10-03 Bomb Threats, Suspicious Packages/Devices and Explosions Flashcards
What is the Rationale?
Explosive material is extremely dangerous and SHALL only be handled by an expert. The primary concern is for the safety of citizens and emergency response personnel.
Only a Police Explosive Technician SHALL handle or transport a suspected bomb or explosive package/device. This Procedure is divided into three sections: bomb threats, suspicious packages/devices, and explosions.
Supervisory Officer attendance mandatory when attending a bomb or explosion call
On-Call Emergency Management & Public Order - Explosive Disposal Unit (EDU) notification mandatory for all chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNE) related events and incidents
The EDU is designated to respond to all explosive related events and incidents including hazardous environments, chemical suicides, suspicious packages, unknown materials, and illicit drug lab calls. The EDU analyzes, mitigates, and neutralizes all CBRNE threats, and preserves related evidence.
All members of the EDU have received specialized CBRNE incident training and are Police Explosive technicians accredited
The on-call EDU member SHALL be notified of all CBRNE related events and incidents by calling the police use only line (416) 435-2666.
As this Procedure is an extension of Procedure 10–01, members SHALL first comply with the direction contained in Procedure 10–01, and then follow the additional incident–specific direction contained in this Procedure.
Bomb Threats - Member - When receiving a call of a bomb threat SHALL
record the time of the call and the exact words used
attempt to note the following information about the caller
sex and approximate age
speech characteristics (e.g., slow, rapid, disguised, accent, impediment, sincerity)
background noises
telephone number on call display, if available
ask the caller specific details such as
the location of the bomb
when it will go off
what it looks like
what kind of bomb it is
the reason the bomb was placed
the caller’s name, address or location, and telephone number
By asking such questions the caller may often answer them impulsively, thus providing additional information.
note all pertinent information
Bomb Threats - Member - After the caller has hung up SHALL notify
Communications Services, if the call was received from other than Communications Services.
Bomb Threats - Police Officer - When attending the scene of a bomb threat SHALL
interview the complainant
initiate a premise search with persons familiar with the premise
attempt to determine the location of the suspected explosive package/device
use a telephone (not cellular) for communication rather than a radio to avoid possibility of detonation
ensure that no person uses any item which may cause unintentional ignition or detonation
(For example an open flame, cigarette, electric switch, doorbell, cellular telephone or portable radio, etc.)
Bomb Threats - Police Officer - Upon locating a suspected explosive package/device, SHALL
comply with the Suspicious Packages/Devices portion of this procedure
be vigilant for secondary devices and hazardous materials
Bomb Threats - Supervisory Officer - When responding to a bomb threat SHALL
obtain all relevant information from the first police officer on scene
assume the role of Incident Commander
Bomb Threats - Supervisory Officer - When a suspected explosive package/device has been located, SHALL
comply with the Suspicious Packages/Devices portion of this procedure
be vigilant for secondary devices and hazardous materials
Bomb Threats - Incident Commander - Upon arrival at the scene of a bomb threat SHALL
take charge of the incident
contact the person in charge of the premises to determine if there are emergency plans
ensure a command post is established and have the person in charge of the premises attend the command post
ensure a search of premises by persons familiar with premises
Special attention should be paid to public areas and areas where an explosive package/device would cause the most damage.
consider use of the explosives detection dog/equipment
ensure compliance with Procedures 08–03 NIP and 08–04, if applicable
Bomb Threats - Incident Commander - When a suspected explosive package/device has been located, SHALL
comply with the Suspicious Packages/Devices portion of this procedure
be vigilant for secondary devices and hazardous materials
Bomb Threats - Officer in Charge - Upon receiving information of a bomb threat SHALL
ensure a supervisory officer and sufficient personnel are available to attend the scene
ensure compliance with Procedures 08–03 and 08–04, if applicable
Bomb Threats - Officer in Charge - Upon receiving information that a suspected explosive package/device has been located, SHALL ensure compliance with the
Suspicious Packages/Devices portion of this procedure.
Suspicious Packages/Devices - Police Officer - Upon locating a suspicious package/device SHALL
not touch or handle the package/device
secure the area by establishing a minimum perimeter of thirty (30) meters around the package/device
evacuate persons in the immediate vicinity
ensure the EDU is notified of the exact location and description of the package/device
detail a person to await the arrival of the EDU and direct them to the location ‒ when directed by the EDU,
evacuate the area directly above and below the package/device, if located inside a building
evacuate any adjoining premises
clear the exterior of the building of pedestrians
establish an exterior perimeter in compliance with the safe distance measurements contained in 10–03
Appendix A
10–03 Appendix A is a chart from the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) and provides evacuation distances from specific explosives based on the type of explosive.
be cognizant that there may be secondary packages/devices
if any CBRNE material is indicated comply with Procedure 10–08
brief the attending supervisor
compile a list of the events as they occur
Suspicious Packages/Devices - Police Officer - After the perimeter is established SHALL
comply with Procedure 10–09, NIP as required
take no further action concerning the suspicious package/device, and await the arrival of the EDU
establish the most direct route to remove the suspicious package/device from the premises
establish a command post located at a safe distance away from the scene and near other emergency services
(See 10–03 Appendix A for the safe distance chart)
Suspicious Packages/Devices - Police Officer - When the suspicious package/device is removed by the EDU, and the preliminary investigation is complete SHALL
obtain all necessary information and enter in memorandum book
complete the applicable eReports
Suspicious Packages/Devices - Supervisory Officer
When responding to a suspicious package/device event SHALL
obtain all relevant information from the first police officer on scene
assume the role of Incident Commander
Suspicious Packages/Devices - Incident Commander
Upon arrival at the scene of a suspicious package/device SHALL
take charge of the incident
contact the person in charge of the premises to determine if there are emergency plans
ensure a command post is established and have the person in charge of the premises attend the command post
ensure a search of premises by persons familiar with premises
Special attention should be paid to public areas and areas where an explosive package/device would cause the most damage.
consider use of the explosives detection dog/equipment
if criminal activity is suspected
‒ ensure investigative personnel are notified to attend and take charge of the investigation
‒ notify Intelligence Services
ensure compliance with Procedures 08–03 and 08–04, if applicable
Suspicious Packages/Devices - Officer in Charge - Upon receiving information of a suspicious package/device SHALL
ensure a supervisory officer and sufficient personnel are available to attend the scene
ensure compliance with Procedures 08–03 and 08–04, if applicable
Explosions - Officers should use extreme caution when responding to calls for explosions At a minimum, explosions SHALL be treated as a
Level 2 – Major Incident.
Explosions - Police Officer - When attending the scene of an explosion SHALL
ensure that no person in the immediate area of the explosion uses any item which may cause unintentional ignition or detonation, such as an open flame, cigarette, electric switch, doorbell, cellular telephone or portable radio, etc.
if any CBRNE material is indicated comply with Procedure 10–08
use caution as secondary devices may be present
protect the scene and preserve evidence
notify the EDU on-call member
Explosions - Supervisory Officer
When responding to an explosion SHALL comply with
item 15
When responding to a suspicious package/device event SHALL
obtain all relevant information from the first police officer on scene
assume the role of Incident Commander
Explosions - Incident Commander - Upon arrival at the scene of an explosion SHALL
preserve the scene until the arrival of the EDU
ensure the scene is protected for evidence
ensure Detective Operations – Forensic Identification Services (FIS) has been notified
notify the Officer in Charge
if criminal activity is suspected
‒ ensure investigative personnel are notified to attend and take charge of the investigation
‒ notify Intelligence Services