1.3) england's immigrants in the middle ages Flashcards
what is an alien?
someone outside of the king’s realm - anyone born in a foreign country
what was the letter of denization?
issued by the king, a person issued with this would become a ‘pure english’ (anyone with would no longer be considered an alien’
what was the aliens tax register? and when was it introduced?
- after 1440
- required all foreign born people to pay a tax
where did the flemish weavers come from?
the low countries - a region including modern belgium and the netherlands
why did the flemish weavers come to england?
- they came to england as refugees because of war in their land
- many were skilled craftspeople who wanted better wages and a better life which they believed was available in england
where did the flemish weavers settle and what did they do?
- settled in the south-east and did a variety of jobs
- there were hundreds of skilled flemish weavers who tried to kickstart a manufacturing economy since edward III had restricted wool exports
- they were welcomed by the english and made towns wealthy
why was there growing hostility towards foreign migrants, especially flemish weavers?
- they were seen to be threatening english jobs
- people soon rose up against the rulers who favoured migrants
- during the great rebellion of 1381, foreigners were targeted and around 140 were killed
who were the european merchants that came to england?
- hanseatic league merchants (hansa merchants) went to britain to make money
what was the ‘league a merchant’s’ charter?
- granted by edward I
- 1303
- there were certain tax and customs privileges + special protection was given to its members
- it controlled most of the wool trade
what effect did the hanseatic merchants have on britain’s economy?
- they were the first to make the city a world financial centre
- the league traded materials like timber, furs and foods
- helped britain become a rich trading and manufacturing nation
how did were merchants’ relations with the local population?
- in lynn, merchants were allowed to have their own houses rather than being forced to lodge with locals
- the london steelyard was destroyed in 1381 and 1492 in anti-foreigner riots
- poorer and english workers believed that the league had a negative effect on jobs and profits, and pressed the gov. to control them
- they also felt that they were given special treatment
- eventually trade was passed to english merchants in 1598 and the steelyard was closed down
when and where did the lombardy bankers come to britain?
- they were banking families that came from verona. florence and genoa
- 1220s
why did the lombardy bankers come to britain?
- they came to make to a profit from the growing trade in wools
- they offered large sums of money to henry III and were then given letters of protection by the king
- the crown benefitted by protected them
what were relations like between the lombardy bankers and the local population?
- at first they were not welcomed by london merchants - they usually demanded controls and restrictions on the bankers
- they were also disliked by the general public who thought that they’d leave sooner
- but the bankers continued to help the economy thrive
why were the alien subsidies set up?
- to collect money for war
- partly to respond to complaints about foreigners
how were immigrants negatively treated in england?
- at times of crisis, they were vulnerable to attacks
- some groups were treated much worse then others
- some people saw immigrants as a threat to their livelihood
how were immigrants positively treated in england?
- most of the time only the rich were targeted
- most of the time, they settled into the population
- although they came in small numbers, immigrants had a great effect on improving the lives of people in england
what were the islamic influences to britain?
- advancement in maths, science, philosphy and medicine etc.
why weren’t ideas from the islamic world quickly accepted?
- partly due to the crusades - most christians considered themselves at war with muslims
what were the crusades?
- a series of wars fought over a period of 200 years in the 11th century
- crusaders justified their actions with false claims that because of muslim conquests, christians were not able to access important places of religion
- the crusades can also be seen as an attempt by christian europe to expand its influence overseas