1.12 第十二課 - 你怎麼安排休閒生活 Flashcards
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現代 4/4
xiandai AT/N: modern / the present age
休閒 1/2
xiuxian - AT: leisure time
重視 4/4
zhongshi - V: to pay attention to, to emphasize
放假 4/4
fangjia - VO: to be on holiday, to declare a holiday
平淡 2/4
pingdan - SV: to be dull, to be ordinary, to be commonplace
增加 1/1
zengjia - V: to increase, to add
樂趣 4/4
lequ - N: delight, pleasure
再說 4/1
zaishuo - Conj/V: and, moreover, furthermore / to talk about, to discuss
一般來說 4/1 2/1
yiban-laishuo - IE: generally speaking
種類 3/4
zhonglei - N: kinds, categories, types
五花八門 3/1 1/2
wuhua-bamen - IE: rich in variety, multifarious
喜愛 3/4
xiai - SV: to be fond of, to love
戶外 4/4
huwai - N: outdoors
大自然 4/4/2
daziran - N: nature
郊遊 1/2
jiaoyou - N/V: an outing, an excursion / to tour
露營 4/2
luying - VO: to go camping, to camp out
刺激 4/1
ciji - V/N/SV: to irritate, to excite, to stimulate, to provoke / stimulation / be excited, be irritated
qianshui - N/VO: diving / to