13-11 Unsatisfactory Work Performance Flashcards
What is the Rationale?
The objectives of the performance improvement process are to correct identified work performance deficiencies and to achieve an acceptable level of performance by members.
This Procedure outlines the mechanism by which standards will be established and defines the remedial steps to be taken when a member’s performance does not meet established standards.
Unless specifically specified, in this Procedure “member” SHALL include any employee of the Toronto Police Service (Service).
Standards for Work Performance - Work performance standards applicable to members can be found in:
Service Governance
Federal Statutes and associated Regulations
Provincial Statutes and associated Regulations
Municipal By-laws and Municipal Codes
Standards for Work Performance - Command officers SHALL establish work performance standards for any specialized function within each command that
deviates from the prescribed duties for an equally ranked/classified member.
Standards for Work Performance - Job descriptions, having regard to the definition of sundry duties, further define the
duties and requirements of civilian employees and SHALL be included in work performance standards.
Standards for Work Performance - When job descriptions do not meet current needs or do not reflect new responsibilities, unit commanders SHALL ensure that revised draft job descriptions are forwarded to the_________. An approved job description is required prior to _________________, or before including the new responsibilities within Command work performance standards. These standards SHALL be maintained, published and communicated to all members within a command.
Unit Commander – Payroll & Benefits Administration – Benefits for final review, assessment and approval
measuring the performance of an employee against any new job requirements
Standards for Work Performance - All work performance deficiencies should be addressed in a__________. Minor work performance deficiencies can generally be resolved through____________.
Because of the serious impact on the efficient operation of the Service, persistent work performance deficiencies must be corrected in a timely manner and a record kept of the results of actions taken.
timely manner
discussion, guidance or training provided to the member. Members must be provided the opportunity to improve work performance without adversely affecting their work record
Supervisor Responsibility - Supervisors are responsible for providing______ including identifying _________ in consultation with the member.
consistent and effective supervision
performance deficiencies and taking appropriate steps to resolve them
Supervisor Responsibility - Supervisors who maintain memorandum books SHALL make applicable entries in the memorandum book in regards to any work performance deficiency issue in compliance with
Procedure 13–17. NIP
Supervisor Responsibility - Supervisors who are not normally required to maintain a memorandum book SHALL record minor performance deficiencies on a_____. A copy SHALL be provided to the civilian member and the TPS 649 SHALL be ______. In the event that disciplinary action is commenced with regard to a performance report, it SHALL be appended to the associated _____ and no additional copies SHALL be kept in the unit personal file.
TPS 649 to be placed in a civilian member’s unit personnel file
expunged from the file after two (2) years have passed without further negative performance reports
TPS 931
Work Performance Issues- Examples of work performance issues that may form the basis for a complaint of unsatisfactory work performance include, but are not limited to
quality of work
quantity of work
personal appearance
engaging in personal activities detrimental to the job
failure to co–operate
missed deadlines
frequent or repetitive errors
excessive absenteeism or tardiness
Continued failure to meet an established work performance standard will result in an internal conduct complaint for police officers in compliance with Procedure 13–03, or in the initiation of the disciplinary process for civilian members in compliance with Procedure 13–09.
Complaints of Unsatisfactory Work Performance - Complaints of unsatisfactory work performance may originate____________.
externally or internally
Police Officer - Part IV of Ontario Regulation 268/10 made under the Police Services Act establishes certain criteria that must be met before an internal complaint of unsatisfactory work performance may be brought against a police officer.
Both internal and external complaints SHALL be handled in compliance with the applicable procedures in ____.
Chapter 13
Civilian Members - All complaints of unsatisfactory work performance for civilian members SHALL be administered in the
same manner regardless of whether they are external or internal complaints. Section 1.2 of the Standards of Conduct SHALL be used as a guide for addressing complaints of unsatisfactory work performance for civilians.
Special Review - Where a supervisor identifies the performance of a member that is less than satisfactory and the work performance deficiency cannot be corrected through discussion, guidance or training, the supervisor SHALL record the deficiency on a
TPS 955
Special Review - A Special Review is a two (2) part process. The initial part involves an ___________. This initial meeting is intended to ensure that management practices or accommodation factors are not the root cause of the reported deficiency.
interview between the member and the unit commander
Special Review - Where it is established that a supervisor or manager failed to provide ___________, an internal complaint SHALL be initiated against the supervisor or manager in compliance with the applicable procedures in Chapter 13.
adequate or necessary training or equipment, or failed to establish or communicate a work performance standard
Special Review - The second part of the Special Review will be initiated where it is identified that the work performance deficiency is a persistent situation attributable to the individual member. A meeting between the unit commander, the assigned supervisor and the member will be held to
develop a plan for corrective action
profile the time frame for improvement
detail the specific standard to be met
explain the possible disciplinary ramifications if the standards are not met.
Special Review - The time frame for a Special Review is__________. Additional review periods may be added where the member has demonstrated an effort to comply, but has not sufficiently met the threshold level, or the supervisor was
unable to fully observe the conduct of the member as a result of injury or illness. The additional review periods will be in increments of
ninety (90) calendar days
thirty (30) calendar days, to a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days.
