1128 Flashcards
The protestant reformation officially began in 1517 when who posted his 95 theses
Martin Luther
Who devoted his life to working out and orderly system of theology
John Calvin
Who let the re-formation movement in Switzerland
Huldreich Zwingli
Who produced a hand written English translation of the Bible he was called the MorningStar of re-formation
John Wicliff
The What in France where the followers of John Calvin
Who was a Bohemian influenced by the Lollard movement and burned at the stake for his believes his ideas influenced Martin Luther
John Huss
Who published the first printed a new testament in the English language
William Tyndale
Who produced the first printed translation of the entire Bible and English
Miles Coverdale
The What “or breeches” Bible was popular with the early American Puritans
Who wrote the wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Who wrote the book the law
Cloud Frederick bastiat
Who has been called the father of the American factory system
Samuel Slater
What was the largest factory complex under one roof in the world
Amoskeage manufacturing company
Who is credited with inventing the first successful steamboat
Robert Fulton
Who devised a technique of using interchangeable parts
Eli Whitney
Who invented the electric lightbulb and the phonograph
Thomas Edison
Who invented the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Who introduced mass production to the automobile
Henry ford
Orville Wright made the first manned flight in the biplane named the what
The standard oil company was founded by who
John D Rockefeller
Samuel FB Morse is credited with inventing the what and Morse code
Electric telegraph
James cash Penny named his first dry goods store the what
“Golden rule”
Who began the famous chain of Kentucky fried chicken franchises
Colonel Harlan D Sanders
Who open the first department store
John Wanamaker
Mary Crowley founded what
Home interiors and gifts
Who surrendered his life to preach and pastored Broadway tabernacle in New York City
Charles G Finney
Who’s revival campaigns simply stress the “old fashioned” gospel
Dwight L Moody’s
Who was associated with Moody Bible Institute and the Bible Institute of loss Angeles (BIOLA)
R.A. Torrey
Who is known as the “fastest man in baseball” before he was saved at Pacific Garden Mission and entered full-time Christian service
Billy Sunday
“He exults Christ and fights with all his might” is descriptive of the ministry of who
Mordecai ham
Who conducted his first evangelistic meeting at age 14 and later started a Christian school to train America’s youth
Bob Jones
Who is save that age 16 and a revival service conducted by Mordecai
Billy Graham