Why is social cognition important
- social relationships are hugely influential
- social relationships
basic social cognitive concepts
- basic understanding of others
- basic understanding of the self
how can we identify a basic understanding of others early in development
- early social interactions: still face, early conversations, joint attention
- description of others
still face …what is this task and what are the results
- mom interacts with baby
- mom puts on a still face (emotionless )
- observe how baby reacts
-baby cries when he does not received the same reaction
joint attention
-child, toy, and caregiver
how do description of others change with development
- early childhood: observable, tangible, concrete features (long hair, neat toy)
- later childhood: abstract, internal, enduring traits, social context (nice, funny, cares about other people )
self concept
how one defines themselves
components of self concept
- how I see myself
2. how others see me
how can we identify a basic understanding of the self early in development
- rouge test
- descriptions of oneself
rouge test …what is it and results
- Gold standard test for acquisition of self concept
- 12-month-olds fail (touch the mirror), whereas 15- to 18-month-olds begin to pass (touch the dot on themselves)
how do descriptions of the self change with development
- toddler: demographics appearance (age, sex)
- preschool: concrete, observable features, activities, possessions (I have a dog)
- middle childhood: comparing to others (I’m smarter than Sarah)
- late childhood and up: enduring disposition and social relationships (I’m an environmental activist)
What is ToM
- a key social concept
- a concept of the mind and mental states
-the ability to understand that our own and others’ behavior is governed by internal mental states
ToM illustrated in Friends episode
- Interpreting emotions from facial expressions
- Interpreting desires from actions and emotions
-Interpreting and predicting actions from inferred knowledge/belief states
- deception
- cooperation
- empathy
Heider and Himmel task
- triangles
- allows us to organize and make sense of actions and interactions
why is ToM important
- allows us to make sense of our social world
- allows us to predict and explain behavior
- underlines complex social behaviors and interactions (pro sociality, empathy, cooperation, deception, relationship formation )
-helps understanding some disorders in which ToM is impaired