120.04-Budgeting and Purchasing Procedures Flashcards
What is an Audit?
independent review of all revenues and expenditures to determine compliance and accuracy
What is a budget?
fiscal plan for 1 year
What are Capital Expenditures?
Infrastructure items such as buildings and autos
What is Drug Forfeiture?
Monies related to asset forfeiture account
What are Expenditures/Encumbrances?
Monies spent or committed
What is the Fiscal Year?
July 1 to June 30
What is the General Fund?
general operating budget of the city
What is a Requisition?
a formal request to the City Finance Department via a purchase agent to expend funds
What is Unencumbered?
Monies in the budget not spent or committed
What is a Voucher?
Form required for all requests for payments
Who prepares the Police Budget
Chief and Planning and Budget Coordinator
Who authorizes all expenditures by expressed signature?
Chief or designee
How often do Division Commanders submit a written budget to the Chief based on functional goals and objectives?
What are the exceptions to the bid process?
- Sole source vendor
2. An emergency public safety condition exists
What is a sole source vendor?
requested purchase is of such character as to mandate a purchase from one and only source or if circumstance surrounding the purchase make competitive bidding impossible or impractical
Who approves purchases that don’t go through the bidding process?
Finance Director or City Council
Are there any exceptions in which a budget deficit may be caused without prior approval of the City Council.
How often are budget reviews done and by whom are they done?
monthly, by the Planning and Budget coordinator
Where are the 3 cash fund accounts located in the PD?
Chiefs Office
Administrative Investigations Unit (Vice)
Records Office
Cash disbursements in excess of $______ require the chief or his designee signature.
Any property valued at more than $____________ must be inventoried.