#12 Emerging Viruses Flashcards
saw UN troops get this in Korea
Hanta Virus:
Symptoms: fever, hemorrhage, headache, acute renal fail and 5-10% mortality
Hanta virus
- Acute onset pulmonary edema
- shock
- death
Hanta virus
Acute pulmonary syndrome
identified as Hantavirus or ‘Sin Nombre virus’
] Virus host: deer mouse transmitted by human close contact/ aerosolized virus from droppings/urine
hanta virus
c. Disease: Hantivirus-induced Pulmonary Syndrome or induced Cardio-pulmonary syndrome
- saw pulmonary edeam and death w/in days
d. Emergence: increased contact with mice d/t high rainfall, plentifull food for mice, increased mice populatin
Control of hantavirus
none really.. be cafeful of mouse shit
- Arthorpod-borne (Arbo) viruses cause three general types of disease:
Fever+/- maculopapular rash and Hemorrhagic fever
West nile and Dengue are Flavivirus
WN:cuases mild fever or serious encephalitis
Dengue :causes fever or more serious hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome
causes fever or more serious hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome
dengue virus
Emergence of WNV/SCR and dengue dt
Emergence of these viruses/disease d/t increased range of ventor (dengue) or indroduction of virus reservroir (bird, human, mosquito) into new area of West Nile
History of WNV
- 1999 see unusual deaths of exotic birds in Bronx and then crows and jays in NYC
- virsds and Culex pipeins mosquitoes tested + for WN
- not long after, human cases noted
- Saw increase in West Nile virus in US in 2012 ~ could be d/t weather (such as mild winter and hot summer)
Transmission of arboviral encephalitis:
WNV or SLE and Dengue
Virus reservior in birds→ to arthropod as vector (mosquito) or the culex pipeins which drinks infected blood from bird→ transmists to uninfected bird→Horse or uman are IG dead end hosts
Clincal features of WN fever
Fever, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, headache, skin rash, eye pain
Severe WN fever
meningitis, encephalitis: see fever, ataxia, myelitis and change in mental status
Diagnosis of WNV infection: relies on high index of clinical suspicion and results of specific lab tests
adults over 50 of age or older with unexplained encephalis or menintigits in later summer/fall
-l (dead birds)
Dengue fever symptoms
Dengue Fever- fever, muslce/bone pain, joint pain and lymphadenopathy
Dengue hemorrhagic
fever or dengue shock syndrome- occur when antibody against one serotype infected with another serotype-see increased infection macrophages causing more inflammatory cytokine release- rupture vaculature, internal bleeding, plasma loss, shock–mortality
occur when antibody against one serotype infected with another serotype-see increased infection macrophages causing more inflammatory cytokine release- rupture vaculature, internal bleeding, plasma loss, shock–mortality
Dengue shock syndrome
Test for Dengue
ELISA for antibody (determine sertoype),
positive tourniquet test (cause petechiae due to weak vasculature)
Control of Dengue fever
Preventing by controling vector (mosquito)
Dengue Emerge due to
increased range vector (serotypes spreading)
How many serotypes are there for dengue
What is bad about receiving mom’s antiBs in regards to denguq
they can act like the non-neutralizing antiB and complex with another dengue strain
Infected monocytes release vasoactive mediators that cause
increae vascular pemeability and hemorhhage
when we have complex of non-neutralizing antiB and a 2nd denguq vrus
(DF) or breakbone fever and fever, muslces/ bone pain, joint pain and lymphadenopathy
dengue fever
recap on dengue shock syndrome
1st infetion, Dengue 1 we have the Neutralizing antiB to type 1 Dengue virus as well as non-neutralizing antiB
2nd infection w/ dif serotype→ see a complex of non-neutralizing antiB from 1st infeciton complexes with 2nd virus: facilitates uptake of virus by macrophage or increased entry into productive infection of mononuclear cells (this antibody can be maternal antibody)
*the incted monocytes release vasoactive mediators and inrease vascular permeability—hemorrhage
Diagnosis of Dengue hemorhagic fever
Relatively rare disease occuring in Africa and was first isolated in 1958 in lab monkeys but later shown to infect other animals, including the African squirrel
Poxvirus with first human case identified in 1970 but not generally fatal, do see deaths in Africa
-Outbreak of moneypox occurred in US midwest, inclduing 39 cases in WI
Why were pet owners in WI getting monkepox
African squirrel→ African Rats→ Prarier dogs they were house with→ went to pet owners
Incubation of monkeypox
12 days
Symptoms of monkeypox
fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph, fatigue
1-3 days past point of fever starting, rash develops—rasied bumps filled with fluid, will crust, scab and fall off
-Illness for 2-4 weeks
What happens 1-3 days after you start getting a fever from monkeypox?
raised rash with bumps that fill up and crust
duration of moneypox
2-4 weeks
little girl gets new prairie dog pet, stars to feel shiity with fever headache… 1-3 days after that she gets raised, pustule filled bumps
monkey pox shares aintigenicty to ______ so we can controll monkey box with this vaccine
small pox
last STD emerging diease d/t lifestype/trave/sex trade