13: Corrosion of Metals and their Protection Flashcards
What is the definition of corrosion?
Corrosion is the deterioration of a metal caused by chemical interaction with oxygen, moisture, or other substances in the environment.
What is rusting?
Rusting refers to the corrosion of iron only.
What is the chemical name and formula of rust?
hydrated iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3 · xH2O
An iron nail is put inside a boiling tube containing boiled distilled water and a layer of oil on top. Explain whether it will rust or not.
It will not rust. Boiling the water drives out any dissolved oxygen in the water, and the layer of oil on the water surface prevents oxygen from dissolving into the water. The iron nail is exposed to only water but no oxygen, so it will not rust.
An iron nail is put inside a boiling tube covered with anhydrous calcium chloride and cotton wool. Explain whether it will rust or not.
It will not rust. Anhydrous calcium chloride absorbs moisture from the air inside the tube. The iron nai is exposed to only oxygen but not water, so it will not rust.
What are the conditions for rusting to occur?
Both air (oxygen) and water are needed for iron to rust.
How do rust indicators indicate rust?
Rust indicator contains potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) and phenolphthalein. Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) reacts with iron(II) ions to give a blue product, while phenolphthalein gives a pink colour in the presence of hydroxide ions. When iron rusts, iron loses electrons to oxygen and water to form iron(II) hydroxide, which then forms hydrated iron(III) oxide. Therefore, it can be detected by the colour changes in the rust indicator.
What is the chemical equation for rusting?
4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) + 2xH2O(l) -> 2Fe2O3 · xH2O(s)
List out five factors that speed up the rusting process.
Presence of ionic substances, presence of acidic pollutants, higher temperature, scratching r bending, attachment to a less reactive metal.
Why does the presence of ionic substances speed up the rusting process?
Ionic substances dissolved in water contain mobile ions, which increases electrical conductivity.
Why does the presence of acidic pollutants speed up the rusting process?
Acidic gases form acids with moisture in air and attack the iron.
Why does higher temperature speed up the rusting process?
At higher temperatures, chemical reactions become faster, so the rusting process becomes faster.
Why does scratching or bending speed up the rusting process?
Scratching or bending expose a larger surface for reaction.
List four ways which iron can be protected from rusting.
protective coating on surface, sacrificial protection, impresses current cathodic protection, and the use of stainless steel.
List 5 ways how iron can be coated on the surface to protect it from rusting.
coating with paint, coating with oil or grease, coating with plastic, tin-plating, and electroplating
How does coating the iron protect it from rusting?
The surface of an iron object is covered and air and water are kept out from the iron underneath.
Give an example of coating iron with oil or grease and explain why other methods are not used.
Oiling bicycle chains: since bicycle chains are moving patters of an engine, they cannot be painted as they rub against each other and the paint will wear away. Oiling them keeps out air and water, and also help to lubricate the chains.
List two advantages and one disadvantage of tin-plating.
Advantages: tin ions are less reactive than iron and do not react with air or water at room temperature. It acts as a protective layer and stops air and water from reaching the iron. In addition, tin ions are non-poisonous, therefore it can be plated onto iron to make food cans.
Disadvantage: since tin is less reactive than iron, when the surface is scratched, the iron inside rusts faster than normal due to sacrificial protection offered to tin.
List two advantages and one disadvantage of electroplating.
Advantages: the plating layer can be very thin, and it is not easily chipped off.
Disadvantage: the cost of electroplating is high.
List two advantages and one disadvantage of galvanising.
Advantages: The layer of zinc stops air and water from reaching the iron or steel underneath. The zinc also acts as a sacrificial metal so that the object is protected even if the zinc layer is damaged.
Disadvantage: zinc ions are poisonous.
Which metal is used to protect ships and why?
Zinc, because it can protect the ship hulls from rusting by acting as a sacrificial metal.
Why is magnesium usually not used for protecting ships?
Magnesium does not react with pure water at room temperature, but it reacts with sea water at room temperature due to the presence of ionic substances in sea water.
What is impressed current cathodic protection?
Impressed current cathodic protection is a technique used to prevent rusting of iron by making it into the cathode of an electric circuit.
Why is iron protected in impressed current cathodic protection?
The power source supplies electrons to the iron, so iron cannot lose electrons to form iron(II) ions.
List one advantage and one disadvantage of using stainless steel.
Advantage: no maintenance is needed.
Disadvantage: the cost of producing stainless steel is high.
Why is aluminium resistant to corrosion?
It reacts with air to form a layer of aluminium oxide. This layer is impermeable to oxygen and water, so it stops oxygen and water from reaching and reacting with the rest of the metal. Therefore, the aluminium is not corroded.
What is aluminium anodisation?
Aluminium anodisation is the process of increasing the thickness of the oxide layer of aluminium by making it the anode of an electric circuit.
List 3 advantages of aluminium anodisation.
- It makes aluminium harder.
- It makes aluminium more corrosion resistant.
- It can absorb dyes easily.