Special Review - No Special Review SHALL be initiated until the member has received a copy of the specific standard to be met and has been informed of the disciplinary consequences if the standard is not met.
The following outcomes are possible at the conclusion of a Special Review
Member meets standard:
TPS 955 is concluded and placed in the unit personnel file until two (2) full years have passed without further negative reports.
Member fails to meet standard:
If a police officer is unable to meet the standard, a TPS 901 will be generated and the internal complaint process will be initiated in compliance with Procedure 13–03.
If a civilian member is unable to meet the standard, a TPS 931 will be generated and the civilian disciplinary process will be initiated in compliance with Procedure 13–09.
Member - When instructed to attend a work performance deficiency meeting SHALL
attend at the designated location and time
sign and accept service of the TPS 955, if applicable
Supervisor - When a member has been identified as having a minor work performance deficiency SHALL
meet with the member in private
provide guidance or instruction targeted at correcting the deficiency
continue to monitor the member for compliance
record the matter in their memorandum book, or on a TPS 649 if not normally required to maintain a memorandum book
Supervisor - When a work performance deficiency has been identified as persistent and it cannot be rectified through guidance or instruction SHALL
generate a TPS 955
meet with the member in private
serve the member with a copy of the TPS 955
forward the TPS 955 to a second–level supervisor
continue to provide guidance or instruction targeted at correcting the deficiency
Supervisor - When assigned to conduct a Special Review SHALL
meet with the member in private
conduct heightened monitoring of the member’s performance
complete a TPS 956 for each thirty (30) day performance examination period
continue to provide guidance or instruction targeted at correcting the deficiency
advise the second–level supervisor throughout the Special Review and provide any recommendations
Supervisor - If a member meets the standard threshold during the assessment period, the supervisor SHALL
conclude the examination and forward any recommendations to the second–level supervisor.
Second-Level Supervisor - In addition to completing the applicable duties listed under a supervisor, where a subordinate is involved SHALL
review any recommendations/information provided on an existing TPS 955
meet with the member in private
record the response given by the member, and/ or provide the member with the opportunity to respond
ensure that any management practices or accommodation factors are remedied before processing the matter further
re–evaluate the performance deficiency when the management practices or accommodation factors have been resolved, and
‒ forward the TPS 955 to the unit commander if the performance deficiency is attributable solely to the member, or
‒ where management practices or accommodation factors are the root cause of the deficiency, generate a TPS 901 or TPS 931, as the case may be, directed at the involved supervisor
Second-Level Supervisor - When detailed to co–ordinate a Special Review SHALL
assign sufficient persons with expertise to provide guidance and instruction to the subject member of the Special Review
meet with the member and the supervisor to ensure the standards being observed, the plan of action,
measurement means and assessment date have been properly communicated
advise the Unit Commander when the Special Review should be terminated and/or provide any other
Second-Level Supervisor - When advised that the member has satisfactorily progressed towards meeting the standard, or has accomplished the threshold SHALL
make recommendation to extend the assessment period, if applicable
terminate the review, if applicable
forward the results/recommendations to the Unit Commander
Second-Level Supervisor - When a Special Review has concluded and it is determined that the member did not meet the standard threshold SHALL ensure
where a police officer is unable to meet the standard, a TPS 901 is generated and the internal complaint process commencing with Procedure 13–03 is followed
where a civilian member is unable to meet the standard, a TPS 931 is initiated and ensure compliance with Procedure 13–09
Definitions - Accommodation Factor
means providing accommodation to persons with any disability, as defined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
Definitions - Barrier
means anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of their disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communications barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy or a practice.
[Source: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.2]
Definitions - Individual Work Practices
means the manner in which members manage their time, workload, and work environment.
Definitions - Management Practices
means the supervisory practices used to control the work environment and to assign tasks, and the methods used to communicate standards. Also includes the manner in which training needs are met and equipment issues are resolved.
Definitions - Member
unless otherwise specified,
for the purposes of the Standards of Conduct means any police officer, or any civilian member, or any auxiliary member
for the purposes of the Service Procedures means any police officer, or any civilian member
Definitions - Second–Level Supervisor
means the supervisor who directly oversees a member’s supervisor.
Definitions - Service Governance includes:
- Police Services Board Policies and By-laws
- Toronto Police Service Collective Agreements
- Standards of Conduct
- Service Governance Definitions
- Policy and Procedure Manual
- Routine Orders
- specialized manuals issued by the Chief of Police
- unit-specific policies issued by their Unit Commander
- CPIC messages, and
- directions from a superior.
Definitions - Special Review
in reference to work performance means a two (2) part process involving an initial interview with the unit commander about management practices and/or accommodation factors, and a second phase that may include heightened monitoring of performance beyond the annual evaluation to improve an individual’s work performance.
Definitions - Sundry Duties
means the tasks associated with a primary task defined in a civilian job description that are too numerous to list.
Definitions - Unsatisfactory Work Performance
means a failure to meet an established standard and may involve a single event, or the cumulative effect of a number of less serious events (as defined in Chapter 13, Appendix A).
Definitions - Work Performance Deficiency
means a failure to meet an established standard and may involve a single event, or the cumulative effect of a number of less serious events (as defined in Chapter 13, Appendix A).