What is the mission of the assault amphibian battalion?
To land the surface assault elements of the landing force and their equipment in a single lift from assault shipping during amphibious operations to inland objectives and to conduct mechanized operations and related combat support in subsequent operations ashore.
How is the amphibian battalion organized?
H&S company and four assault amphibian companies
What is the concept of employment for amphib battalion?
assigned to or in support of MAGTF to provide ship-to-shore lift capability during amphibious assault
What is the primary mission of the AAVP7A1?
Armored assault amphibious full-tracked landing vehicle to carry troops from ship to shore and to inland objectives
What is the cruising range of an AAV?
Land at 25MPH: 300mi, Water at 2600rpm 7hrs
What is the cruising speed of an AAV?
Land: 20-30mph, Water: 6mph
What is the maximum speed forward of an AAV?
Land: 45mph
Water: 8.2mph
What is the maximum speed reverse of an AAV?
Land: 12mph, Water: 4.5mph
What are the armaments on the AAVP7A1
.50 cal, MK 19 MOD3 40mm Machine gun
What is the troop capacity on the AAVP7A1?
21 combat-equipped troops @ 285lbs
How many crew members on an AAVP7A1 & AAVC7A1?
What is the primary mission AAVC7A1?
Provide a mobile task force communication center from ship to shore and to objectives once ashore
What does the comm center consist of?
5 radio operator stations, 3 staff stations, 2 master stations
What armament is equipped with the AAVC7A1?
7.62 Machine gun
What is the primary mission of the AAVR7A1?
Designed to recover similar or smaller-sized vehicles. Provides field support maintenance
How many crew members are on the AAVR7A1?
What armament is equipped with the AAVR7A1?
M60D Machine gun
Amphib battalion has how many of each type of AAV?
AAVP7 = 213
AAVC7 = 14
AAVR7 = 6