11.4 Spanning Tree Configuration Flashcards
Switch(config)#spanning-tree mode {pvst|rapid-pvst|mst}
Sets the spanning tree mode.
Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan [1-4094] root primary
Forces the switch to be the root of the spanning tree.
Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan [1-4094] cost [1 - 200000000]
Sets the cost manually. The cost range value depends on the path-cost calculation method:
Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan [1-4094] priority [0-61440]
Sets the bridge priority number manually:
Switch(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast
Enables PortFast on the interface. When the PortFast feature is enabled, the interface changes directly from a blocking state to a forwarding state without making the intermediate spanning-tree state changes.
Switch(config)#spanning-tree uplinkfast
Enables UplinkFast to accelerate the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when the spanning tree reconfigures itself.
Switch(config)#no spanning-tree vlan [1-4094]
Disables spanning tree on the selected VLAN
Switch#show spanning-tree
Shows spanning tree configuration information
Switch#show spanning-tree vlan [1-4094] root
Shows information about the root bridge for a specific VLAN.
Switch#show spanning-tree vlan [1-4094] root
Shows information about the root bridge for a specific VLAN. Information shown
Switch#show spanning-tree vlan [1-4094] bridge
Shows spanning tree configuration information about the local switch for the specified VLAN. Information includes the local bridge ID, including the priority and MAC address.