1.2.3 software development Flashcards
name all the non agile methodologies
name all the agile methodologies
extreme programming
rapid application
explain the waterfall model (dont go through all phases)
follows distinct phases
rigid methodlogy cannot go back
documentation heavy
what are the phases of the waterfall model
feasability report
analysis and design
implementaion (coding)
evaluation (with client)
pros of water and when to use it
on a large task where requirements are clear and dont change
simple clear on responsibility
easy to use if porject is on schedual
cons of waterfall
carries a high risk
requirements must be well understood
client only sees product at the end
explain the spiral methodology
spiral is a risk drivin methodology
less of a methodolgy and more of a guide for developers
not a fixed process
can include RAD within spirals
prototypes at the end of each spiral
pros of the spiral methodology and when its used
utalised on large projects where requirements are unsure
risk analysis at each loop
cons of the spiral
risk analysis can be more expensive because
define agile methodologies
a group of repetative methodologies that creates prototypes for the client throughout the development process
explain RAD
Rapid application development
involves giving the client a prototype quickly
i.e a gui
prototypes increasing quality until client is happy
client driven
explain extreme programming
extreme programming involves providing a coded solution to the client as soon as possible and
pros of RAD and when it would be used
requirements dont need to be clear
constant feedback from clients
used for when requirements unclear
cons of RAD
Not suitable for projects where high quality code is required because of its usability focus
regular contact with client is needed
pros of extreme programming and when would it be used
likely to have high quality code
constant feedback from client
when priority is on the quality of the coded result
cons of extreme programming
collaborative programming means more money
clients need a representative which would cost them more money