11.30: Sleep Apnea Flashcards
What is sleep disordered breathing and 3 types?
- OSA: due to upper airway obstruction during sleep
- Central sleep apnea: failure of brain to initiate respiration: CHF of CNS disease
- Obesity-hypoventilation syndrome: almost all have OSA but hypoventilate even when awake
Physiology of OSA?
- Fall asleep and tongue falls backwards against posterior nasopharynx causing apnea
- Chest/abdomen still moving trying to breathe creating negative pressure in trachea sucking tongue back
- Body will wake up with gasp / snore in which you sleep normal for a bit
What is apnea?
- 10 second period of complete airflow cessation
What is a polysomnogram?
- Test performed on ptn when you suspect OSA
Difference on polysomnogram between OSA and central apnea?
- In central apnea there is NO thoracic effort during period of apnea
Difference in treating types of apnea?
- All the same
- Give cPAP “Continuous positive airway pressure”
- Tell to lose weight
What is hypopnea?
Partial reduction in airflow
Metric in polysomnogram?
AHI: “Apnea-hypopnea index”
- Combined 10 second periods of the two
- 0 - 5 is normal
Risk factors or OSA?
- Obesity
- Large neck > 17in
- Htn
- Older males
- High mallampati classification
What is mallampati classification?
- 1 to 4 scale of space between uvula and tongue
- Higher the scale, less the space
Risk factors of central sleep apnea?
2. Central nervous disease
Consequences of sleep apnea?
- Terribly poor sleep from brain activation
a. Daytime hypersomnolence
b. Intellectual impairment - Repeated episodes of hypoxia
a. Leads to pulm htn. from pulm vasoconstriction
b. Polycythemia
What is hypersomnolence?
- Falling asleep when you shouldn’t
- EG, fall asleep talking to someone
Impact of OSA treatment on CHF?
- Decreases risk
Sleep apnea weight loss?
- Weight loss
- AVOID sedatives
- Treat nasal congestion
- Avoid sleeping on back
How is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea different from OSA?
- These patients are actually waking up in the middle of the night short of breath
What is leading cause of cancer death in men and women?
Lung cancer
Screening rationale for catching lung cancer?
- Good to catch it early to increase survival synce stage I is asymptomatic
- However, Lung cancer will be around for long time before detectable on imaging with high chance of metastasizing during this time
- Screening has shown no impact on lung cancer mortality: just knew you had it for longer period of time
What is lead time bias?
- Screening for cancer makes it appear as ptns. survive for longer periods of time
- In reality you are just discovering it earlier since it takes long time for ptn. to present with symptoms
What is growth time bias?
- Screening is catching the slow growing cancers making it look like survival is longer
- In the control group without screening you are just detecting the fast growing tumors that present which in fact are the most deadly
- *It is not the screening that is increasing survival it is the rates of growth of the two different tumors you are detecting
What does USPSTF recommend?
NOT to screen for lung cancer!!!
Is calcified lesion worrisome in lungs?
- NO!
- We are worried about non calcified lesions in lung
- Is considered worrisome in breast
What is LDCT?
- Low dose cat scan w/o contrast
What does USPSTF recommend?
- Annual LDCT for ptn 55-80 w/ 30 pack year history smoking and have not quit in last 15 years