diagnoses
What is the Cognistat?
standardized neurobehavioral screening test that examines neurological health
What does the Cognistat assess?
1) language
2) spatial skills
3) memory
4) calculations
5) reasoning
How long does the cognistat take to admin?
Used with?
45 min
CVA, TBI, dementia
What is the FAVRES
Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies
What does the FAVRES assess? (4)
1) verbal reasoning
2) complex comprehension
3) discourse
4) executive function
during functional tasks
What ages if FAVRES used with?
18-79 years
What are examples of tasks on the FAVRES?
1) plan an event
2) schedule a work day
3) build a case to solve a problem