1130 Flashcards
Frederick Schleiermarcher has been called the “father of modern what
The major adoption or debate between the conservatives in the liberals and the 19th and 20th centuries concern the inerrancy of what
Albrecht Ritschl was responsible for the paving the way for the what movement
Social gospel
“In the beginning God” are the first four words in the book of
All Scripture is what by God
Who used natural selection as another term for survival of the fittest and his theory of evolution
Charles Darwin
According to the Bible who is made in the image of God
The father of communism is generally considered to be who
Karl Marx
Communism hoped to destroy the church and the wet
The term what was derived from a series of 12 pamphlets and tile the fundamentals: a testimony to church
Those who favored a social gospel believe that man was inherrantly what
Washington Gladden espoused what christianity
The idea of an American frontier came to an official and buy what
During the Cuban 10 years war general Valeriano Weyler y Nicholau was known by the epithet what
William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were to publishers of the yellow press his newspapers printed exaggerated accounts of Spanish atrocities in what
Reverend Joe Seiyu strong advocated that what take up the so-called white man’s burden
The first important battle of the Spanish American war was fought in the what
Admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete commanded the Spanish what
Atlantic fleet
Colonel Leonhard wood and Lieutenant colonel Theodore Roosevelt were the 2 Leaders of the famous what regiment
Rough rider
First Lieutenant John J Pershing’s African-American regiment rescued the Roughriders at what in Cuba
San Juan Hill
The American invasion of what was led by major general Nelson a miles
Puerto Rico
Who are United States Army engineer was in charge of the construction of the Panama Canal
George Goethals
A movement of change for the better meant of society is termed what
Who were probed social problems in great detail and often get exaggerated accounts were called MuckRackers
Robert M Lafollett sir let a group of progressive Republicans in the Senate known as the what
Who became president when President McKinley was assassinated
Theodore Roosevelt
What summed up Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign-policy
“Speak softly and carry a big stick”
A large monopoly is called a what
Theater Roosevelt bull moose party was known as the work party
Because of the split in the Republican Party what the Democratic party candidate won the election in 1912
Woodrow Wilson
What three populist progressive enactments in 1913 totally affected this country
Income tax
direct election of Senators
the Federal Reserve system
List the five fundamental doctrine is considered by the Niagara conferees to be essential to Christianity
The inerrancy of the Bible The virgin birth and deity of Christ The substitutionary atonement The bodily resurrection The physical second coming