1123 Flashcards
Who wrote the wealth of Nations?
Adam Smith
Who helped organize the Moravian Church?
Count van Zinzendorf
Who devoted his life to mission work among the Indians?
David Brainerd
Who unify the local revivals into the great awakening?
George Whitefield
Who founded the bohemian brethren?
John Huss
Who preached sinners in the hands of an angry God?
Jonathan Edwards
You started the log college and school for preachers?
William tenet
What are for movements that affected world history from the 15th to the 18th century?
Western exploration
And enlightenment
What are three items taxed under the importation act?
Sugar molasses and rum
Who were the two English antagonist of colonists?
King George the third and the Parliament
What was America’s oldest popular assembly?
Who was the first American to shed his blood in the war for independence?
Crispus attucks
What colonists applauded the Boston tea party?
Who said the famous words give me liberty or give me death?
Patrick Henry
Who were the three men who attempted to Warren concord of the events of the British soldier?
William Dawes Paul revere and Dr. Samuel Prescott
Where was the shot heard around the world fired up?
Lexington green
Who was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army?
George Washington
What battle was really fight at Breeds hill?
Battle of Bunker Hill
Who’s writings was influenced by the declaration of independence?
John Locke
Who was the American spy who was captured and put to death by the British?
Nathan hale
What was the turning point of the war of independence?
What was the name of the ship that John Paul Jones commanded?
The Bonhomme Richard Bahon
What was the name of the first American submarine?
The turtle
Who surrender at Yorktown ended the war for independence?
Lord Cornwallis
Who helped the Americans cause with financial gift and expertise?
Haym Salomen