1.2 The Development Of The Cold War Flashcards
When was the truman doctrine?
March 1947
What three things led to the creation of the truman doctrine
- Kennan’s long telegram told Truman Stalin wanted to spread communism throughout Europe- Trumans mi,itary adivsers told him the soviots were not powerful strong enough to fight a war against the west
- stalin did’t need to fight a war but influence the disconnected people of Europe in war torn countries to support communism and help set up communist goverments
- Britan announced it could no longer support the Greek goverment (because they were nearly bankrupt) in their war against the communist guerrillas(same thing was happening in Turkey
What was the truman doctrine?
A speech to congress
Ended policy of isolationism
What was included in the truman doctrine?
- 400 million dollars in aid to Greece and Turkey(military personal sent to the areas)
- he spoke of two alternate ways of life:-one with freedom of opppression and one where minoritory rule was forced on the majority
- he said communism should not be allowed to grow and the USA was willing to send troops and economic aid to countries willing to resist it
What was different about the truman doctrine for the USA
Their policy of isolationism was abandoned and replaced with containment
When was the Marshall plan announced?
June 1947(3 months after the truman doctrine)
What was the marshall plan?
A practical outcome of the truman doctrine: providing economic aid to war torn countries to stop communism taking over in western Europe
1948-1952: 12.7 billion dollars given in aid
(13 billion already given before the plan went into action)
Did the USA offer the Marshall plan to the soviets and their satellite states, if so why?
The USA offered it to the soviets and their satellite states knowing that they would refuse becasue countries had to provide a thorough review of their finances
What was the Marshall plan’s impact on international relations?
- any lingering belief that the frand alliance still existed was gone
- Stalin’s suspicions were inforced that the USA wanted to crush the soviots
- Europe divided into two economic camps: Marshall plan and Comecon
- started a fierce rivalry
After the Marshall plan what did the soviets accuse the USA of?
Dollar imperialism:
-US trying to:
- build an economic empire in Europe
- undermining the role of the united nations
- exptend their influence throughout Europe
- using their economic to divide Europe in two
How did the soviets act in response to the Marshall plan?
- Stalin sets up Comiform: gives Stalin a way of directing and controlling the goverments of the satellite states. They were advised to not trade with the west(dollar imperialism)
- Stalin sets up Comecon to offer an alternative to the Marshall plan to keep the satellite states inder his control
When was Comiform set up?
When was Comecon set up?
What was the aim of Comecon?
To support economic growth of its member states
-to arrange trade a credit agreements between member countries
What was Comecon used for after 1953.
- to organise the industrial planning across all the satellite states:
- each state had a 5 year plan and nationalised industry(they each produced something needed for all of the member states)
- trade witj the west was discouraged
Why were Comiform and Comecon significant?
Because it was one of the many reasons that persuaded the west to set up NATO in 1949
What caused the formation of Bizionia and Trizonia?
- soviets storm out of talks with foreign ministers of Germany’s occupying powers(December 1947)
- with the Soviets no longer co-operating the west decide how to run their side
- USA and Britan had already combined their zones to from Bozonia and France added their zone in March 1948 to create Trizonia
What does Trizonia do that really angers the Soviets?
The west create a single currency- the Deutschmark
Why were the soviets angry about the creation of the Deutschmark?
- it created a sperate econmic unit form the East-so it acknowledged their were two Germanys
- they saw it as forcing the soviet side into poverty. This mde them more determined
When does Stalin shut off land routes into soviet controlled Germany?
June 1948
What was Stalin’s thinking Behind shutting of the land routes into East Germany?
-Berlin would run out of food and Stalin would win a big propaganda success
Why did the west fly suppies into West Berlin?
They knew an attempt to force supplies into Berlin would be a military confrontation
-however if they flew supplies in than if they got shot down Stalin would be the agressor.
What was the Berlin airlift called
Operation Vittles
What was flown into Berlin?
Necessities like food and coal
Americans and British each flew in roughly 1,000 tonnes of supplies every dau