What does the term RM stand for?
Risk Management
What is the purpose of the RM process?
To increase the ability to make informed decisions and minimize risks to acceptable levels
How does RM enhance readiness by improving mission success?
By increasing the probability of success in task or mission accomplishment
What does RM provide to manage resources effectively?
A method to minimize risk to acceptable levels commensurate with the benefit or value of mission accomplishment
How does RM improve decision-making skills?
Through a systematic, reasoned, and repeatable process
What structure does RM provide for risk assessments?
A systematic structure
How does RM boost individual confidence?
By providing improved confidence to make informed risk decisions through adequate risk analysis
What does RM help preserve?
Personnel and materiel by avoiding unnecessary risk and reducing mishaps
What adaptive feature does RM offer during operations?
Continuous feedback through planning, preparation, and execution phases
What does RM identify when specific standards are absent?
Feasible and effective control measures
Does RM inhibit flexibility or initiative?
No, it does not inhibit flexibility, initiative, or accountability
Does RM aim to eliminate all risk?
No, it does not remove risk altogether or support a “zero defect” mindset
What is the first principle of RM regarding risk acceptance?
Accept risk when benefits outweigh the cost
What does the Fleet Marine Force Manual I say about risk and gain?
Greater potential gain normally requires greater risk
What is the goal of RM in relation to risk?
To manage risk so the mission can be accomplished with minimal loss
What does the second principle of RM advise against?
Accepting unnecessary risk
How should risks be controlled according to the third principle?
By anticipating and managing them through planning
Who should make risk decisions per the fourth principle?
The leader directly responsible for the operation
What should a leader do if risk exceeds their control level?
Elevate the decision to their chain of command
What characterizes the In-depth level of RM?
Thorough risk assessment when time is not a limiting factor
What tools are used in In-depth RM?
Research, diagrams, analysis tools, trends, formal testing, and long-term hazard tracking
When is the Deliberate level of RM applied?
When there is ample time to apply the RM process to mission planning
What is an example of Deliberate RM integration?
USMC Rapid Response Planning Process (R2P2)
What defines the Time Critical level of RM?
On-the-spot mental or verbal review during execution with little time to plan
What tool facilitates RM at the Time Critical level?
Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM) ABCD Model
What is the first step in the RM five-step process?
Identifying hazards
How is a Preliminary Hazard Analysis conducted?
By listing hazards and their causes for each step in an operational analysis
What is assessed for each hazard in the second RM step?
Degree of risk in terms of probability and severity
What is the first action in making risk decisions?
Developing risk control options starting with the most serious risk
What decision follows selecting risk controls?
Determining if the benefit outweighs the risk
What is the purpose of implementing controls in RM?
To eliminate hazards or reduce the degree of risk
What does the supervising step in RM involve?
Follow-up evaluations to ensure controls remain effective and monitoring for changes
What does head protection PPE safeguard against?
Impact, penetration, and electric shock
When must safety helmets be worn?
In head-hazardous areas during the entire work shift or upon entry
What noise levels require hearing protection?
Greater than 84 dBA (8-hour TWA) or 140 dB peak sound pressure level
When is double hearing protection required?
In areas exceeding 104 dBA (8-hour TWA) sound level
Who must wear foot protection?
Personnel in foot-hazardous operations or areas
What are examples of foot-hazardous operations?
Construction, material handling, maintenance, and transportation
Who is required to wear eye protection?
Personnel in eye-hazardous areas or within the hazard radius of such operations
What defines hazardous material?
Material that may pose a substantial hazard to human health or the environment due to its characteristics
What is hazardous waste?
Discarded material meeting the definition of hazardous material or designated as such by regulatory authorities
What is the purpose of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
To provide technical information about materials for safe handling and use
What information is contained in an MSDS?
Composition, chemical and physical characteristics, health and safety hazards, and precautions
Where must MSDSs be maintained?
Aboard through the Hazardous Material Information System (HMIS) or as hard copies
Who must be trained on MSDS before using hazardous materials?
All personnel handling hazardous materials