1135 Flashcards
What three things do every state have written?
Representative lawmaking body
A governer
Who only has a unicameral legislature, and who only has a legal system based on Roman law rather than on English common law
Nebraska… Louisiana
The state constitutions are more detailed and rigid than which constitution
Federal Constitution
What are both county and municipal government classified as
Local governments
Which governments have the responsibility of police fire protection; which governments for the most part are responsible for road construction and maintenance and the operation of school systems
Police… state
In some area that has been formed by merging town cities and counties
Metropolitan area
When are the congressional elections held
The Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even numbered years
How often does a specific Congress exists and how often do they meet during that time
2 years… twice
Both houses of Congress have a system of… And customs to help them carry out their tasks
Where must renevue bills originate
The house of representatives
In the house, who sets the time allotted for debate and limitations on changes to a bill
The rules committee
What is debate in the Senate not subject to; what is the tactic use one senator sometimes attempt to delay or stall and action on a bill
Time limit… Filibuster
Of the two houses of Congress which is the one only to have a continuous existence
The Senate
Person who works or speaks for specific interest group
Process of submitting to a direct vote of citizens
Several individuals who share one or more common goals and who seek to influence government decisions
Special interest group
Person who examines and trucks business account
All limiting time on debates in the Senate
To put something aside and ignore it
Revising of legislative representation by redrawing election districts
Close meeting of the members of a political party
Having to do with the governor
Right to send official Mail without cost
Franking privilege
Process of proposing legislation by petition
Person currently holding a political office
Failure of the president to act on a bill within 10 days of Congress adjournment
Pocket veto