12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves Flashcards
List the 6 functional components of cranial nerves.
- General Somatic Efferent
- Genreal Visceral Efferent
- Special Visceral Efferent
- General Somatic Afferent
- Genreal Visceral Afferent
- Special Senses Afferent
GSE cranial nerves deal with…
somatic motor component
GVE cranial nerves deal with…
Preganglionic parasympathetic component
SVE cranial nerves deal with…
Branchial motor component; muscles that derive from the 4 branchial arches
GSA cranial nerves deal with…
somatosensory component
GVA cranial nerves deal with…
visceral sensory component
SSA cranial nerves deal with…
Olfaction, taste, smell, hearing, and balance
True or False:
Cranial nerves are part of the PNS.
What is the difference between nerves of the CNS (like CN II) and cranial nerves of PNS?
CNS nerves are myelenated by oligodendrocytes
PNS nerves are myelentated by Schwann cells
List the 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
Olfactory n. Optic n. Occulomotor n. Trochlear n. Trigeminal n. Abducent n. Facial n. Vestibulochochlear n. Glossopharyngeal n. Vagus n. Spinal Accessory n. Hypoglossal n.
List the nerve fiber type of each cranial nerve.
I - Sensory II- Sensory III - Motor IV - Motor V - Both VI - Motor VII - Both VIII - Sensory IX - Both X - Both XI - Motor XII - Motor
CN I travels through…
Cribriform plate
CN II travels through…
Optic canal
CN III travels through…
Superior orbital fissure
CN IV travels through…
Superior orbital fissure
CN V - ophthalmic branch travels through…
Superior orbital fissure
CN V - maxillary branch travels through…
Foramen rotundum
CN V - mandibular branch branch travels through…
Foramen ovale
CN VI travels through…
Superior orbital fissure
CN VII travels through…
Internal auditory meatus; stylomastoid foramen
CN VIII travels through…
Internal auditory meatus
CN IX travels through…
Jugular foramen
CN X travels through…
Jugular foramen
CN XI travels through…
Jugular foramen
CN XII travels through…
Hypoglossal canal
What are the 4 cranial nerves associated with the branchial arches?
What is the functional component of CN I?
Special sensory afferent (SSA)
What is the functional component of CN II?
Special sensory afferent (SSA)
What are the functional components of CN III?
General Somatic Efferent (GSE)
General Visceral Efferent (GVE)
What is the functional component of CN IV?
General Somatic Efferent (GSE)
What are the functional components of CN V?
Special Visceral Efferent (SVE) (Branchiomotor)
General Somatic Afferent (GSA)
What is the functional component of CN VI?
General Somatic Efferent (GSE)
What are the functional components of CN VII? (3)
What is the functional component of CN VIII?
What are the functional components of CN IX? (5)
What are the functional components of CN X? (4)
What are the functional components of CN XI?
GSE (or SVE?)
What are the functional components of CN XII?
What is the function of CN I (olfactory n.)?
olfaction (smell)
What is the function of CN II?
What is the function of CN III?
Somatic motor/Eye movement:
- superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, levator palbebrae superiorous
- Pupil constriction
- Ciliary muscle (pupillary accomidation)
What is the function of CN IV?
Turning eye ball downward and laterally via superior oblique muscle
What is the function of CN V-opthalmic branch??
Deliver general sensory information from:
- cornea
- forehead
- scalp
- eyelids
- nose
- Nasal cavity
- Paranasal sinuses
What is the function of CN V-maxillary branch??
Deliver general sensory information from:
- Skin of face
- Maxillary teeth
- Mucous membranes of nose
- Maxillary sinus
What is the function of CN V-mandibular branch??
(Motor) movement of muscles of mastication:
- masseter mm.
- temporalis mm.
- medial and lateral pterygoid mm.
Sensory information from:
- skin over mandible and cheeks
- mandibular teeth
- anterior part of tongue
What is the function of CN VI?
Moves eye laterally via lateral rectus mm.
What are the functions of CN VII?
Motor: movement in muscles of facial expression
Parasympathetic (autonomic):
- Saliva production (submandibular, sublingual salivary)
- Tears (lacrimal gland)
Special Sensory:
- taste of anterior 2/3 of tongue
Where in the brain do we find CN I nuclei?
Nasal epithelium; directly to cerebral cortex
Where in the brain do we find CN II nuclei?
Arises from diencephalon; it is a CNS structure
Myelinated by oligodendrocytes and ensheathed by the three meningeal layers
Where in the brain do we find CN III nuclei?
From TWO midbrain nuclei:
- Oculomotor nuclei (superior colliculi)
- Accessory parasympathetic nuclei
Where in the brain do we find CN IV nuclei?
Anterior to cerebral aqueduct; at the level of the inferior colliculi within the midbrain
Where in the brain do we find CN V nuclei?
- Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Main (chief) sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Mesencephalic nucleus
Where in the brain do we find CN VI nuclei?
In the pons, at the floor of the 4th ventricle, housed in the facial colliculi
Where in the brain do we find CN VII nuclei?
- Motor nucleus of facial n.
- Superior salivary nuclei
- Tractus solitarius
- All trigeminal sensory nuclei
Where in the brain do we find CN VIII nuclei?
- Vestibular ganglion (vestibular area)
2. Spiral ganglion
Where in the brain do we find CN IX nuclei? (4 places)
- Nucleus ambiguus
- Inferior salivatory nucleus
- Spinal tract of trigeminal n.
- Tractus solitarius
Where in the brain do we find CN X nuclei? (4 options)
- Nucleus ambiguous
- Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus n.
- Tracus solitarius
- Spinal tract of trigeminal n.
Where in the brain do we find CN XI nuclei?
Cranial portion comes from medulla
Spinal portion comes from upper spinal cord (C1-C5 nerve roots)
Where in the brain do we find CN XII nuclei?
Originates from hypoglossal nucleus in lower medulla (hypoglossal trigone),
Travels caudally and dorsally to the tongue
What is the function of CN VIII?
Conducts equilibrium and auditory sensation to brain
Which portion of CN VIII is auditory and which deals with balance?
Cochlear is auditory
Vestibular is balance
What are the functions of CN IX?
GVE: Production of salvia from parotid gland
SVE: movement of stylopharyngeus m. (speaking/swallowing); elevates larynx and pharynx
GSA: General sensation of mucous membrane of pharynx, tonsil, soft palate, & posterior 1/3 of tongue
GVA: - Baroreceptors in carotid sinus & Chemoreceptors in carotid body (monitor O2 and CO2 on blood)
SSA: Taste buds of posterior 1/3 of tongue
What are the functions of CN X?
GVE: Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to glands, smooth m., heart, lungs, trachea, and most abdominal organs
SVE: Branchial motor innervation of laryngeal and most pharyngeal mm.
GSA: General sensation of pharynx and skin of external auditory meatus
GVA: Visceral sensory information for pharynx, larynx, carotid bodies, heart, lungs, and most abdominal organs
SSA: Taste from epiglottis
What is the function of CN XI?
GSE: Innervation of trapezius m. and sternocleidomastoid m.
What is the function of CN XII?
GSE: Innervation of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue; speech, chewing