(12) Personality Flashcards
Dark Triad
Three traits – Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism. Which describe a person who is socially destructive, aggressive, dishonest, and likely to commit harm in general
Factor Analysis
(1) A statistical technique that examines correlations between variables to find clusters of related variables, or “factors”; (2) In personality analysis, grouping items that people respond to similarly; for instance, the terms friendly and warm
Five Factor Model
A trait-based theory of personality based on the finding that personality can be described using five major dimensions
Hexaco model of personality
a six-factor theory that generally replicates the factors of the give factor model a d adds one additional factor: Honesty Humility
Idiographic Approach
Creating detailed descriptions of a specific perons’ unique personality characteristic’s
Nomothetic Approach
Examines personality in large groups of people, with the aim of making generalizations about personality structure
a characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving that is unique to each individual, and remains relatively consistent over time and situations
Personality Trait
A specific psychological characteristic that makes up part of a person’s personality
Reciprocal Determinism
Interactions between behaviour, internal (personal) factors, and external (situational) factors, all of which mutually influence each other
Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA)
(1) obeying orders and deferring to the established authorities in a society
(2) Supporting aggression against those who dissent or differ from the established social order
(3) believing strongly in maintaining the exisiting social order
A temporary physical or psychological engagement that influences behaviour
Arousal Theory of Extraversion
Extraversion is determined by people’s threshold for arousal
Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS)
Plays a central role in controlling the arousal response
Behavioral Activation System (BAS)
A “Go” system, arousing the person to action in the pursuit of desired goals
Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS)
A “danger” system, motivating the person to action in order to avoid punishments or other negative outcomes
Explained both physical illnesses and disorder or personality as resulting from imbalances in key fluids in the body
The theory that personality characteristics could be assessed by carefully measuring the outer skull
Response Styles
Characteristic ways of responding to questions
Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS)
Involves examining the DNA of the entire genome of individuals and determining which genetic variants are associated with a particular trait (Including diseases)
Analytical Psychology
Focuses on the role of unconscious archetypes in personality development
Images and symbols that reflect common patterns of experience across all cultures
Collective Unconscious
A separate, non-personal realm of the unconscious that holds the collective memories and mythologies of humankind, stretching deep into our ancestral past
Conscious Mind
Your current awareness, containing everything you are aware of right now
Defence Mechanisms
Unconscious Strategies the ego uses to reduce or avoid anxiety
(According to Freud) the decision maker, frequently under tension, trying to reconcile the opposing urges of the id and superego
Becoming preocuppied with obtaining the pleasure associated with a particular Freudian stage as result of not being able to adequality regulate oneself and stratify needs at that stage
(according to Freud) a collection of basic biological drives, including those directed toward sex and aggression
Inferiority Complex
The struggle many people have with feelings of inferiority, which stem from experiences of helplessness and powerlessness during childhood
Person-Centred perspective
Founded on the assumption that people are basically good, and given the right environment their personality will develop fully and normally
Personal Unconscious
A vast repository of experiences and patterns that are absorbed during the person’s lifetime
Projective Tests
Personality tests in which ambiguous images are presented to an individual to elicit responses that reflect unconscious desires or conflicts
Rorschach Inkblot test
A test in which people are asked to describe what they see on an Inkblot, and psychologists interpret this description using a standardized scoring and interpretation method
The point at which a person reaches their full potential as a creative, deep-thinking, and accepting human being
(according to Frued) comprised of our values and moral standards
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
A test in which respondents are asked to tell stories about ambiguous pictures involving various interpersonal situations
Unconscious Mind
A vast and powerful but inaccessible part of your consciousness, operating without your conscious endorsement or will to influence and guide your behaviours