11.30: Pleural Disease Flashcards
Normal volume / function of pleural fluid?
- 100cc
- Lung’s elastic recoil makes them want to collapse
- Ribs have the desire to expand
- This tugging pulls fluid into pleural space
Which pleura is innervated?
- Only the parietal, the visceral is not
- Important when draining fluid, ptn cannot feel if you poke lung if you hit visceral pleura
Blood supply to visceral pleura?
Arterial: bronchial and pulm arteries
Venous: through pulmonary veins to LA
Blood supply to parietal pleura?
Arterial: intercostals off aorta
Venous: through IVC to RA
What happens in primary left heart failure?
- Extra fluid left in LV at end of diastole increase EDP
- Pressure transferred back into pulm veins to alveoli leading to pulm edema AND movement of fluid into pleural space
- Typically effusion is larger on the right
What happens in pulm htn?
- Pleural effusion should not occur
- Back up is before blood gets to interstitium so blood should back up into IVC/SVC
- Leads to Cor pulmonale
- **Pulm htn. can made left sided effusion worse since parietal pleura drains to IVC
Normal pressure in pleural space?
- Negative 5 due to competing recoils of lungs and ribs
What can cause pleural fluid formation?
- Leaky pleura: inflammation
2. Changes in hydrostatic or oncotic pressure
Definition of pleural effusion?
- Extra fluid in the pleural space
Symptoms of pleural effusion?
- None
- Pain: more likely if small as pain is from surfaces rubbing together, large effusion pushes them apart
- Dyspnea
- Respiratory failure
Exam findings in pleural effusion?
- Dullness to percussion: when tapping in chest
- Decreased breath sounds
- Decreased tactile fremitus
- Egophony- > E - A change
* ***Always need to be verified with cxr
Signs of pleural effusion on cxr?
- Blunting of angle (costo phrenic angle of diaphragm)
- Meniscus sign at top
- White out
What can cause white out?
- Massive pleural effusion
- Atelectasis: lung has lost all its air
* *During effusion trache will be pushed a bit away from fluid moving it
- Will be pulled to opposite side in atelectasis
Different between “White out” from massive effusion and atelectasis?
Effusion: trachea is being pushed AWAY from white out by fluid
Atelectasis: Trachea is being pulled TOWARDS white out
How to tell if white on xray is from fluid?
- Have ptn take x ray in lateral decubitus
- Fluid should FLOW towards side of ptn on the table
What are loculations?
- Fluid should NORMALLY flow to diaphragm if free flowing due to gravity
- Loculations or adhesions between pleura TRAP fluid from draining with gravity
- ***Usually this is caused by inflammation which is hard to treat with antibiotics, surgical procedure could be needed to drain
- Might be harder to hit with needle and pockets pay be different
What is thoracentesis?
- Numb skin and place needle OVER ribs to drain fluid
- Can be done to diagnose or treat
Why is it important to go OVER rib in thoracentesis?
- Neurovascular bundle runs under the rib
- Important not to hit these arteries / nerves
What can lead to leaky pleural place?
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Cancer
What can lead to increase pulm capillary pressure?
- LV failure
What can lead to decreased pleural pressure?
- Atelectasis
What can lead decreases plump cap oncotic pressure?
- Cirrhosis
- Malnutrition
Diagnostic categories of pleural effusion?
- Leaky pleural space
- Increase pulm cap pressure
- Decreased pleural pressure
- Decreased cap oncotic pressure
- Direct entry of ascitic, blood, lymph, or gastric fluid
What is transudate?
- Nothing wrong with pleural space itself, there is just pressure gradient change