1.09 第九課 - 延長簽證 Flashcards
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簽證 1/4
qianzheng - N/VO: a visa / to apply for a visa
延長 2/2
yanchang - V: to extend, to prolong
終於 1/2
zhongyu - Adv: finally, at last
實現 2/4
shixian - V: to realize, to achieve, (of a dream) to come true
留學 2/2
liuxue - VO: to study abroad
願望 4/4
yuanwang - N: a desire, a wish, a hope
選擇 3/2
xuanze V/N: to choose, to select / a choice
認真 4/1
renzhen - SV: to be conscientious, to take something seriously
再加上 4/1/4
zai jiashang - Conj: in addition, moreover
努力 3/4
nuli - SV: to make great efforts, to work hard
一轉眼 4/3/3
yizhuanyan - Adv: in the twinkling of an eye, in an instant
必須 4/1
bixu - AV: must, to have to
趕快 3/4
gankuai - Adv: to hurry, immediately
警察局 3/2/2
jingchaju - N: the police station
外事處 4/4/4
waishichu - N: foreign affairs section
辦理 4/3
banli - V: to handle, to transact, to take care of
手續 3/4
shouxu - N: procedures, formalities
先 1
xian - Adv/BF: first; earlier, before
申請 1/3
shenqing - V: to apply for
在學證明書 4/2 4/2/1
zaixue zhengmingshu - NP: a certificate of enrollment
出席記錄表 1/2 4/4/3
chuxi jilubiao - NP: a record of attendance
護照 4/4
huzhao - N: a passport
文件 2/4
wenjian - N: documents, papers
填 2
tian - V: to fill out; to stuff; to fill in
簽名 1/2
qianming - VO: to sign, to autograph
然後 2/4
ranhou - Adv: afterwards, then
交給 1/3
jiaogei - V: to turn in, to hand over
辦事員 4/4/2
banshiyuan - N: a office worker, a clerk
證件 4/4
zhengjian - N: papers, credentials, certificates
字 4
zi - N: a written Chinese character; a word
漂亮 4/4
piaoliang - SV: to be beautiful, good-looking, splendid
不好意思 4/3 4/5
buhao-yisi - SV: to feel embarrassed
些 1
xie - M: some
完全 2/2
wanquan - Adv/SV: completely, absolutely / to be complete
問題 4/2
wenti - N: a question, a problem
這麼 4/5
zheme - Adv: so, such (usually regarding ones own affairs/opinion) vs 那麼 used for someone else’s affairs/opinions
順利 4/4
shunli - SV: smooth going; without a hitch
緊張 3/1
jinzhang - SV: nervous
流利 2/4
liuli - SV: to be fluent
幸虧 4/1
xingkui - Adv: fortunately, thanks to
耐心 4/1
naixin - N: patience
並 4
bing - Adv/Conj: (not) at all (used before negative for emphasis)
想像 3/4
xiangxiang - V: to imagine, to visualize
難 2
nan - SV: to be difficult